User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/1103

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

American National Biography edit

identifier of a person in the scholarly biographical encyclopedia

Unknown external ID edit

External ID Item
9780198 Maya Angelou (Q19526)
9780198 Elizabeth Taylor (Q34851)
njnlawsq.www.net2yahoo.commmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sarah Winnemucca (Q438194)
834747373848485848 Roberto Clemente (Q684020) Grace Wilbur Trout (Q5591407)
020901 Maria Gertrudis Barceló (Q16066339)
9780198 James Hutchinson (Q64577791)

Different items for the same external ID edit

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
0802044 Hayim Zhitlowsky Chaim Zhitlowsky (Q982059) Chaim Zhitlowsky (Q55720883) 42532035
1500700 Willard Saxby Townsend Jr. Harriet Tubman (Q102870) Willard Saxby Townsend Jr. (Q63255702) 42530134
1802250 Elizabeth S. Selden Elizabeth S. Selden (Q81699639) Elizabeth Selden Rogers (Q5363485) 42528329
1900785 Joseph Bartlett Choynski Joe Choynski (Q1646491) Joseph Bartlett Choynski (Q55721015) 42515903
6017527 Marx Henry Julius Marx Brothers (Q64450) Groucho Marx (Q103846) 42524127

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match edit

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
John Kenneth Galbraith (Q186042) 42519095 1501338 John Kenneth Galbraith
42519096 6028775 Galbraith Kenneth John
Bill Mauldin (Q862297) 42524220 1701994 William Henry Mauldin
42524221 1701689 William Henry Mauldin
Rosie the Riveter (Q1650639) 42514415 6028496 Rose Bonavita
42525005 6028495 Monroe Will Rose
42527743 2001920 Rosie the Riveter, iconic figure of the women who worked in defense industries during World War II
Howard Thurman (Q3141604) 42529989 6028456 Thurman W. Howard
42529990 1501316 Howard W. Thurman
Doris Fleischman (Q5297930) 42514028 2001799 Doris Elsa Fleischman Bernays
42518654 1602825 Doris E. Fleischman
Henri Willis Bendel (Q5715754) 42513922 6028457 Henri Bendel
42513923 1701700 Henri Bendel
Wayne McAllister (Q7976455) 42524291 1701704 Wayne McAllister
42524292 6028455 McAllister Douglas Wayne
Edna Anne Wheeler Ballard (Q55779113) 42513507 0801884 Edna Anne Wheeler Ballard
42513508 6004866 Ballard Warren Guy

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata edit

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
1500700 Harriet Tubman (Q102870)
Willard Saxby Townsend Jr. (Q63255702)
6017527 Marx Brothers (Q64450)
Groucho Marx (Q103846)
9780198 Maya Angelou (Q19526)
Elizabeth Taylor (Q34851)
James Hutchinson (Q64577791)