User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/1346

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

GAMECIP platform edit

Thesaurus of computer game platform by the Game Metadata and Citation Project

Different items for the same external ID edit

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
1127 Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Entertainment System (Q34468618) Nintendo Entertainment System (Q172742) 53397397

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match edit

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
Wii (Q8079) 53397331 1045 Nintendo Wii (NTSC-J)
53397332 1046 Nintendo Wii (NTSC-K)
53397333 1047 Nintendo Wii (NTSC-U/C)
53397334 1048 Nintendo Wii (PAL)
53397399 1129 Nintendo Wii
PlayStation 2 (Q10680) 53397352 1067 Sony PlayStation 2 (NTSC-J)
53397353 1068 Sony PlayStation 2 (NTSC-U/C)
53397354 1069 Sony PlayStation 2 (PAL)
53397405 1138 Sony PlayStation 2
MS-DOS (Q47604) 53397305 1019 MS-DOS 4.x
53397388 1118 MS-DOS
Xbox 360 (Q48263) 53397300 1014 Microsoft Xbox 360 (NTSC-J)
53397301 1015 Microsoft Xbox 360 (NTSC-U/C)
53397302 1016 Microsoft Xbox 360 (PAL)
53397390 1120 Microsoft Xbox 360
Wii U (Q56942) 53397335 1049 Nintendo Wii U (NTSC-J)
53397336 1050 Nintendo Wii U (NTSC-U/C)
53397337 1051 Nintendo Wii U (PAL)
53397400 1130 Nintendo Wii U
Xbox (Q132020) 53397297 1011 Microsoft Xbox (NTSC-J)
53397298 1012 Microsoft Xbox (NTSC-U/C)
53397299 1013 Microsoft Xbox (PAL)
53397389 1119 Microsoft Xbox
Nintendo Entertainment System (Q172742) 53397319 1033 Nintendo Entertainment System (NTSC)
53397320 1034 Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL-A)
53397321 1035 Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL-B)
53397397 1127 Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo GameCube (Q182172) 53397326 1040 Nintendo GameCube (NTSC-J)
53397327 1041 Nintendo GameCube (NTSC-K)
53397328 1042 Nintendo GameCube (NTSC-U/C)
53397329 1043 Nintendo GameCube (PAL)
53397398 1128 Nintendo GameCube
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Q183259) 53397359 1074 Super Nintendo Entertainment System (NTSC)
53397360 1075 Super Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL)
53397406 1139 Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo 64 (Q184839) 53397312 1026 Nintendo 64 (NTSC-J)
53397313 1027 Nintendo 64 (NTSC-U/C)
53397314 1028 Nintendo 64 (PAL)
53397392 1122 Nintendo 64
Sega Saturn (Q200912) 53397348 1062 Sega Saturn (NTSC)
53397349 1063 Sega Saturn (PAL)
53397372 1089 Sega Saturn (NTSC-J)
53397403 1135 Sega Saturn
Nintendo 3DS (Q203597) 53397309 1023 Nintendo 3DS (NTSC-J)
53397310 1024 Nintendo 3DS (NTSC-U/C)
53397311 1025 Nintendo 3DS (PAL)
53397391 1121 Nintendo 3DS
Atari 2600 (Q206261) 53397407 1140 Atari 2600
53397408 1141 Atari 2600 (NTSC)
53397409 1142 Atari 2600 (PAL)
53397410 1143 Atari 2600 (SECAM)
Nintendo DSi (Q637178) 53397316 1030 Nintendo DSi (NTSC-J)
53397317 1031 Nintendo DSi (NTSC-U/C)
53397318 1032 Nintendo DSi (PAL)
53397393 1123 Nintendo DSi
Sega 32X (Q1063978) 53397343 1057 Sega Genesis 32X
53397345 1059 Sega Mega Drive 32X
53397350 1064 Sega Super 32X
New Nintendo 3DS (Q17679679) 53397308 1022 New Nintendo 3DS (NTSC-J)
53397394 1124 New Nintendo 3DS (NTSC-U/C)
53397395 1125 New Nintendo 3DS (PAL)
53397396 1126 New Nintendo 3DS

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata edit

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
1127 Nintendo Entertainment System (Q172742)
Nintendo Entertainment System (Q34468618)