User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/2565

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

plants in the Australian Plant Name Index, as at 2019-06-18

Unknown external ID

  • 1148 external IDs in Wikidata but not in Mix'n'Match. Too many to show individually.

Different items for the same external ID

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
110374 Polygonum orientale Polygonum orientale (Q80352483) Persicaria orientalis (Q164344) 76335721
113737 Enteropogon Enteropogon (Q23070874) Enteropogon (Q2297568) 76273243
116795 Eulalia aurea Eulalia aurea (Q10490198) Eulalia aurea (Q22110996) 76280410
116884 Elytrigia pungens Elytrigia pungens (Q85189595) Agropyron pungens (Q4694269) 76272818
117936 Grevillea bronwenae Grevillea bronweniae (Q15578685) Grevillea bronwenae (Q8965088) 76289439
119298 Cucumis melo subsp. agrestis Cucumis melo agrestis (Q21383256) Cucumis melo var. agrestis (Q18231662) 76261012
120550 Chondropsis Chondropsis (Q69672375) Chondropsis (Q69672899) 76253092
124665 Schizophyllum Schizophyllum (Q1303760) Schizophyllum (Q87175765) 76349485
125314 Eragrostis amabilis Eragrostis tenella (Q87622848) Eragrostis tenella (Q2672639) 76273933
157752 Harnieria kempeana subsp. kempeana Harnieria kempeana subsp. kempeana (Q100454726) Harnieria kempeana subsp. kempeana (Q64869568) 76293909
164775 Boronia crenulata var. angustifolia Boronia crenulata var. angustifolia (Q51046332) Boronia crenulata var. crenulata (Q51046344) 76239176
184840 Croton setiger Croton setiger (Q78776570) Croton setigerus (Q28808832) 76260342
205102 Banksia dallanneyi var. mellicula Banksia dallanneyi var. mellicula (Q4856586) Banksia dallanneyi var. dallanneyi (Q4856585) 76235166
211179 Aneura nitida Aneura nitida (Q52072256) Aneura nitida (Q14699855) 76228436
212989 Capitularia Capitularia (1807) (Q64711839) Capitularia (Q87288027) 76248309
217319 Pilocarpaceae Pilocarpaceae (1905) (Q31848) Pilocarpaceae (1858) (Q86708760) 76332031
225652 Melaleuca glauca Melaleuca glauca (Q15370315) Callistemon glaucus (Q954151) 76315596
226841 Syzygium floribundum Syzygium floribundum (Q108742313) Waterhousea floribunda (Q7974146) 76361095
227241 Austroparmelina elixia Austroparmelina elixia (Q105484598) Austroparmelina elixii (Q10423211) 76233873
237234 Gnaphalium antillanum Gnaphalium antillanum (Q65939072) Gamochaeta antillana (Q15598695) 76286826
240577 Erythranthe moschata Erythranthe moschata (Q17746394) Mimulus moschatus (Q6862417) 76276409
51269701 Myosotis spathulata Myosotis spathulata (Q102182098) Myosotis spatulata (Q17416927) 76320391
51302815 Epilobium angustifolium Chamaenerion angustifolium (Q160104) Epilobium angustifolium (Q12217056) 76273761
57631 Reynoutria japonica Reynoutria japonica (Q18421053) Fallopia japonica (Q899672) 76344457
60137 Setaria Setaria (Q67083827) Setaria (Q157389) 76351905
69938 Citrullus lanatus watermelon (Q17507129) watermelon (Q38645) 76254073
78689 Nematostigma Nematostigma (Q10595928) Nematostigma (Q87218779) 76321776
85613 Rubus discolor Rubus discolor (Q107407000) Rubus armeniacus (Q163056) 76346660
86470 Spiranthes australis Spiranthes australis (Q48815395) Spiranthes x australis (Q12237622) 76356535
86928 Dendrocnide photiniphylla Dendrocnide photinophylla (Q5256740) Dendrocnide photiniphylla (Q15609875) 76266141
95818 Mesembryanthemum laxum Mesembryanthemum laxum (Q108654433) Mesembryanthemum laxum L.Bolus (1933) non Willd. (1809) (Q87642449) 76317031
96496 Ebenus geminata Ebenus geminata (Q17247119) Ebenus compacta (Q17245863) 76271798
97859 Loranthus Loranthus (Q66501499) Loranthus (Q163517) 76311698
98507 Desmodium heterocarpon var. strigosum Desmodium heterocarpon var. strigosum (Q25119336) Desmodium heterocarpon var. heterocarpon (Q25119335) 76266601
98994 Cyperus sesquiflorus Cyperus sesquiflorus (Q98713492) Kyllinga odorata (Q9696219) 76262903

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

  • 3486 items have more than one match in Mix'n'Match. Too many to show individually.

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
113737 Enteropogon (Q2297568)
Enteropogon (Q23070874)
117936 Grevillea bronwenae (Q8965088)
Grevillea bronweniae (Q15578685)
120550 Chondropsis (Q69672375)
Chondropsis (Q69672899)
157752 Harnieria kempeana subsp. kempeana (Q64869568)
Harnieria kempeana subsp. kempeana (Q100454726)
184840 Croton setigerus (Q28808832)
Croton setiger (Q78776570)
217319 Pilocarpaceae (1905) (Q31848)
Pilocarpaceae (1858) (Q86708760)
237234 Gamochaeta antillana (Q15598695)
Gnaphalium antillanum (Q65939072)
51302815 Chamaenerion angustifolium (Q160104)
Epilobium angustifolium (Q12217056)
60137 Setaria (Q157389)
Setaria (Q67083827)
78689 Nematostigma (Q10595928)
Nematostigma (Q87218779)
86470 Spiranthes x australis (Q12237622)
Spiranthes australis (Q48815395)
86928 Dendrocnide photinophylla (Q5256740)
Dendrocnide photiniphylla (Q15609875)