
Some WDQ queries I wanted to save:

Uses of anonymous

SELECT ?x ?xLabel ?xDescription ?p ?pLabel ?pDescription 
  ?x ?wdt wd:Q4233718 .
  ?p wikibase:directClaim ?wdt .
  FILTER(?p != wd:P31)
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
     bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
Try it!

Shared identifiers

SELECT ?x ?xLabel ?xDescription ?id ?y ?yLabel ?yDescription WHERE {
  ?x wdt:P1153 ?id .
  ?y wdt:P1153 ?id .
  FILTER(STR(?x) < STR(?y))
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
     bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
Try it!


SELECT ?x ?exists
  ?notability1_strong ?notability2a_strong ?notability2b_strong ?notability3_strong ?notability_strong 
  ?notability1_weak ?notability2a_weak ?notability2b_weak ?notability3_weak ?notability_weak 
  ?xLabel ?xDescription WHERE {
  VALUES ?x {wd:Q42 wd:Q48507154 wd:Q113547783 wd:Q107204561 wd:Q113547694 wd:Q113548247 wd:Q113548224 wd:Q113551800 wd:Q108218763 wd:Q58409749}
  BIND(exists {
    ?x schema:version ?version .
  } AS ?exists)
  # N1: It contains at least one valid sitelink ...
  BIND(EXISTS { # ?notability1_strong
    ?sitelink schema:about ?x .
  } AS ?notability1_strong)

  BIND(?notability1_strong as ?notability1_weak) # FUTURE
  # N2a: It refers to an instance of a clearly identifiable conceptual or material entity
  BIND(EXISTS { # ?notability2a_weak
      ?x ?p ?statement .
      ?prop wikibase:claim ?p .
      ?prop wikibase:propertyType <> . 
    } UNION {
      ?x p:P856 ?statement . # official website
  } AS ?notability2a_weak)

  BIND(EXISTS { # ?notability2a_strong
      ?x ?p ?statement .
      ?prop wikibase:claim ?p .
      ?prop wikibase:propertyType <> . 
    } MINUS {
      ?prop wdt:P279*/wdt:P31 wd:Q105388954 . # Wikidata property to identify online accounts 
  } AS ?notability2a_strong)

  #N2b: The entity must be notable, in the sense that it can be described using serious and publicly available references.
  BIND(EXISTS { # ?notability2b_weak
      ?x ?p ?statement .
      ?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?ref . 
    } UNION {
      ?x ?p ?statement .
      ?prop wikibase:claim ?p .
      ?prop wdt:Q31 wd:Q62589316 . # Wikidata property for an identifier that suggests notability
    } UNION {
      ?x p:P973 ?statement . # described at URL
  } AS ?notability2b_weak)

  BIND(EXISTS { # ?notability2b_strong
        ?x ?p ?statement .
        ?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?ref . 
      } MINUS {
        ?ref ?pr ?source .
        ?prop wikibase:reference ?pr .
        ?prop wdt:P31 wd:Q113558322 . # Wikidata property that suggests a reference is weak
    } UNION {
      ?x ?p ?statement .
      ?prop wikibase:claim ?p .
      ?prop wdt:Q31 wd:Q62589316 . # Wikidata property for an identifier that suggests notability
    } UNION {
      ?x p:P973 ?statement . # described at URL
  } AS ?notability2b_strong)

  # N3: It fulfills a structural need, for example: it is needed to make statements made in other items more useful.
  BIND(EXISTS { # ?notability3_strong
    ?statement ?ps ?x .
    ?other ?p ?statement .
    ?prop wikibase:claim ?p .
    FILTER(?other != ?x)
  } AS ?notability3_strong)
  BIND(?notability3_strong as ?notability3_weak) # FUTURE
  BIND((?notability1_strong|| (?notability2a_strong && ?notability2b_strong) || ?notability3_strong) AS ?notability_strong)
  BIND((?notability1_weak || (?notability2a_weak && ?notability2b_weak) || ?notability3_weak) AS ?notability_weak)

  SERVICE wikibase:label {
     bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
Try it!

Empty items

SELECT ?x ?xLabel ?xDescription  ?dateModified WHERE {
  # Dexbot tries to process empty items after about 72 hours, so look for cases it missed.
  BIND(NOW() + "-P7D"^^xsd:duration AS ?end) # Untouched in a week
    wikibase:statements "0"^^xsd:integer ;
	wikibase:sitelinks "0"^^xsd:integer ;
	wikibase:identifiers "0"^^xsd:integer ;
    schema:dateModified ?dateModified .
  FILTER(?dateModified < ?end)
  FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?y ?p ?x . ?prop wikibase:directClaim ?p . }
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
     bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
} ORDER BY DESC(?dateModified) LIMIT 100
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