
Made from a database dump from 2013-08-27.

Finding links with numbers to language de ... found 1749925 links, 103228 with one number (752 with leading zero dropped) in 24 seconds.

Find links with number from en to de ... found 63550 pages in en with link to de and 480615 pages in en without link de in 8 seconds.

Merge candidates in en: and de: based on common patterns with numbers


Pattern found 2 times with same numbers (12, 1934) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2011):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2010):

Pattern found 4 times with same numbers (14, 80, 95, 99) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 10 times (with number 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 ...):

Pattern found 1 time with same numbers (63) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 7 times (with number 16, 18, 19, 77, 79 ...):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 21):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 1):

Pattern found 3 times with same numbers (1401, 1403, 1500) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 2 times with same numbers (1940, 1950) and 3 times with different numbers:

Pattern found 5 times (with number 4, 5, 6, 8, 9):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2011):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 3):

Pattern found 3 times (with number 16, 18, 19):

Pattern found 2 times (with number 195, 212):

Pattern found 2 times (with number 2009, 2012):

Pattern found 4 times (with number 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2009):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2012):

Pattern found 4 times with same numbers (27, 33, 338, 520) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 1 time (with number 47):

Pattern found 6 times with same numbers (13, 52, 55, 57, 101 ...) and 2 times with different numbers:

Pattern found 1 time with same numbers (1967) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 1 time with same numbers (120) and 2 times with different numbers:

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2006):

Pattern found 44 times (with number 1930, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1935 ...):

Pattern found 17 times with same numbers (4, 5, 60, 73, 90 ...) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 2 times (with number 1456, 1688):

Pattern found 1 time with same numbers (24) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 3 times with same numbers (25, 62, 840) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 2 times (with number 2008, 2011):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 40):

Pattern found 2 times (with number 2005, 2006):

Pattern found 3 times with same numbers (6502, 6507, 6551) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 9 times (with number 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 ...):

Pattern found 102 times (with number 770, 1000, 1010, 1030, 1040 ...):

Pattern found 8 times with same numbers (120, 131, 150, 162, 200 ...) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 2 times with same numbers (130, 490) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 3 times (with number 1830, 1832, 1866):

Pattern found 10 times (with number 32, 52, 72, 82, 102 ...):

Pattern found 4 times (with number 7, 8, 10, 12):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 600):

Pattern found 2 times (with number 2005, 2009):

Pattern found 2 times (with number 2012, 2013):

Pattern found 2 times (with number 2004, 2013):

Pattern found 7 times (with number 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008 ...):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2013):

Pattern found 2 times (with number 2009, 2013):

Pattern found 20 times (with number 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1948 ...):

Pattern found 2 times with same numbers (40, 220) and 2 times with different numbers:

Pattern found 2 times (with number 2009, 2011):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 70):

Pattern found 5 times (with number 1930, 1982, 1986, 2006, 2010):

Pattern found 4 times with same numbers (13, 16, 21, 27) and 2 times with different numbers:

Pattern found 2 times (with number 1999, 2001):

Pattern found 75 times (with number 1901, 1902, 1907, 1908, 1911 ...):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 14):

Pattern found 3 times (with number 2006, 2010, 2014):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2012):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 1953):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2002):

Pattern found 10 times (with number 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 ...):

Pattern found 3 times with same numbers (200, 280, 650) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 2 times (with number 2007, 2011):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2012):

Pattern found 5 times (with number 1926, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012):

Pattern found 5 times with same numbers (100, 440, 1201, 1202, 1203) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2013):

Pattern found 37 times with same numbers (2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 2 times (with number 2011, 2012):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2012):

Pattern found 1 time with same numbers (212) and 1 time with different numbers:

Checked 19611 patterns in en in 79 seconds (573 dropped due to links to more than one pattern in de, 461 dropped due to use of different numbers)

Found 138 merge candidates without and 104 with link conflicts. 175 candidates on the exclusion list was removed.
Found 37 items with links with different numbers. 19 items on the unmerge exclusion list was removed.

Made from a database dump from 2013-08-27.

Finding links with intervals to language de ... found 1749925 links, 14960 with an interval (113 with leading zero) in 9 seconds.

Find links with intervals from en to de ... found 5708 pages in en with link to de and 51521 pages in en without link de in 1 seconds.

Merge candidates in en: and de: based on common patterns with intervals


Checked 1082 patterns in en in 3 seconds (45 dropped due to links to more than one pattern in de, 20 dropped due to use of different intervals)

Found 3 merge candidates without and 23 with link conflicts. 0 candidates on the exclusion list was removed.
Found 12 items with links with different intervals. 0 items on the unmerge exclusion list was removed.