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$(document).ready(function () {
// if ( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') != 0 ) return ;
if ( mw.config.get('wgAction') != 'view' ) return ;

var d = "<div id='tool_text' <div style='position:absolute;right:300px;top:0px;z-index:1;background-color:#ffe1bc'>&nbsp;tool V1.00<br/>" ;
d += "<input type='text' size='6' value='120' id='input-page-id' />&nbsp;page-id<br/>";
d += "<span id='backlinks' style='cursor:pointer;background-color:white;padding:1px 5px 1px 5px' >load backlinks of property P19</span>";
d += "</div></div>" ;
$('#mw-content-text').append ( d ) ;

var bl_continue = '120|P19|120'; // + $('#input-page-id').val();

$("#backlinks").on("click", function(event){
bl_continue = '120|P19|' + $('#input-page-id').val();
    // Which items use property p19? 
    $.getJSON ( '//' + '' , {
	action : 'query' ,
	rawcontinue: '',
	bltitle : 'Property:P19' ,
	format : 'json' ,
	list : 'backlinks' ,
        blnamespace: '0',
        bllimit : '1',
        blcontinue : bl_continue // has to be change for the next query
    } , function ( data ) {
        var page_id_p19 = data.query.backlinks[0].pageid;
        var item_p19 = data.query.backlinks[0].title;
        item_p19 = item_p19.toLowerCase(); // Kleinbuchstaben
	//console.log ('JSON.title = ' + item_p19); // item with a p19, q...            
        bl_continue = data['query-continue'].backlinks.blcontinue;  
        $('#input-page-id').val(bl_continue.match(/\d+$/)); // beliebige ganze Zahl am Ende des Strings
	// console.log ('JSON.blcontinue = ' + bl_continue); // .blcontinue); 
        // What is the value of the item using p19?
        $.getJSON ( '//' + '' , {
             action : 'wbgetentities' ,
	     format : 'json' ,
	     ids : item_p19 ,
	     props : 'claims'
         } , function ( data ) {
             var id_1 = 'q' + data.entities[item_p19].claims.p19[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] ;
             //console.log ('JSON.numeric-id = ' + id_1); // place of birth, q...        

             // test if main-typ is geographical feature, Q618123  
             $.getJSON ( '//' + '' , {
	          action : 'wbgetentities' ,
	          format : 'json' ,
	          ids : id_1 ,
	          props : 'claims'
             } , function ( data ) {
             var a = data.entities[id_1].claims; // console.log (a);
             if (typeof a.p107 != 'undefined') {
                  var id_2 = 'q' + data.entities[id_1].claims.p107[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] ;
                  //console.log ('JSON.numeric-id = ' + id_2); //main type: geographical feature, Q618123        
                  //console.log ('end $("#backlinks"');
                  console.log ('item ' + item_p19 + '(page-id:' + page_id_p19 + '): Place of birth (p19), value is ' + id_1 + ', which has the main type ' + id_2); 
             else {
                  console.log ('item ' + item_p19 + '(page-id:' + page_id_p19 + '): Place of birth(p19), value is ' + id_1 + ', which don´t have a main type.'); 
              }); // end getJSON
         }); // end getJSON
    }); // end getJSON
    }); // end $("#backlinks")