User:Battleofalma/Congruence Engine/Textile Machinery

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Current state of textile equipment on Wikidata edit

Some queries to get a sense of what we have in terms of textile equipment, mills, and related things on Wikidata.

Looms or subclasses of looms.

SELECT DISTINCT ?object ?objectLabel  

WHERE { ?object wdt:P31 / wdt:P279? wd:Q173056 . #Looms or subclasses of
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

Weaving tools or subclasses of that (more results).

SELECT DISTINCT ?object ?objectLabel  

WHERE { ?object wdt:P31 / wdt:P279? wd:Q123909494 . #Weaving tools or subclasses of
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

Things which "has use" "combing"

SELECT DISTINCT ?object ?objectLabel  

WHERE { ?object wdt:P366 wd:Q3491532 . #Weaving tools or subclasses of
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

Textile machines or subclasses of that (more results).

SELECT DISTINCT ?object ?objectLabel  

WHERE { ?object wdt:P31 / wdt:P279? wd:Q1573728 . #Weaving tools or subclasses of
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

Things called a "loom"

VALUES ?prop {wdt:P279 wdt:P31}
?thing ?prop wd:Q173056; 
  rdfs:label ?name FILTER (lang(?name)="en") FILTER STRENDS(?name, " loom")
} ORDER BY ?name
Try it!

Things which are a "facet of" "textile manufacturing"

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel #added a Label here

WHERE { ?item wdt:P1269 wd:Q1505660  . #facet of textile manufacturing 
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } #added labelservice here
Try it!

Things called a "loom" that have an inventory number OR a Science Museum Group ID

SELECT DISTINCT ?thingLabel ?name ?ID ?ID2 WHERE {
VALUES ?prop {wdt:P279 wdt:P31}
?thing ?prop wd:Q173056; 
  rdfs:label ?name FILTER (lang(?name)="en") FILTER STRENDS(?name, " loom") #this is case sensitive! 
{ ?thing wdt:P8694 ?ID .} # has SMG ID
{ ?thing wdt:P217 ?ID2 . } # has inventory number of any kind
} ORDER BY ?name
Try it!

Search by use edit

Something that has use: weaving.

SELECT DISTINCT ?object ?objectLabel  

WHERE { ?object (wdt:P366) wd:Q192296 . #has use, weaving
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

Activities edit

Activity 1 edit

1. Run this query for textile machinery with "loom" in the name.

The following query uses these:

2. Find something in a collection that is a "loom". This could be something online, like that can be found in the Science Museum Collection online or from the Bradford Industrial Museum or Woolen Museum in this spreadsheet

3. Create a Wikidata item for the object you have chosen.

4. Add the object's inventory number and/or if it's in the Science Museum Collection add its Science Museum Group ID. Add any other relevant properties to it.

5. Add the Q number to this spreadsheet.

6. Wait a few minutes for the query service to update the cache of Wikidata it is searching from...

7. Run the same query again, your items should start to show up.

The following query uses these:

8. You can also run this query, as new items are added and I populate it, it should show a graph of the things we have created

The following query uses these:

Features: Graph (Q24515287)     

SELECT ?item1 ?image ?item1Label ?item2 ?image2 ?item2Label ?edgeLabel ?logo2Label 
VALUES ?item1 {wd:Q125808087 wd:Q125807993 wd:Q173056 wd:Q116248865 wd:Q192296 wd:Q674773} #list of things depicted and connected, deities, museums, countries etc
} } AS %item1
WITH {SELECT (?item1 AS ?item2) WHERE {INCLUDE %item1} } AS %item2
  INCLUDE %item1.
  INCLUDE %item2.?item1 ?prop ?item2.
?edge ?dummy ?prop ; rdf:type wikibase:Property
OPTIONAL {?item1 wdt:P18 ?image}
OPTIONAL {?item2 wdt:P18 ?image2}
OPTIONAL {?item2 wdt:P154 ?logo2} 
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }

General Activity edit

  • Add "connecting tissue", is there a type of machine or thing that does not exist? Create it, add it to the spreadsheet.
  • Add different terminology in the alias label section of existing items.
  • Are we lacking a property? propose it.
  • Try writing queries, this is a very basic list that can be modified.
  • If you want, add the Qnumbers you create to the below query but also relevant items like places, people, etc, this will help us visualise them and see where the connecting tissue might be missing.

The following query uses these:

Features: Graph (Q24515287)     

SELECT ?item1 ?image ?item1Label ?item2 ?image2 ?item2Label ?edgeLabel ?logo2Label 
VALUES ?item1 {wd:Q125808087 wd:Q125807993 wd:Q173056 wd:Q116248865 wd:Q192296 wd:Q674773} # <-ADD YOUR CREATED ITEMS IN HERE
WITH {SELECT (?item1 AS ?item2) WHERE {INCLUDE %item1} } AS %item2
  INCLUDE %item1.
  INCLUDE %item2.?item1 ?prop ?item2.
?edge ?dummy ?prop ; rdf:type wikibase:Property
OPTIONAL {?item1 wdt:P18 ?image}
OPTIONAL {?item2 wdt:P18 ?image2}
OPTIONAL {?item2 wdt:P154 ?logo2} 
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }

Resources edit

Tutorials edit