User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/21

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

A Cambridge Alumni Database

Unknown external ID

  • 740 external IDs in Wikidata but not in Mix'n'Match. Too many to show individually.

Different items for the same external ID

External ID Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
KM578W William Kemp (Q18672874) William Kempe (Q2028014) 752667
OGLY824W William Ogilby (Q76196617) William Ogilby (Q597658) 813773
WT581R Robert Watson (Q18917394) Watson, Robert (fl.1581-1605) (DNB00) (Q19062239) 785681
RBN710M Matthew Robinson (Q24546381) Matthew Robinson (Q18783862) 771112
HLBT857CA Charles Hulbert (Q75267828) Charles Augustus Hulbert (Q5075250) 801430
HMLN842J James Hamilton (Q111967157) Edward James Hamilton (Q76342226) 796449
HGN819E A descriptive catalogue of the gallery of pictures collected by Edmund Higginson, Esq. of Saltmarshe (Q86600002) Edmund Higginson (Q86599335) 799196
SPNK478- Spink (Q75055697) Spink (Q21449486) 777538
ABNY553E Edward Abney (Q75063729) Edward Abney (Q5341491) 712216
BL606E Edmund Bell (Q75063579) Edmund Bell (Q21553717) 717871
WRT609E2 Edward Wright (Q75063169) Edward Wright (Q1294162) 790222
MRBY571F Francis Marbury (Q5481846) William Hutchinson (Q8012733) 758074
DMK719R Robert Dymoke (Q21553936) Robert Dymoke (Q18576911) 735106
TLR841EC Edward Clough-Taylor (Q75264671) Edward Clough Taylor (Q51079023) 817880

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID
Thomas Young (Q25820) 827180 YN797T
827179 YN789T
Abraham Cowley (Q329896) 726188 CWLY645A
730470 CWLY636A
Edward Wright (Q1294162) 790218 WRT576E
790222 WRT609E2
Charles Augustus Hulbert (Q5075250) 801430 HLBT857CA
801429 HLBT830CA
Edward Abney (Q5341491) 712216 ABNY553E
712218 ABNY649E
George Stanhope (Q5544777) 777925 STNP677G
777926 STNP713G
Laurence Chaderton (Q6500531) 726270 CHDN596L
726271 CHDN611L
726269 CHDN564L
Ralph Sweet-Escott (Q7288135) 817378 SWT887RB
817373 SWT887AS
Robert Butterfield (Q7342545) 724608 BTRT598R
724609 BTRT622R
Thomas Bedford (Q7787522) 717694 BDFT609T
717693 BDFT606T
William Fiddian Moulton (Q8009009) 811994 MLTN877WF
811995 MLTN886WF
Marion Bidder (Q18161338) 827257 GRNT879Mw
827283 GRNT883Mw
Thomas Blenerhasset (Q18528807) 719673 BLNT532T
719674 BLNT564T
John Fryer (Q18593228) 739596 FRR594J
739594 FRR544J
William Wilkinson (Q18917758) 788005 WLKN571W
788003 WLKN568W
Robert Wiseman (Q18922259) 765099 PSTN669W
789114 WSMN628R
Herbert Tritton (Q20877316) 819865 TRTN888HL
798749 HRBT893EP
Edmund Bell (Q21553717) 717871 BL606E
717872 BL615E
Frederick George Lindley Meynell (Q21554462) 810360 MNLFG
825944 WT864FG
John Meyrick (Q21554466) 759526 MRC719J
759601 MRK000J
Edward Twells (Q21554738) 820331 TWLS793E
783025 TWLS726E
Dr. Walsham (Q21555137) 784754 WLSN459-
784755 WLSN461-
Robert Dowsing (Q23830931) 734387 DWSN000R
735026 DSN507R
Edward Clough Taylor (Q51079023) 817880 TLR841EC
817879 TLR803EC
Edmund Henry Morgan (Q110083443) 811509 MRGN858EH
811528 MRGN856H

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
OGLY824W William Ogilby (Q597658)
William Ogilby (Q76196617)
KM578W William Kempe (Q2028014)
William Kemp (Q18672874)
WT581R Robert Watson (Q18917394)
Watson, Robert (fl.1581-1605) (DNB00) (Q19062239)
RBN710M Matthew Robinson (Q18783862)
Matthew Robinson (Q24546381)
DMK719R Robert Dymoke (Q18576911)
Robert Dymoke (Q21553936)
HGN819E Edmund Higginson (Q86599335)
A descriptive catalogue of the gallery of pictures collected by Edmund Higginson, Esq. of Saltmarshe (Q86600002)
MRBY571F Francis Marbury (Q5481846)
William Hutchinson (Q8012733)
SPNK478- Spink (Q21449486)
Spink (Q75055697)