User:BetaBot/WD move

BetaBot received the permission of update the sitelinks in the wikidata items for pages moved.

How it works?
The bot reads the move log of all the wikipedia through API and if exists an item in wikidata which is linked to that page, the bot updates the item.
How often it runs?
The bot runs every few hours. It's not at fixed intervals, depending on toolserver/Tools Labs load. The bot reads the move log from the last run on that wikipedia.
The bot does not always update all wikipedia, for larger happens more often. However, all sities are read at least once a day. The last run is reported here or here.
This bot shouldn't update a sitelink
If a user moves a page in any wikipedia, the bot update the relative sitelink in Wikidata. It's a stupid machine that follows this simple rule.
A method for avoid this is simple. If you move A to B and then you insert or change sitelinks A and B into the correct items of Wikidata, the bot doesn't update the sitelink of A with B, because both pages are already present on the repository of Wikidata.
Can also update labels of moved pages?
Technically it is a simple thing. But each language has its own guidelines about the labels (initial capital letter, disambiguation, conversion of particular letters, language variants, ...), and may generate label\description conflicts with other item. For this reason the bot is limited to correcting the technical aspect, that will not break the link between the wikipedia page and the wikidata item, which is the main thing.