
See Wikidata:Identifiers.

identifier items

SELECT ?id ?idLabel ?idDescription 
?instanceOfLabel ?subclassOfLabel
?country ?jurisdiction ?issuedBy ?operator ?regex 
  ?id wdt:P279* wd:Q6545185 
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P31 ?instanceOf }
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P279 ?subclassOf } 
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P17 ?country }
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P1001 ?jurisdiction }
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P2378 ?issuedBy }
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P137 ?operator }
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P1793 ?regex }
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P1630 ?urlTemplate }
  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P1687 ?property }  
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

Properties of individual identifier system items:

identifier items and properties


Wikidata property (P1687) and Wikidata item of this property (P1629) are inverse but often only one direction is given, making queries more complicated. I found more then 800 missing statements in 9/2017. I added the missing direction for

some statistics


This table lists some identifier properties and statics on the uniqueness **of their use** in Wikidata.

See also function (Q11348) (values per item unique) and injection (Q182003) (both unique).

Property Total uses values per item items per value
inventory number (P217) 133344 multiple multiple
ISO 639-1 code (P218) 184 unique multiple
ISO 639-2 code (P219) 501 multiple multiple
ISO 639-3 code (P220) 6879 multiple multiple
ISO 639-6 code (P221) 8 unique unique
EC number (P232) 3631 multiple multiple
FAA airport code (P240) 2283 unique multiple
ticker symbol (P249) 68 multiple unique
German district key (P440) 304 unique unique
Unicode character (P487) 2366 multiple multiple