
This is a rough English summary of the rules implemented in the SPARQL.

General notability


Green if any of:

  • N1 is green
  • N2a and N2b are both green
  • N3 is green

Otherwise amber if:

  • One of N2a and N2b is amber and the other is green or amber

Otherwise red.


Green if:

  • Any sitelink

Otherwise red.

N2a: It refers to an instance of a clearly identifiable conceptual or material entity


Green if:

  • Any claim of an external identifier, regardless of rank, except those that identify online accounts (Q105388954)

Otherwise amber if any of:

  • Any claim of an external identifier, regardless of rank (that identifiers an online account)
  • A truthy claim of official website (p:P856)

Otherwise red.

N2b: The entity must be notable, in the sense that it can be described using serious and publicly available references


Green if any of:

  • Any claim (regardless of rank) has a reference that is not weak (inferred or Wikipedia import - Q113558322)
  • A truthy claim of an external identifier that suggests notability (Q62589316)
  • A truthy claim of "described at URL" (p:P973)

Otherwise amber if:

  • Any claim has a reference, regardless of rank

Otherwise red.

N3: It fulfills a structural need, for example: it is needed to make statements made in other items more useful


Green if:

  • This item appears as the value of a claim on any other item, regardless of the rank of that claim or the notability of the other item

Otherwise red.