User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/2812

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

The online edition of the Croatian Encyclopedia (2nd half)

Unknown external ID

  • 401 external IDs in Wikidata but not in Mix'n'Match. Too many to show individually.

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
Stendhal (Q502) 80900364 7365 Beyle Henri
80901276 58000 Stendhal
Federico García Lorca (Q41408) 80902343 21260 Federico García Lorca
80902503 37146 Federico García Lorca
Turkic peoples (Q83328) 80904653 62736 Turci (etnologija)
80904655 62775 turkijski narodi
Lope de Vega (Q165257) 80902494 37123 Lope de Vega y Carpio
80902862 64067 Lope de Vega y Carpio
Betje Wolff (Q183007) 80899440 14281 Deken Agatha
80899568 66311 Wolff Elisabeth i Deken Agatha
Sibilla Aleramo (Q287741) 80901378 1600 Sibilla Aleramo
80901618 18822 Sibilla Aleramo
Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Q318462) 80896497 10143 Edward Bulwer-Lytton
80897030 37692 Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Kâtip Çelebi (Q390123) 80904600 24044 Mustafa Hadži Kalfa
80904614 30880 Mustafa Hadži Kalfa
Pablo de Rokha (Q1170260) 80902625 46053 Pablo de Rokha
80902719 53248 Pablo de Rokha
Alonso Carrió de la Vandera (Q2839255) 80902220 10891 Alonso Carrió de la Vandera
80902251 12347 Alonso Carrió de la Vandera
Vladimir Borotha (Q112384383) 80891317 8836 Vladimir Treščec Branjski
80919729 62197 Vladimir Treščec Branjski

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
20418 Frank-Ivo van Damme (Q2228708)
Ivo Frank (Q15408063)
2391 Anabasis (Q73112)
Anabasis of Alexander (Q1236228)
38289 macrolides (Q422687)
macrolide antibiotic (Q1886461)
53065 Luca della Robbia (Q194977)
della Robbia (Q13410523)
67592 sonic boom (Q333268)
Zvučni zid – Muzika za teatar, film i TV (Q12645892)
8415 bohemianism (Q207175)
bohemian (Q111520117)