Topic on User talk:MisterSynergy

Tol (talkcontribs)

Hi, MisterSynergy! Your bot's task 6 (Wikidata:Requests for deletions archiving) has not run for more than a day now. Could you please make the bot run again? Thanks!

MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the notice.

Some of my other bot jobs seem to be failing as well, but I can't figure out what's on since I only have a mobile device with Internet access available right now. Maybe tomorrow or on Tuesday I can have a close look.

Tol (talkcontribs)

No problem; thanks!

MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

Seems to be running again. No idea what went wrong.

Tol (talkcontribs)

Well; I suppose this is resolved, then. Let's hope it continues working!

Tol (talkcontribs)

Any update? It hasn't worked for a few days again. Even when it was working, it was skipping some scheduled runs.

MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

I still don't know what's on since I was not yet able to investigate it. Seems like some problem with the Kubernetes config at Toolforge, as all of my jobs are affected---not just this one.

So, I ran the script manually again, which is a matter of a minute or so. If there is a significant backlog, please drop a comment here. I will be unable to have a closer look for some more days, but I am checking in regularly and can run this manually occasionally.

Tol (talkcontribs)

Thanks. My bot didn't run yesterday because I didn't set everything up properly after migrating from Debian Stretch to Buster, but if you run it on Kubernetes, then I don't think that should affect you. If you could share your PAWS file, then I could just run it myself when there's a backlog.

MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

The modern version of the script is on Toolforge at /data/project/msynbot/pywikibot_tasks/rfd-archiver/ As a Toolforge user, you should be able to read and copy it, and it requires Python 3.9 at least.

A very old test version is at PAWS here: It works, but I have not maintained it for a while.

Tol (talkcontribs)

Alright; thanks. I've copied the file.

Tol (talkcontribs)

The bot hasn't run for a day again; I manually archived. Do you mind if I set up my bot to do archiving?

MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

I woundn't mind. Actually, I took on this job when another bot broke a while ago, and the maintainer wasn't able to fix the problem quickly. Here, I am sure that I will be able to fix this eventually, but right now real life does not allow me to do this immediately. So, please let me know when you are ready with an approved task so that I can deactivate my job.

Tol (talkcontribs)
Reply to "MsynBot Task 6"