The subpages to this page contains lists of item pairs which maybe can be merged. The lists are made by finding items where the link to one Wikipedia contains a substring which is the name of a country or continent in the language of the Wikipedia, and the link to another Wikipedia also contains a substring which is the name of the same country or continent in the language of that Wikipedia, and then guessing that other pages in the two languages with the same titles, except for other countries or continents should also be linked.
Thank you to User:Pichpich who came with the idea to this kind of report. The search for multiple substrings in links is done using Aho–Corasick algorithm (Q402342). Thank you to Kamiar Kanani who made the used free implementation.
Each list is on a subpage where the subpage name is the language codes for the two used Wikipedia connected by a hyphen. More combinations can easily be made if you ask for it.
The lists
edit- Byrial/countrymerge/be-be-x-old
- Byrial/countrymerge/be-ru
- Byrial/countrymerge/be-uk
- Byrial/countrymerge/be-x-old-ru
- Byrial/countrymerge/be-x-old-uk
- Byrial/countrymerge/cs-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/da-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/de-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/es-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/es-fr
- Byrial/countrymerge/fr-de
- Byrial/countrymerge/fr-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/ga-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/gu-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/hi-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/hi-mr
- Byrial/countrymerge/id-ms
- Byrial/countrymerge/it-de
- Byrial/countrymerge/it-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/it-es
- Byrial/countrymerge/it-fr
- Byrial/countrymerge/kn-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/ml-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/mr-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/ru-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/ru-uk
- Byrial/countrymerge/sa-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/simple-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/ta-en
- Byrial/countrymerge/te-en