User:GeneaBot/Code/object title

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
import pywikibot
from object_display import *
from object_item    import *

class Title(Item):
    # Class defining a noble title on Wikidata
    # Item Fields :
    #   self.ident          : identifier in Wikidata (Qxxxx)
    #   self.item           : dictionnary of labels, descriptions, statements from Wikidata
    #   self.comment        : comment of item
    #   self.claimsWanted   :
    #         : list of claims of item
    # Fields :
    # Item Methods :
    #   self.__repr__       ()
    #   self.__str__        ()
    #   self.AddClaim       (pProperty, pValue, pReferences=[], pQualifiers=[])
    # Methods :
    #   self.__init__       (ident, claimsWanted)
    # static attributes :
    ClaimsRequired = [ \
            [ 'P31', 'Q5737899' ]  # instance of = hereditary title
    # static methods :
    #   Title.Get                   (Ident, claimsWanted, claimsRequired, source)
    def Get(ident, claimsWanted, source):"O", "Title." + ident + ".Get", 4, "ident=" + str(ident))
        DisplayMessages.debug("O", "Title." + ident + ".Get", 2, "ident=" + ident + ", list=" + str(Item.ListIdent))
        if ident in Item.ListIdent:
            item = Item.List[ident]
            item.AddClaimsWanted(claimsWanted, source)
            item = Title(ident, claimsWanted, source)
        return item
    Get = staticmethod(Get)
    def __init__(self, ident, claimsWanted, source):"O", "Title." + ident + ".__init__", 4, "ident=" + ident + ", claimsWanted=" + str(claimsWanted) + ", source=" + repr(source) )
        Item.__init__(self, ident, claimsWanted, Title.ClaimsRequired, source)


def testTitle(NumTest, Format, Run, Ident, listClaimsWanted, source):
    print( "" )
    print( "---------------------------" )
    text = "test " + str(NumTest) + ":\n"
    text += "testTitle(Ident=" + Ident + \
           ", listClaimsWanted=" + str(listClaimsWanted) + \
           ", source=" + repr(source) + ")"
    print( text )
    print( "" )
    dictClaimsWanted = dict()
    for claimWanted in listClaimsWanted:
        Property = claimWanted[0]
        Value = claimWanted[1]
        if not Property in dictClaimsWanted:
            dictClaimsWanted[Property]= []
    DisplayMessages.debug("T", "testTitle", 7, "dictClaimsWanted=" + str(dictClaimsWanted) )
    localTitle = Title.Get(Ident, dictClaimsWanted, source)
    print( localTitle.display(Format, Run) )
    print( "" )

def mainTestTitle(*args):
    param = CallParameter(*args)
    NumCase   = param.GetValue('case', 0)
    Display = param.GetValue('display', 'short')

    ListDisplay = Display.split(':')
    Format = ListDisplay[0]
    if len(ListDisplay) >= 2:
        Run = ListDisplay[1]
        Run = 'simu'
    source = Source()
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 1:
        testTitle(1, Format, Run, 'Q21123038', [['P460','Q21513679'], ['P279', 'Q3519259'], ['P361','Q612322'] ], source)
    if NumCase == 0 or NumCase == 2:
        testTitle(2, Format, Run, 'Q21513679', [['P460','Q21123038'], ['P279','Q21101501'], ['P361','Q612322'] ], source)

if __name__ == "__main__":