User:Frog23/My Queries

Things To Do edit

Instances of Year that are not fixed in time and are not assigned to a calendar edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: point in time (P585)     , start time (P580)     , end time (P582)     , part of (P361)     , instance of (P31)     
    SELECT ?year ?yearLabel WHERE {
      ?year p:P31 ?statement.
      ?statement ps:P31 wd:Q577.
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?year wdt:P585 ?time1 }
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?year wdt:P580 ?time2 }
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?year wdt:P582 ?time3 }
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?statement pq:P361 wd:Q44722 }
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?year wdt:P361 wd:Q44722 }
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?statement pq:P361 wd:Q28892 }
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?year wdt:P361 wd:Q28892 }
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?statement pq:P361 wd:Q950135 }
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?year wdt:P361 wd:Q950135 }
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?statement pq:P361 wd:Q3353159}
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?year wdt:P361 wd:Q3353159 }
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Wikidata Editing and Maintenance edit

Instances of something by the number of properties they have edit

(in this case all instances of a Roller Coaster)

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     , subclass of (P279)     
    SELECT ?item ?itemLabel (COUNT (?prop) as ?count) WHERE{
      ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q204832 ;
            ?prop ?statement.
      ?property wikibase:directClaim ?prop.
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
    GROUP BY $item ?itemLabel
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Most common properties used by all of the instances of something edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     , subclass of (P279)     
    SELECT ?property ?propertyLabel (COUNT (?item) as ?count) WHERE{
      ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q204832 ;
            ?prop ?statement.
      ?property wikibase:directClaim ?prop.
      FILTER (?property != wd:P31)
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .}
    GROUP BY $property ?propertyLabel
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Properties that are used to describe themselves edit

The following query uses these:

# Make a list of the properties that are used to describe themselves
SELECT ?property ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription (COUNT(?propertyclaim) AS ?count) WHERE { 

  ?property a wikibase:Property .
  ?property wikibase:claim ?propertyclaim .

  ?property ?propertyclaim [] .
	SERVICE wikibase:label {            # ... include the labels
		bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
} GROUP BY ?property ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ORDER BY DESC (?count)

Just for Fun edit

Age of Musicians at their death edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     , occupation (P106)     , subclass of (P279)     , date of birth (P569)     , date of death (P570)     
    # Query to find all musicians who have already died 
    # calculate their age (full years) at death
    # count how many of them died at each age
    SELECT ?age  (COUNT (DISTINCT ?a) AS ?count) WHERE {
      ?a wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . #instance of human
      ?a wdt:P106/wdt:P279 wd:Q639669 . #occupation a subclass of musician
      ?a p:P569/psv:P569 ?birth_date_node . 
      ?a p:P570/psv:P570 ?death_date_node .
      ?birth_date_node wikibase:timeValue ?birth_date .
      ?death_date_node wikibase:timeValue ?death_date .
      FILTER(?age > 10 && ?age < 100) . #ignore outlyers, several of which are probably errors
      BIND( year(?death_date) - year(?birth_date) - if(month(?death_date)<month(?birth_date)

see also

Beetles named after The Beatles edit

(none in WD as of 2017-04-23)

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     , parent taxon (P171)     , has part(s) (P527)     , named after (P138)     
    SELECT ?beetle ?beetleLabel{
    	?beetle wdt:P31 wd:Q16521 . #?beetle <instances of> <Taxon>
    	?beetle wdt:P171* wd:Q22671 . #?beetle <parent taxon>* (= higher taxon) <Beetle>
    	wd:Q1299 wdt:P527 ?beatle . #<The Beatles> <has part> ?beatle
    	?beetle wdt:P138 ?beatle . #?beetle <named after> ?beetle
    	SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en"}

Movies with past futures edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     , subclass of (P279)     , start time (P580)     , point in time (P585)     , publication date (P577)     , set in period (P2408)     , earliest date (P1319)     , latest date (P1326)     
    #movies which were set in the future when they were releast, but this future is now in the past
    SELECT ?film ?filmLabel  (MIN(?pubDate) AS ?pubDate) ?periodTime WHERE {
      #instance of film (or any subclass)
      ?film wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q11424.
      #set in a period
      ?film p:P2408 ?periodStatement.
      ?periodStatement ps:P2408 ?period.
      #either the period statement has an earliest date (P1319) or latest date (P1326) qualifier
      OPTIONAL { ?periodStatement pq:P1319 ?periodTime1. }
      OPTIONAL { ?periodStatement pq:P1326 ?periodTime2. }
      #or the period has a start time(P580) or a point in time (P585)
      OPTIONAL { ?period wdt:P580 ?periodTime3. }
      OPTIONAL { ?period wdt:P585 ?periodTime4. }
      BIND(COALESCE(?periodTime1, ?periodTime2, ?periodTime3, ?periodTime4) AS ?periodTime)
      #film has a publication date
      ?film wdt:P577 ?pubDate.
      #period is after publication date but before current time
      FILTER ((?periodTime >= ?pubDate) && (?periodTime <= NOW()))
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
    GROUP BY ?film ?filmLabel ?periodTime

However a lot are missing w:List of stories set in a future now past

Actors or Actresses who have won an Oscar (Acadamy Award) for playing an Oscar winner edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: award received (P166)     , instance of (P31)     , cast member (P161)     , for work (P1686)     , character role (P453)     
    #actors or actresses who have won an Oscar (Acadamy Award) for playing an Oscar winner
    SELECT DISTINCT ?actorA ?actorALabel ?movie ?movieLabel ?actorB ?actorBLabel WHERE {
        ?actorA wdt:P166/wdt:P31 wd:Q19020.
        ?award wdt:P31 wd:Q19020.
        ?actorB p:P166 ?awardStatement.
        ?awardStatement ps:P166 ?award.
        #put a comment in front of the line below to show all oscar winners portait by oscar winners
        ?awardStatement pq:P1686 ?movie.
        ?movie p:P161 ?castStatement.
        ?castStatement ps:P161 ?actorB.
        ?castStatement pq:P453 ?actorA.
        FILTER (?actorA != ?actorB) #this line is only in here to filter out actors/actresses who play themselves when the condition is removed that the Oscar had to be won for the same movie
        SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

People who are buried in the places they created/designed/build edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: place of burial (P119)     , subproperty of (P1647)     
    SELECT ?person ?personLabel ?place ?placeLabel WHERE {
    	hint:Query hint:optimizer "None" .
    	?person wdt:P119 ?place.
    	?property wdt:P1647*  wd:P170 .
    	?property wikibase:statementProperty ?v .
    	?property wikibase:claim ?p .
      	?place ?p ?wds .
    	?wds ?v ?person .
    	SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }