User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/1269

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

Artists in Canada record number edit

authority control maintained by National Gallery of Canada Library listing biographical data for artists who were born in Canada or worked in Canada

Unknown external ID edit

External ID Item
57881 Karine Lanoie-Brien (Q3193295)
57882 Irene Loughlin (Q6069108)
57863 Pia Guerra (Q7189993)
57964 Manuel Mathieu (Q16662741)
57831 Adam Basanta (Q25686122)
58457 Ghazaleh Avarzamani (Q43126890)
58054 Yucho Chow (Q55137842)
57924 whatisadam (Q58699069)
58203 Sabrina Ratté (Q61819167)
57942 Cindy Phenix (Q63677543)
58028 Lauren Crazybull (Q65548123)
38067 Alice Zwarts (Q81217360)
57898 Vanessa Yanow (Q82556821)
58265 Maureen Gruben (Q87012735)
57992 Eddy Firmin (Q89833145)
57902 Ari Bayuaji (Q93553013)
58270 Rajni Perera (Q101850293)
58091 Jobena Petonoquot (Q105724775)
58261 Rémi Belliveau (Q108881026)
57969 Gabi Dao (Q108881035)
58336 Laurence Hervieux-Gosselin (Q109683899)
58419 Sarah Thibault (Q116264606)

Different items for the same external ID edit

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
20415 Elliott Barnes Elliott Barnes (Q122851500) Elliott Barnes (Q33204766) 52541888
38728 Peter Sevoga Peter Sevoga (Q104783363) Peter Sevoga (Q3376875) 52586843
50901 De Passillé-Sylvestre De Passillé-Sylvestre (Q94887458) Micheline De Passillé (Q83802145) 52552893

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match edit

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
Márta Pán (Q1242303) 52579443 12551 Marta Pan
52579444 51946 Marta Pan
Laurent Amiot (Q3218993) 52540130 249 Laurent Amiot
52540170 41971 Laurent Amyot
John Adams Griefen (Q21996883) 52560906 23101 John Griefen
52560907 35046 John Adams Griefen
Joan Balzar (Q23022120) 52541682 738 Joan Balzar
52541683 57327 Joan Balzar
Martha Telles (Q50386255) 52590687 38193 Martha Teles
52590693 42205 Martha Telles
Elisapee Ishulutaq (Q50996386) 52555688 21798 Eleesapee Eshulutak
52565097 24486 Elisapee Ishulutaq
Suzanne Reid (Q75326596) 52583045 44601 Suzanne Reid
52583053 13738 Suzanne Reid-Girard
Georgie Read Barton (Q106841804) 52542079 891 Georgie Read Barton
52582797 39236 Georgie Read-Barton

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata edit

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
38728 Peter Sevoga (Q3376875)
Peter Sevoga (Q104783363)
50901 Micheline De Passillé (Q83802145)
De Passillé-Sylvestre (Q94887458)