Translations:Wikidata:Tools/OpenRefine/Editing/Tutorials/Working with APIs/27/en

Now, we are not quite done because our table has a record structure: some of the cells in the researcher column are empty (when a researcher has multiple employers on their profile). Because schema evaluation works row-wise, the corresponding statements are currently skipped (because their subject is empty). To fix that, we can use the Fill down command (from the Edit cells menu of the researcher column). This will spread the values down the records. You should also do this for the "orcid" column, because these values are used in references. Once this is done, you can preview the edits in the Preview tab, and upload them with the Upload edits to Wikidata option of the Wikidata menu in the top right corner. You should get edits like this or that. Note that as these edits introduce multiple statements at once, their automatic edit summaries are less informative, so it is important to specify a meaningful edit summary to compensate for that.

OpenRefine Wikidata advanced editing tutorial, preview of edits adding affiliation information to researchers.
OpenRefine Wikidata advanced editing tutorial, preview of edits adding affiliation information to researchers.