Wikidata:ScienceSource project/Queries

This page is for sample ScienceSource SPARQL queries. Appearances to the contrary, these are not queries for the Wikidata Query Service. They are to be run on

Links are provided on a ScienceSource wiki page.

The data schema at

is in use, so the P- and Q-numbers do not refer to those in use on Wikidata. The queries are displayed here using {{Sparql}} for readability.

For resources on SPARQL and homegrown queries, there are numerous examples on User:Charles Matthews/Queries and in Wikidata:WikiFactMine/Core SPARQL.

Articles by ascending length

  • #Articles by ascending notional length
    SELECT ?annotation ?title ?length ?article
       {?annotation wdt:P19 ?anchor.
        ?anchor wdt:P7 wd:Q6.
        ?anchor wdt:P12 ?article.
        ?anchor wdt:P10 ?length.
        ?article wdt:P20 ?title
    ORDER BY ASC (?length)
    Try it!

Annotations for a particular term

  • #Find all annotations with term "toxocariasis", showing the article in which the term is found.
    SELECT ?item ?article ?term 
      WHERE {?item wdt:P3 wd:Q5.
             ?item wdt:P15 ?term.
             ?item wdt:P20 ?article.
            FILTER (?term = "toxocariasis")
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Distinct terms found

  • #Show all distinct terms found (currently disease and drug terms)
      WHERE {?item wdt:P3 wd:Q5.
             ?item wdt:P15 ?term}
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Counting annotations

  • #Counting drug annotations
    SELECT ?drug ?drugLabel ?count
        SELECT ?drug (COUNT(?annotation) AS ?count)    
    WHERE {
            ?annotation wdt:P15 ?drug.
            ?annotation wdt:P16 "infectiousdiseasesdrugs" .
      GROUP BY ?drug 
      HAVING (?count > 1)        
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)
    LIMIT 500
    Try it!
  • #Counting disease annotations
    SELECT ?disease ?diseaseLabel ?count
        SELECT ?disease (COUNT(?annotation) AS ?count)    
    WHERE {
            ?annotation wdt:P15 ?disease.
            ?annotation wdt:P16 "infectiousdiseases" .
      GROUP BY ?disease
      HAVING (?count > 1)        
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)
    LIMIT 500
    Try it!

Co-occurrence 1

  • #Co-occurrence of drug and disease terms (duplications removed)
    SELECT DISTINCT ?articletitle ?disease ?drug
      WHERE {?term1 wdt:P19 ?anchor1.
             ?term2 wdt:P19 ?anchor2.
             ?term1 wdt:P15 ?disease.
             ?term2 wdt:P15 ?drug.
             ?term1 wdt:P16 "infectiousdiseases".
             ?term2 wdt:P16 "infectiousdiseasesdrugs".
             ?anchor1 wdt:P12 ?article.
             ?anchor2 wdt:P12 ?article.
             ?article wdt:P20 ?articletitle.
             SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
    Try it!
  1. #Co-occurrence filtered by the condition "disease term before drug term"
    SELECT ?articletitle ?disease ?drug ?charnumber1 ?charnumber2
      WHERE {?term1 wdt:P19 ?anchor1.
             ?term2 wdt:P19 ?anchor2.
             ?term1 wdt:P15 ?disease.
             ?term2 wdt:P15 ?drug.
             ?term1 wdt:P16 "infectiousdiseases".
             ?term2 wdt:P16 "infectiousdiseasesdrugs".
             ?anchor1 wdt:P10 ?charnumber1.
             ?anchor2 wdt:P10 ?charnumber2.
             ?anchor1 wdt:P12 ?article.
             ?anchor2 wdt:P12 ?article.
             ?article wdt:P20 ?articletitle.
             FILTER (?charnumber2 > ?charnumber1)
             SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
    Try it!

Co-occurrence 2

  • #Co-occurrence filtered by the condition "disease term before drug term" and character distance apart < 100
    SELECT ?articletitle ?disease ?drug ?charnumber1 ?charnumber2
      WHERE {?term1 wdt:P19 ?anchor1.
             ?term2 wdt:P19 ?anchor2.
             ?term1 wdt:P15 ?disease.
             ?term2 wdt:P15 ?drug.
             ?term1 wdt:P16 "infectiousdiseases".
             ?term2 wdt:P16 "infectiousdiseasesdrugs".
             ?anchor1 wdt:P10 ?charnumber1.
             ?anchor2 wdt:P10 ?charnumber2.
             ?anchor1 wdt:P12 ?article.
             ?anchor2 wdt:P12 ?article.
             ?article wdt:P20 ?articletitle.
             FILTER (?charnumber2 > ?charnumber1)
             FILTER (?charnumber2 - ?charnumber1) < 100)
             SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
    Try it!

Co-occurrence 3

  • #Co-occurrence (filtered) displayed for single article Q6679
    SELECT  ?drugLabel ?charnumber2 ?charnumber1 ?diseaseLabel
    WHERE {
             ?anchor1 wdt:P12 wd:Q6679;
                      wdt:P10 ?charnumber1.
             ?anchor2 wdt:P12 wd:Q6679;
                      wdt:P10 ?charnumber2.
             ?term1 wdt:P19 ?anchor1.
             ?term2 wdt:P19 ?anchor2.
             ?term1 wdt:P15 ?disease.
             ?term2 wdt:P15 ?drug.
             ?term1 wdt:P16 "infectiousdiseases".
             ?term2 wdt:P16 "infectiousdiseasesdrugs".     
             FILTER (?charnumber2 > ?charnumber1)
             FILTER (?charnumber2 - ?charnumber1 < 200)
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
    Try it!

Counting annotations in a time period

  1. #Counting annotations in a time period: publication date 2013 earliest
    SELECT ?annotation ?term ?title ?date1
       {?annotation wdt:P19 ?anchor.
        ?annotation wdt:P15 ?term.
        ?anchor wdt:P12 ?article.
        ?article wdt:P17 ?date.
        ?article wdt:P20 ?title.
       BIND (YEAR(?date) AS ?date1)
       FILTER (?date1 > 2012)
    Try it!

Annotations and quantiles

  • #Annotations in notional first 10% of paper, ordered by absolute distance
    #Good correlation with terms in title
    SELECT ?annotation ?title ?term ?length1 ?length
       {?annotationZ wdt:P19 ?anchorZ.
        ?anchorZ wdt:P7 wd:Q6.
        ?anchorZ wdt:P12 ?article.
        ?anchorZ wdt:P10 ?length.
        ?article wdt:P20 ?title.
        ?annotation wdt:P19 ?anchor.
        ?anchor wdt:P12 ?article.
        ?annotation wdt:P15 ?term.
        ?anchor wdt:P10 ?length1.
       FILTER(10*?length1 < ?length)
    ORDER BY ASC (?length1)
    Try it!

LineChart by decile for given dictionary and paper

  • #defaultView:LineChart
    SELECT ?decile (COUNT(?annotation) AS ?count)
        ?annotation wdt:P3 wd:Q5 ;
                    wdt:P19 ?anchor;
                    wdt:P16 "infectiousdiseasesdrugs".
        ?anchor wdt:P12 wd:Q6679.
        ?anchor wdt:P10 ?charnumber.
        ?annotationZ wdt:P19 ?anchorZ.
        ?anchorZ wdt:P7 wd:Q6;
                 wdt:P12 wd:Q6679;
                 wdt:P10 ?length.
       BIND (floor(10*?charnumber/?length) AS ?decile)
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
     GROUP BY ?decile
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