User:Gz260/Roads/RN (F)/Wikidata/Overseas/975/fr

Anciens départements



Dernière mise à jour : Wednesday 15 February 2023 12:27:10

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?article (IF(bound(?article),CONCAT("{","{subst:Urltowiki\u007Curl=", str(?article), "\u007Cdisplay=", str(?itemLabel), "}","}"),str(?itemLabel)) As ?wparticle) ?p1824 WHERE { { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q1426271 } UNION { ?item wdt:P16 wd:Q1426271 } .?item p:P131/ps:P131 wd:Q34617 . OPTIONAL { ?article schema:about ?item ; schema:inLanguage "fr" ; schema:isPartOf <> } . OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1824 ?p1824 } BIND(STRLEN(str(?p1824)) as ?longp1824) BIND(SUBSTR(str(?p1824),1,1) as ?statut) BIND(SUBSTR(str(?p1824),2,(?longp1824 - 1)) as ?numero) BIND(REPLACE(SUBSTR(str(?numero),1,4),"[A-Za-z ]","") as ?num) BIND(STRLEN(str(?num)) as ?longnum) BIND(CONCAT(IF(?longnum=1,"000",IF(?longnum=2,"00",IF(?longnum=3,"0",""))), str(?num)) as ?numz) BIND(CONCAT(str(?statut),str(?num)) as ?numsp) BIND(STRLEN(str(?numsp)) as ?longnumsp) BIND((?longp1824 - ?longnumsp) as ?longprefixe) BIND(SUBSTR(str(?p1824),(?longnumsp + 1),?longprefixe) as ?prefixe) BIND(CONCAT(str(?statut),str(?numz),str(?prefixe)) as ?cledetri) . OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P131 ?loc } . OPTIONAL { ?loc wdt:P2586 ?code } . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr" . } } ORDER BY ?cledetri ?code
# Article (fr) Item Wikidata Country localisation administrative Commons numéro de route
1 route nationale 1 route nationale 1 Q28736029 France Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon N1
2 route nationale 2 route nationale 2 Q28736031 France Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon N2
3 route nationale 3 route nationale 3 Q28736032 France Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon N3
4 route nationale 4 route nationale 4 Q28736034 France Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon N4
End of automatically generated list.

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