User:D1gggg/SPARQL RFC - "or any property of"

I'm lazy to send this at

SPARQL users have to chain equivalent properties by hand or use even more clever tricks.

I don't think that's necessary, especially for sub-properties.

  • multiple equivalent properties
?s (p1|p2) ?o; when p1 is a "son" and p2 is a "daughter"
  • multiple subproperties
?s (p1|p2) ?o; when p1 is a sub-property of p2, when p2 is a sub-property of p1

Some users stick with generic properties because they result in shorter queries: ?s abstract1 ?o over ?s (abstract1|narrow11||narrower111) ?o.

It should be possible to work with narrow versions as with abstract and vice versa, not as extension but as out-of-box feature.

22:45, 6 July 2017 (UTC) edit

Perhaps most intuitive to humans would be intodution of additional parameter to query which would indicate word order (SPO by default now).


Two latter forms would allow to perform parametrization of property as easy as with current O or S.

  • ?who ?what ?how/wdt:P31/wdt:279* <human action>
  • ?who ?what ?how/wdt:P31/wdt:279* <animal action>
  • ?who ?what ?how/wdt:P31/wdt:279* <plant action>