User:GeneaBot/Code/object claim

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
import pywikibot
from util_date          import *
from util_pwb           import *
from object_display     import *
from object_basic_claim import *
from object_source      import *
import time

class Claim:
    # Fields :
    #   self.error
    #   self.naturalValue
    #   self.mainClaim      type object_basic_claim
    #   self.qualifiers     list of object_basic_claim
    #   self.sources        list of object_basic_claim
    # Methods :
    #   self.__init__       (pCommand, pProperty, pValue, pReferences=[], pQualifiers=[])
    #   self.__str__        ()
    #   self.AddQualifier   (pAdd, pProperty, pValue)
    #   self.AddSource      (pAdd, pProperty, pValue)
    #   self.ProcessDate    (pAdd, pProperty, pValue)
    #   self.GetError       ()
    # Static attributes :
    # static methods :
    #   Claim.InitClass(Repo)
    def __init__(self, pCommand, pProperty, pValue, pSource, pQualifiers=[], pViolation="", pWarning=""):
        # pCommand  = "info", "add"
        # pProperty = ident of a property (P...)
        # pValue    = value for the property
        # pReferences and pQualifiers : array of structure
        #   - bolean = true if to add
        #   - property
        #   - value
        #   - violation message
        #"O", "Claim..__init__", 5, "command=" + pCommand + \
                                   ", property=" + pProperty + \
                                   ", value=" + pValue + \
                                   ", source=" + repr(pSource) + \
                                   ", qualifier=" + repr(pQualifiers) + \
                                   ", pViolation=" + pViolation + \
                                   ", pWarning=" + pWarning + ")")
        self.error          = False
        self.warning        = False
        if not pWarning == '':
            self.warning    = True
            self.msgWarning = pWarning
        toAdd               = False
        if pCommand == "add":
            toAdd           = True
        self.naturalValue   = pValue
        self.qualifiers     = []
        self.sources        = []
        vProp               = pywikibot.Claim(WikiData.GetRepositery(), pProperty)
        if vProp.getType() == 'time':
            if pValue == "None":
                self.mainClaim = BasicClaim(toAdd, pProperty, pValue, "value", pViolation, pWarning)
                self.ProcessDate(toAdd, pProperty, pValue, pViolation, pWarning)
            self.mainClaim = BasicClaim(toAdd, pProperty, pValue, "value", pViolation, pWarning)
        if self.mainClaim.error:
            sourceToAdd = True
            if self.mainClaim.reprValue == "None":
                sourceToAdd = False
            for qualifier in pQualifiers:
                self.AddQualifier(qualifier[0] or toAdd, qualifier[1], qualifier[2], qualifier[3])
                sourceToAdd = True
            if sourceToAdd:
                self.AddSource(toAdd, pSource)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.display("long")
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.display("normal")
    def display(self, Format, Run="sumi"):
        beg = {'long':":",     'table':"|-\n|",         'normal':"{",      'short':"{"   }
        col = {'long':"",      'table':"\n|",             'normal':"",       'short':""    }
        sep = {'long':"\n:::", 'table':"\n",            'normal':" ; ",    'short':" ; " }
        end = {'long':"",      'table':"",              'normal':"}",      'short':"}"   }
        text = self.mainClaim.display(Format, Run)
        text += col[Format]
        for qualifier in self.qualifiers:
            text += sep[Format] + qualifier.display(Format, Run)
        text += col[Format]
        for source in self.sources:
            text += sep[Format] + source.display(Format, Run)

        if Format == 'table':
            ListError   = []
            ListWarning = []
            if self.mainClaim.error:
                ListError.append( "claim : " + self.mainClaim.GetErrorMessage() )
            if self.mainClaim.warning:
                ListWarning.append("claim : " + self.mainClaim.GetWarningMessage() )
            for qualifier in self.qualifiers:
                if Format == 'table':
                    if qualifier.error:
                        ListError.append( "qualifier " + + " : " + qualifier.GetErrorMessage() )
                    if qualifier.warning:
                        ListWarning.append( "qualifier " + + " : " + qualifier.GetWarningMessage() )
            for source in self.sources:
                if Format == 'table':
                    if source.error:
                        ListError.append( "source " + + " : " + source.GetErrorMessage() )
                    if source.warning:
                        ListWarning.append( "source " + + " : " + source.GetWarningMessage() )
            if not ListError == [] or not ListWarning == []:
                text += '\n|-\n| colspan=3 |'
            for msg in ListError:
                text += "[[File:Red x.svg|15px]] " + msg
            for msg in ListWarning:
                text += "[[File:Farm-Fresh error.png|15px]] " + msg

