User:Byrial/Merge candidates

On this page you will sometime find lists of possibly duplicate items found by database analysis. Feel free to check them and merge, if they really are duplicates.

Please tell on the talk page if you have ideas about how to find other duplicates in the database.

Made from a database dump from 2013-07-27.

Find links with intervals from en to de ... found 5546 pages in en with link to de and 51538 pages in en without link de in 1 seconds.

Merge candidates in en: and de: based on common patterns with intervals edit

Checked 1072 patterns in en in 1 seconds (46 dropped due to links to more than one pattern in de, 18 dropped due to use of different intervals)

Same links in different disambiguation items edit

Made from a database dump from 2013-07-27.

All items here have the claim P107 (P107) Q11651459.

See Wikidata:Disambiguation pages task force for guidelines for merging disambiguation pages.