User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/2501

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

identifier for an author in the Pinakes database

Unknown external ID

External ID Item
3233 Leo Allatius (Q725712)
3234 Theophilos Kairis (Q1247225)
3232 Benjamin of Lesbos (Q2337064)
3023 Athanasios Parios (Q4813230)
3235 Tito Prospero Martinengo (Q111416506)
3224 Gerasimos of Byzantium (Q122229676)
3222 Concordius (Q122441841)
3231 Andreas‏ ‎Sklentzas‏ (Q123586947)

Different items for the same external ID

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
2634 Theaetetus epigrammaticus Theaetetus of Cyrene (Q16524026) Theaetetus Scholasticus (Q20101908) 75808948
967 Dorotheus Tyrius Dorotheus of Tyre (Q1277345) Pseudo-Dorotheus (Q7254404) 75807305

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
Diogenes of Sinope (Q59180) 75807254 915 Cynicus Diogenes
75807257 918 Diogenes philosophus
Ephrem the Syrian (Q200608) 75807330 992 Ephraem
75807333 995 Ephraem Graecus
Aristoxenus (Q335156) 75806717 366 Aristoxenus
75806718 367 Aristoxenus Tarentinus
Philo of Byblos (Q504771) 75807629 1297 Herennius philosophus grammaticus
75808628 2310 Philo Byblius
Theodosius I of Alexandria (Q2428570) 75809003 2689 Theodosius Alexandrinus
75809004 2690 Theodosius Alexandrinus ptr.
Anastasius Traulus (Q2696137) 75806523 169 Anastasius quaestor
75806527 173 Anastasius Traulus
Euthalius (Q3061129) 75807412 1075 Euthalius Diaconus
75807413 1076 Euthalius Sulci ep.
Leontius of Jerusalem (Q3271629) 75807973 1647 Leontius Hierosolymitanus
75807974 1648 Leontius Hierosolymitanus presbyter
Theophanes Nonnus (Q4120958) 75807037 695 Chrysobalantes Theophanes
75808424 2105 Nonnus Theophanes
Nicetas of Maroneia (Q10336690) 75808363 2043 Nicetas Maroniensis
75808370 2050 Nicetas Thessalonicensis
Gregorius of Caesareia (Q11924700) 75807490 1154 Gregorius Caesariensis Cappadox
75807578 1246 Gregorius presbyter

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
2634 Theaetetus of Cyrene (Q16524026)
Theaetetus Scholasticus (Q20101908)
967 Dorotheus of Tyre (Q1277345)
Pseudo-Dorotheus (Q7254404)