        return beg[Format] + text + end[Format]
    def AddQualifier(self, pAdd, pProperty, pValue, pViolation):"O", "Claim..AddQualifier", 5, "pAdd=" + str(pAdd) + \
                                             ", pProperty=" + pProperty + \
                                             ", pValue=" + pValue + \
                                             ", pViolation=" + pViolation )
        present = False
        newQualifier = BasicClaim(pAdd, pProperty, pValue, "qualifier", pViolation)
        DisplayMessages.debug("O", "Claim..AddQualifier", 7, "newQualifier.GetError() = " + str(newQualifier.GetError()) + ".")
        for qualifier in self.qualifiers:
            if == and newQualifier.wikiValue == qualifier.wikiValue:
                DisplayMessages.debug("O", "Claim..AddQualifier", 7, "qualifier already set.")
                present = True
        if not present:
            #if self.GetError():
            #    newQualifier.toAdd = False
            self.qualifiers.append( newQualifier )
            if newQualifier.GetError():
                DisplayMessages.debug("O", "Claim..AddQualifier", 7, "self.error = " + str(self.error) + ".")
        return True
    def AddSource(self, toAdd, pSource):"O", "Claim..AddSource", 5, "toAdd=" + str(toAdd) + \
                                             ", pSource=" + repr(pSource) )
        present = False
        # Modifier pour récupérer directement de l'objet pSource
        DisplayMessages.debug("O", "Claim..AddSource", 9, "pSource.GetList() = " + str(pSource.GetList()) + ".")
        for newSource in pSource.GetList():
            DisplayMessages.debug("O", "Claim..AddSource", 7, "newSource = " + repr(newSource) + ".")
            DisplayMessages.debug("O", "Claim..AddSource", 7, "newSource.GetError() = " + str(newSource.GetError()) + ".")
            for source in self.sources:
                if == and newSource.wikiValue == source.wikiValue:
                    DisplayMessages.debug("O", "Claim..AddSource", 7, "source already set.")
                    present = True
            if not present:
                #if self.GetError():
                #    newSource.toAdd = False
                self.sources.append( newSource )
                if newSource.error:
                    DisplayMessages.debug("O", "Claim..AddSource", 7, "self.error = " + str(self.error) + ".")
    def ProcessDate(self, pAdd, pProperty, pValue, pViolation, pWarning):"O", "Claim..ProcessDate", 5, "pAdd=" + str(pAdd) + ", pProperty=" + pProperty + ", pValue=" + pValue + ", pViolation=" + pViolation )
        elt = pValue.split(" ")
        while 1:
            if "" in elt:
        if elt[0] == "circa":
            self.mainClaim = BasicClaim(pAdd, pProperty, pValue[6:], "value", pViolation, pWarning)
            self.AddQualifier(pAdd, 'P1480', 'Q5727902', "")     # sourcing circumstances = circa
        elif elt[0] == "before":
            self.mainClaim = BasicClaim(pAdd, pProperty, "None", "value", pViolation, pWarning)
            self.AddQualifier(pAdd, 'P1326', pValue[7:], "")     # latest date = dateMax
        elif elt[0] == "after":
            self.mainClaim = BasicClaim(pAdd, pProperty, "None", "value", pViolation, pWarning)
            self.AddQualifier(pAdd, 'P1319', pValue[6:], "")     # earliest date = dateMax
        elif elt[0] == "between" :
            self.mainClaim = BasicClaim(pAdd, pProperty, "None", "value", pViolation, pWarning)
            date = pValue[8:].split("and")
            if len(date) == 2:
                self.AddQualifier(pAdd, 'P1319', date[0].strip(), "")   # earliest date = dateMax
                self.AddQualifier(pAdd, 'P1326', date[1].strip(), "")   # latest date = dateMax
                DisplayMessages.debug("O", "Claim..ProcessDate", 9, "date = " + str(date))
                self.AddQualifier(pAdd, 'P1319', date[0].strip(), "")   # earliest date = dateMax
                self.AddQualifier(pAdd, 'P1326', '', "")                # latest date = dateMax
            self.mainClaim = BasicClaim(pAdd, pProperty, pValue, "value", pViolation, pWarning)
    def Test(self, Property, Value):"O", "Claim..Test", 5, "" )
        return self.mainClaim.Test(Property, Value)
    def SetError(self):"O", "Claim..SetError", 5, "" )
        self.error = True
        for qualifier in self.qualifiers:
            qualifier.toAdd = False
        for source in self.sources:
            source.toAdd = False
    def GetError(self):
        return self.error
    def WriteToWD(self, item, display):"O", "Claim..WriteToWD", 5, "self=" + repr(self) + "item, display=" + display )
        if self.error:
            DisplayMessages.warning("O", "Claim..WriteToWD", "error on Item, claims not written on Wikidata" )
            claim = self.mainClaim.WriteMainClaimToWD(item, display)
            if not claim == None:
                for qualifier in self.qualifiers:
                    qualifier.WriteQualifierToWD(claim, display, repr(self.mainClaim))
                sources = []
                text = ""
                for source in self.sources:
                    elt = source.WriteSourceToWD()
                    if not str(elt) == "":
                        text += ", " + repr(source)
                if not sources == []:
                    DisplayMessages.message("O", "Claim..WriteToWD", "item " + display + \
                                                                        ", claim " + repr(self.mainClaim) + \
                                                                        " : adding source " + text[2:])
    def WriteCount(self):
        tpsWrite = 0
        if not self.error:
            if self.mainClaim.toAdd:
                tpsWrite += 10
            toAdd = False
            for qualifier in self.qualifiers:
                if qualifier.toAdd:
                    toAdd = True
            if toAdd:
                tpsWrite += 6
            toAdd = False
            for source in self.sources:
                if source.toAdd:
                    toAdd = True
            if toAdd:
                tpsWrite += 10
        return tpsWrite


