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 * Script to allow adding edit summaries to edits.
 * @author [[User:Bene*]]
( function( $, mw, wb ) {
	'use strict';

	if ( mw.config.get( 'wbEntityId' ) === null ) {

	var widgetOpener = '<a href="#"\
							class="summary-toggle ui-toggler-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s ui-toggler-icon3dtrans"\
							style="display: inline-block; width: 15px; height: 12px;"\

	var summary = '';

	var oldPost = wb.api.RepoApi.prototype._post;

	wb.api.RepoApi.prototype._post = function( params ) {
		if ( summary !== '' ) {
			params.summary = summary;
			summary = '';
		return oldPost.apply( this, [params] );

	function showWidget() {
		summary = prompt( 'Editsummary:', summary );

	function addWidgetOpener() {
		// wait for ajax calls to finish
		setTimeout( function() {
			$( '.summary-toggle' ).remove();
			$( '.wikibase-toolbar-button-save' ).after(
				$( widgetOpener ).click( function( e ) {
				} )
		}, 1000 );

	$( function() {
		$( document ).on( 'click', '.wikibase-toolbar-button-edit, .wikibase-toolbar-button-add', function() {
			addWidgetOpener( $( this ) );
		} );
	} );
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki, wikibase );