Wikidata:Lists/awards/Recipients of the C.L. de Carvalho-Heineken Prize for Cognitive Science

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?year WHERE { ?item p:P166 ?x. ?x ps:P166 wd:Q278240. ?x pq:P585 ?time BIND(year(?time) as ?year) } ORDER BY ?time ?item
Seq Name description Year Follows Followed by
1 John R. Anderson American psychologist 2006 No/unknown value Stanislas Dehaene
2 Stanislas Dehaene French neuroscientist 2008 John R. Anderson Michael Tomasello
3 Michael Tomasello American developmental psychologist 2010 Stanislas Dehaene John Duncan
4 John Duncan British neuroscientist, born 1953 2012 Michael Tomasello James McClelland
5 James McClelland American psychologist 2014 John Duncan Elizabeth Spelke
6 Elizabeth Spelke American cognitive scientist 2016 James McClelland Nancy Kanwisher
7 Nancy Kanwisher American cognitive neuroscientist 2018 Elizabeth Spelke
8 Robert Zatorre cognitive neuroscientist 2020
9 Anna Christina Nobre neuroscientist 2022
End of automatically generated list.