def testClaim(NumTest, Format, Run, pCommand, pProperty, pValue, pSource, pQualifiers=[], pViolation=""):
    print( "" )
    print( "---------------------------" )
    text = "test " + str(NumTest) + ":\n"
    text += "Claim(command=" + pCommand + ", property=" + pProperty + ", value=" + pValue + ", source=" + str(pSource)
    if not pQualifiers == []:
        text += ", qualifier=" + str(pQualifiers)
    if not pViolation == "":
        text += ", violation=" + str(pViolation)
    text += ")"
    print( text )
    print( "" )
    localClaim = Claim(pCommand, pProperty, pValue, pSource, pQualifiers, pViolation)
    print( localClaim.display(Format, Run) )
    print( "" )

def mainTestClaim(*args):
    param = CallParameter(*args)
    NumCase = param.GetValue('case', 0)
    Display = param.GetValue('display', 'short')
    ListDisplay = Display.split(':')
    Format = ListDisplay[0]
    if len(ListDisplay) >= 2:
        Run = ListDisplay[1]
        Run = 'simu'
    eSource = Source()
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 1 :
        testClaim(1, Format, Run, 'info', 'P7', 'Q822486', eSource)
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 2 :
        testClaim(2, Format, Run, 'add', 'P9', 'Q21153688', eSource)
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 3 :
        source = Source()
        source.AddReference('P248', 'Q13419312', True)
        source.AddReference('P854', '', True)
        source.AddReference('P813', '15 june 2015', True)
        testClaim(3, Format, Run, 'info', 'P97', 'Q21153436', source, \
                                                [ [True, 'P580', '1039', ''] , \
                                                  [True, 'P582', '1062', ''] , \
                                                  [False, 'P155', 'Q264821', ''] , \
                                                  [False, 'P156', 'Q462896', ''] ])
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 4 :
        testClaim(4, Format, Run, 'info', 'P570', 'circa 1095', eSource)
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 5 :
        testClaim(5, Format, Run, 'info', 'P570', 'before 1270', eSource)
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 6 :
        testClaim(6, Format, Run, 'info', 'P570', 'after 1315', eSource)
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 7 :
        testClaim(7, Format, Run, 'info', 'P570', 'between 1064 and 1090', eSource)
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 8 :
        testClaim(8, Format, Run, 'info', 'P570', 'between 1064  1090', eSource)
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 9 :
        testClaim(9, Format, Run, 'info', 'P570', 'after 1315', eSource, [], 'test of constraint violation message')
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 10 :
        testClaim(10, Format, Run, 'add', 'P570', '1095', eSource, [ [False, 'P1480', 'Q5727902', 'test of constraint violation message on qualifier' ] ])
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 11 :
        vSource = Source()
        vSource.AddReference('P248', 'Q822486', False)
        testClaim(11, Format, Run, 'add', 'P570', '1095', vSource)

if __name__ == "__main__":