User:GeneaBot/Code/util date

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
import pywikibot

Month = [ "", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ]
lMonth = [0,  31,        28,         31,      30,      31,     30,    31,     31,       30,          31,        30,         31 ]

def bissextile(year):
    bis = False
    if year < 1582:     # julian calendar
        if year % 4 == 0:
            bis = True
    else:               # gregorian calendar
        if year % 4 == 0:
            if year % 100 == 0:
                if year % 400 == 0:
                    bis = True
                bis = True
    return bis

def testBissextile(year):
    print( "bissextile(" + str(year) + ") = " + str(bissextile(year)) )

def calendar(year, month, day):
    if int(year) < 1582:
        return ''    # calendrier julien proleptique
    elif int(year) == 1582 and int(month) > 0 and int(month) < 10: 
        return ''    # calendrier julien proleptique
    elif int(year) == 1582 and int(month) == 10 and int(jour) > 0 and int(jour) < 5: 
        return ''    # calendrier julien proleptique
        return ''    # calendrier grégorien proleptique

# Fonction DateToWiki
# assume that value is a string as 'AAAA', 'Mmm AAAA' or 'JJ Mmm AAAA'
def DateToWiki(Value):
    wValue = ""
    elt = Value.split(" ")

    while 1:
        if '' in elt:

    #print str(len(elt)) + ":" + str(elt)
    if len(elt) == 3:
        day = int(elt[0])
        i = 1
        month = 0
        while i <= 12:
            mon = Month[i].lower()
            if len(elt[1]) == 3:
                mon = mon[:3]
            if elt[1].lower() == mon:
                month = i
            i += 1
        year = int(elt[2])
        #print str(day) + ' ' + str(month) + ' ' + str(year)
        if not month == 0:
            if month == 2 and bissextile(year):
                if day <= 29:
                    wValue = pywikibot.WbTime(year=year, month=month, day=day, precision='day', calendarmodel=calendar(year, month, day) )
                if day <= lMonth[month]:
                    wValue = pywikibot.WbTime(year=year, month=month, day=day, precision='day', calendarmodel=calendar(year, month, day) )

    elif len(elt) == 2:
        day = 0
        month = 0
        i = 1
        while i <= 12:
            mon = Month[i].lower()
            if len(elt[0]) == 3:
                mon = mon[:3]
            if elt[0].lower() == mon:
                month = i
            i += 1
        year = elt[1]
        if not month == 0:
            wValue = pywikibot.WbTime(year=year, month=month, day=0, precision='month', calendarmodel=calendar(year, month, day) )

    elif len(elt) == 1:
        day = 0
        year = elt[0]
        month = 0
        wValue = pywikibot.WbTime(year=year, month=0, day=0, precision='year', calendarmodel=calendar(year, month, day) )

    return wValue

def testDateToWiki(Value):
    wDate = DateToWiki(Value)
    if str(type(wDate)) == "<class 'pywikibot.WbTime'>":
        print( "DateToWiki(" + Value + ") = " + str(wDate.toWikibase()) )
        print( "DateToWiki(" + Value + ") = " + str(wDate) )

# Fonction DayToWiki
# assume that value is a string as JJ Mmm AAAA (ex. : "5 nov 2015")
def DayToWiki(Value):
    wValue = ""
    elt = Value.split(" ")
    if len(elt) == 3:
        day = int(elt[0])
        i = 1
        month = 0
        while i <= 12:
            mon = Month[i].lower()
            if len(elt[1]) == 3:
                mon = mon[:3]
            if elt[1].lower() == mon:
                month = i
            i += 1
        year = elt[2]
        if not month == 0:
            if month == 2 and bissextile(year):
                if day <= 29:
                    wValue = pywikibot.WbTime(year=year, month=month, day=day, precision='day')
                if day <= lMonth[month]:
                    wValue = pywikibot.WbTime(year=year, month=month, day=day, precision='day')
    return wValue

def testDayToWiki(Value):
    wDate = DateToWiki(Value)
    if str(type(wDate)) == "<class 'pywikibot.WbTime'>":
        print( "DayToWiki(" + Value + ") = " + str(wDate.toWikibase()) )
        print( "DayToWiki(" + Value + ") = " + str(wDate) )

# Fonction ExtractDate
def ExtractDate(Value):
    global Month
    dic = Value.toWikibase()
    Text = Value.toTimestr()
    if dic[u'precision'] < 9:
        tDate = 'None'
    if dic[u'precision'] >= 9:
        tDate = str(int(Text[8:12]))
    if dic[u'precision'] >= 10:
        tMonth = Month[int(Text[13:15])]
        tDate = tMonth[:3] + " " + tDate
    if dic[u'precision'] >= 11:
        tDate = str(int(Text[16:18])) + " " + tDate
    return tDate

def mainTestDate():
    testDateToWiki("Jan 1920")
    testDateToWiki("Feb 1920")
    testDateToWiki("Mar 1920")
    testDateToWiki("Apr 1920")
    testDateToWiki("May 1920")
    testDateToWiki("Jun 1920")
    testDateToWiki("Jul 1920")
    testDateToWiki("Aug 1920")
    testDateToWiki("Sep 1920")
    testDateToWiki("Oct 1920")
    testDateToWiki("Nov 1920")
    testDateToWiki("Dec 1920")
    testDateToWiki("4 Jan 1477")
    testDateToWiki("15 Feb 1968")
    testDateToWiki("3 Mar 1990")
    testDateToWiki("10 Apr 1920")
    testDateToWiki("9 May 1920")
    testDateToWiki("25 Jun 1920")
    testDateToWiki("2 Jul 1965")
    testDateToWiki("7 Aug 1920")
    testDateToWiki("20 Sep 1920")
    testDateToWiki("31 Oct 1920")
    testDateToWiki("11 Nov 1920")
    testDateToWiki("25 Dec 1920")
    testDateToWiki("Mai 1920")
    testDateToWiki("May  1920")
    testDateToWiki("33 Mar 1990")
    testDayToWiki("4 Jan 1477")
    testDayToWiki("15 Feb 1968")
    testDayToWiki("3 Mar 1990")
    testDayToWiki("10 Apr 1920")
    testDayToWiki("9 May 1920")
    testDayToWiki("25 Jun 1920")
    testDayToWiki("2 Jul 1965")
    testDayToWiki("7 Aug 1920")
    testDayToWiki("20 Sep 1920")
    testDayToWiki("31 Oct 1920")
    testDayToWiki("11 Nov 1920")
    testDayToWiki("25 Dec 1920")
    testDayToWiki("33 Mar 1990")

if __name__ == "__main__":