
Made from a database dump from 2013-08-27.

Find links with number from it to en ... found 75811 pages in it with link to en and 77564 pages in it without link en in 8 seconds.

Merge candidates in it: and en: based on common patterns with numbers


Pattern found 3 times with same numbers (3, 9, 12) and 4 times with different numbers:

Pattern found 24 times with same numbers (100, 102, 103, 104, 110 ...) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 1 time (with number 1909):

Pattern found 2 times (with number 2009, 2010):

Pattern found 24 times (with number 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1955 ...):

Pattern found 25 times (with number 33, 50, 75, 85, 90 ...):

Pattern found 207 times (with number 1805, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810 ...):

Pattern found 3 times (with number 1994, 1999, 2009):

Pattern found 4 times with same numbers (13, 32, 55, 57) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2006):

Pattern found 1 time with same numbers (1996) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 2 times (with number 40, 120):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2011):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 1908):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2010):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 6):

Pattern found 2 times (with number 2009, 2010):

Pattern found 11 times (with number 17, 18, 21, 96, 99 ...):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 1996):

Pattern found 27 times (with number 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920, 1921 ...):

Pattern found 1 time with same numbers (283) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 1 time (with number 1996):

Pattern found 16 times (with number 1991, 1992, 1996, 1997, 1998 ...):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 1996):

Pattern found 2 times (with number 4, 13):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 24):

Pattern found 3 times (with number 2007, 2009, 2011):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 10):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 1993):

Pattern found 1 time (with number 2013):

Pattern found 2 times (with number 2009, 2010):

Pattern found 1 time with same numbers (1998) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 20 times (with number 114, 116, 117, 132, 303 ...):

Pattern found 19 times (with number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...):

Pattern found 4 times with same numbers (200, 300, 700, 900) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 2 times with same numbers (312, 489) and 1 time with different numbers:

Pattern found 2 times (with number 21, 23):

Checked 30178 patterns in it in 51 seconds (1108 dropped due to links to more than one pattern in en, 278 dropped due to use of different numbers)

Found 38 merge candidates without and 83 with link conflicts. 4 candidates on the exclusion list was removed.
Found 20 items with links with different numbers. 3 items on the unmerge exclusion list was removed.

Made from a database dump from 2013-08-27.

Find links with intervals from it to en ... found 7962 pages in it with link to en and 14685 pages in it without link en in 1 seconds.

Merge candidates in it: and en: based on common patterns with intervals


Checked 1314 patterns in it in 4 seconds (80 dropped due to links to more than one pattern in en, 225 dropped due to use of different intervals)

Found 174 merge candidates without and 10 with link conflicts. 0 candidates on the exclusion list was removed.
Found 11 items with links with different intervals. 0 items on the unmerge exclusion list was removed.