
Autodescription — Q15222213/CLASS

description: no description
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Classification of the class Q15222213/class
For help about classification, see Wikidata:Classification.
Parent classes (classes of items which contain this one item)
The ID "Q15222213/class" is unknown to the system. Please use a valid entity ID.
Subclasses (classes which contain special kinds of items of this class)
Q15222213/CLASS⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
Generic queries for classes

=== Union and disjoint queries===The ID "Q15222213/class" is unknown to the system. Please use a valid entity ID.The ID "Q15222213/class" is unknown to the system. Please use a valid entity ID.

See also

Property Data type description required
instance of (P31) Item that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform) yes
creator (P170) Item maker of this creative work or other object (where no more specific property exists) yes
creator's signature (P7457) Commons media file image of the artist's mark on the work that identifies their work no
title (P1476) Monolingual text published name of a work, such as a newspaper article, a literary work, piece of music, a website, or a performance work no
inception (P571) Point in time time when an entity begins to exist; for date of official opening use P1619 yes
depicts (P180) Item entity visually depicted in an image, literarily described in a work, or otherwise incorporated into an audiovisual or other medium; see also P921, 'main subject' no
shown with features (P1354) Item secondary features depicted in a work. Use as qualifier for "depicts" (P180) no
depicts Iconclass notation (P1257) String Iconclass code depicted in an artwork, for linking Iconclass codes with their corresponding artistic themes or concepts, use P1256 (Iconclass notation) no
made from material (P186) Item material the subject or the object is made of or derived from (do not confuse with P10672 which is used for processes) yes
fabrication method (P2079) Item method, process or technique used to grow, cook, weave, build, assemble, manufacture the item no
height (P2048) Quantity vertical length of an entity no
width (P2049) Quantity width of an object no
thickness (P2610) Quantity extent from one surface to the opposite no
commissioned by (P88) Item person or organization that commissioned this work no
location of creation (P1071) Item place where the item was conceived or made; where applicable, location of final assembly
owned by (P127) Item owner of the subject no
coordinates of the point of view (P1259) Geographic coordinates point from which the scene depicted by the element is seen (element can be a photo, a painting, etc.) no
collection (P195) Item art, museum, archival, or bibliographic collection the subject is part of no
inventory number (P217) String identifier for a physical object or a set of physical objects in a collection no
catalog code (P528) String catalog name of an object, use with qualifier P972 no
significant event (P793) Item significant or notable events associated with the subject no
location (P276) Item location of the object, structure or event. In the case of an administrative entity as containing item use P131. For statistical entities use P8138. In the case of a geographic entity use P706. Use P7153 for locations associated with the object no
coordinate location (P625) Geographic coordinates geocoordinates of the subject. For Earth, please note that only WGS84 coordinating system is supported at the moment no
inscription (P1684) Monolingual text inscriptions, markings and signatures on an object no
exhibition history (P608) Item exhibitions where the item is or was displayed no
image (P18) Commons media file image of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image) no
image with frame (P7420) Commons media file media file of painting or other 2D artwork with its frame or more of its surroundings included no
image of backside (P7417) Commons media file image of the reverse side of this "2D" object no
genre (P136) Item creative work's genre or an artist's field of work (P101). Use main subject (P921) to relate creative works to their topic no
movement (P135) Item literary, artistic, scientific or philosophical movement or scene associated with this person or work. For political ideologies use P1142. no
main subject (P921) Item primary topic of a work (see also P180: depicts) no
based on (P144) Item the work(s) used as the basis for subject item no
inspired by (P941) Item work, human, place or event which inspired this creative work or fictional entity no
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