User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/3540

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

Thesaurus for epochs in the Service des Musées de France Joconde authority file

Unknown external ID

External ID External label Item
2542 Projects: Robert Whitman (Q110891682)
SoeekT93-32 Mesolithic (Q44155)

Different items for the same external ID

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
T93-36 néolithique ancien Early Neolithic (Q97317573) Early Neolithic in Central Europe (Q1472178) 93067220
T93-40 néolithique moyen Middle Neolithic (Q97317547) Middle Neolithic in Central Europe (Q1527687) 93066469
T93-42 néolithique final Final Neolithic (Q97317538) Final Neolithic in Central Europe (Q1340637) 93067011
T93-44 néolithique récent Late Neolithic (Q97317435) Late Neolithic in Central Europe (Q1713476) 93066997
T93-625 cycladique Early Cycladic (Q57475796) Cycladic civilization (Q318144) 93067050
T93-641 mycénien Helladic period (Q937774) Mycenaean Greece (Q181264) 93066967
T93-773 figures noires black-figure pottery (Q629602) Attic black-figure pottery (Q18214755) 93066574
T93-803 style Art déco Art Deco (Q173782) Art Deco architecture (Q12720942) 93067156

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
Roman Empire (Q2277) 93066468 T93-543 romain impérial
93066755 T93-858 époque romaine impériale
Den (Q151822) 93066710 T93-153 Den
93066724 T93-154 Oudimou
Djet (Q151828) 93066787 T93-150 Djet
93066792 T93-151 Ouadji
Siptah (Q158059) 93066953 T93-386 Ramsès Siptah
93066956 T93-387 Siptah
Gothic Revival (Q186363) 93067170 T93-947 Néo-Gothique
93067225 T93-949 style néo-gothique
academic art (Q189458) 93066791 T93-876 Académisme
93066720 T93-921 style Académique
Hallstatt culture (Q202165) 93066612 T93-65 premier âge du fer
93066630 T93-66 Hallstatt
La Tène culture (Q208247) 93066611 T93-70 second âge du fer
93066979 T93-71 Tène
Shepseskaf (Q220252) 93067088 T93-187 Chepseskaf
93067076 T93-188 Dedefptah
Late Bronze Age (Q1758757) 93066947 T93-53 bronze récent
93066552 T93-54 bronze final

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
T93-36 Early Neolithic in Central Europe (Q1472178)
Early Neolithic (Q97317573)
T93-40 Middle Neolithic in Central Europe (Q1527687)
Middle Neolithic (Q97317547)
T93-42 Final Neolithic in Central Europe (Q1340637)
Final Neolithic (Q97317538)
T93-44 Late Neolithic in Central Europe (Q1713476)
Late Neolithic (Q97317435)
T93-625 Cycladic civilization (Q318144)
Early Cycladic (Q57475796)
T93-641 Mycenaean Greece (Q181264)
Helladic period (Q937774)
T93-803 Art Deco (Q173782)
Art Deco architecture (Q12720942)