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// an attempt (not done)
// license: CC0

$(document).on('DOMSubtreeModified', '.ui-suggester-input', async function() {
  // Check if the class 'ui-entityselector-input-recognized' has been added
  if ($(this).hasClass('ui-entityselector-input-recognized')) {
    let propertyID = $(this).entityselector("selectedEntity").id
    let query = `
				SELECT ?requiredQualifier WHERE {
  wd:${propertyID} p:P2302 ?statement.
  ?statement ps:P2302 wd:Q21510856;
             pq:P2306 ?requiredQualifier.
    let result = await $.post("", {
      query: query
    for (let thing of result.results.bindings) {
      let qualifierID = thing.requiredQualifier.value.split("entity/")[1]
    $('.wikibase-toolbar-button-add > a').filter(function() {
      return $(this).closest('.wikibase-statementview-qualifiers').length > 0;
      setTimeout($(':focus').val(qualifierID), 100);