Wikidata:Lists/awards/Recipients of the Edgar D. Tillyer Award

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?year WHERE { ?item p:P166 ?x. ?x ps:P166 wd:Q42417362. ?x pq:P585 ?time BIND(year(?time) as ?year) } ORDER BY ?time ?item
Seq Name description Year Follows Followed by
1 Edgar D. Tillyer scientist and inventor (1881-1970) 1954 No/unknown value Adelbert Ames, Jr.
2 Adelbert Ames, Jr. American scientist (1880-1955) 1955 Edgar D. Tillyer Charles Sheard
3 Charles Sheard biophysicist (1883-1963) 1957 Adelbert Ames, Jr. Gertrude Rand
4 Gertrude Rand US research psychologist (1886-1970) 1959 Charles Sheard Glenn A. Fry
5 Glenn A. Fry psychologist (1908-1996) 1961 Gertrude Rand Clarence Henry Graham
6 Clarence Henry Graham American experimental psychologist (1906–1971) 1963 Glenn A. Fry Walter Stanley Stiles
7 Walter Stanley Stiles British vision scientist 1965 Clarence Henry Graham Kenneth N. Ogle
8 Kenneth N. Ogle American vision scientist (1902-1968) 1967 Walter Stanley Stiles Lorrin A. Riggs
9 Lorrin A. Riggs American psychologist (1912-2008) 1969 Kenneth N. Ogle Louise L. Sloan
10 Louise L. Sloan vision scientist (1898-1982) 1971 Lorrin A. Riggs Robert M. Boynton
11 Robert M. Boynton psychologist, neuroscientist 1972 Louise L. Sloan Yves Le Grand
12 Yves Le Grand French psychologist 1974 Robert M. Boynton Floyd Ratliff
13 Floyd Ratliff American psychologist and vision scientist (1919–1999) 1976 Yves Le Grand Gerald Westheimer
14 Gerald Westheimer Neuroscientist and optometrist 1978 Floyd Ratliff Fergus William Campbell
15 Fergus William Campbell vision scientist 1924 - 1993 1980 Gerald Westheimer Leo Hurvich
Dorothea Jameson
16 Leo Hurvich American psychologist 1982 Fergus William Campbell Mathew Alpern
16 Dorothea Jameson American neuropsychologist 1982 Fergus William Campbell Mathew Alpern
17 Mathew Alpern American physiologist who studied color vision 1984 Dorothea Jameson
Leo Hurvich
Donald H. Kelly
18 Donald H. Kelly vision scientist (1923-1997) 1986 Mathew Alpern Russell L. De Valois
19 Russell L. De Valois American psychologist (1926–2003) 1988 Donald H. Kelly Joel Pokorny
Vivianne C. Smith
20 Joel Pokorny psychologist at the University of Chicago 1990 Russell L. De Valois Horace Barlow
20 Vivianne C. Smith psychologist at the University of Chicago 1990 Russell L. De Valois Horace Barlow
21 Horace Barlow British visual neuroscientist 1992 Vivianne C. Smith
Joel Pokorny
Jacob Nachmias
22 Jacob Nachmias psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania 1994 Horace Barlow John Gair Robson
23 John Gair Robson British vision scientist 1996 Jacob Nachmias David R. Williams
24 David R. Williams psychologist and vision scientist at University of Rochester 1998 John Gair Robson John Mollon
25 John Mollon scientist 2000 David R. Williams George Sperling
26 George Sperling American cognitive scientist 2002 John Mollon John Krauskopf
27 John Krauskopf psychologist 1928-2016 2004 George Sperling Donald I. A. MacLeod
28 Donald I. A. MacLeod psychologist at University of California, San Diego 2006 John Krauskopf Brian Wandell
29 Brian Wandell American neuroscientist 2008 Donald I. A. MacLeod Stephen Burns
30 Stephen Burns scientist 2010 Brian Wandell Gerald H. Jacobs
31 Gerald H. Jacobs American psychologist 2012 Stephen Burns Suzanne P. McKee
32 Suzanne P. McKee scientist 2014 Gerald H. Jacobs Dennis M. Levi
33 Dennis M. Levi vision scientist, optometrist 2016 Suzanne P. McKee Ken Nakayama
34 Ken Nakayama American psychologist 2017 Dennis M. Levi Martin S. Banks
35 Martin S. Banks American developmental psychologist and vision researcher 2018 Ken Nakayama Pablo Artal Soriano
36 Pablo Artal Soriano Spanish physicist and university professor 2019 Martin S. Banks
Wilson S. Geisler American neuroscientist 2020
David H. Brainard researcher 2021
Mary Hayhoe vision scientist 2022
End of automatically generated list.