User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/4164

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures edit

dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypal problems, and related definitions

Different items for the same external ID edit

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
LCS LCS longest common substring problem (Q1936797) 141001}} 107891816
bdtree BD-tree BD-tree (Q105129738) 29793551}} 107891207
oNotation o notation little o notation (Q110208840) 269878}} 107892010
source source tail (Q105225381) 93723782}} 107892368
stupidSort stupid sort gnome sort (Q936797) 762850}} 107892428
tail tail tail (Q105176274) 105176266}} 107892456

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match edit

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
Huffman coding (Q2647) 107891698 huffmanCoding Huffman coding
107891699 HuffmanEncoding Huffman encoding
107891700 HuffmannCompression Huffmann compression
107891701 HufmanEncoding Hufman encoding
arithmetic coding (Q2651) 107891161 arithmeticCoding arithmetic coding
107891162 arithmeticEncoding arithmetic encoding
Lempel–Ziv–Welch (Q2681) 107891825 lempelZivWelch Lempel-Ziv-Welch
107891826 LempelZivWelchDataCompression Lempel-Ziv-Welch data compression
107891869 LZWCompression LZW compression
Burrows–Wheeler transform (Q2806) 107891300 burrowsWheelerTransform Burrows-Wheeler transform
107891303 bwt BWT
algorithm (Q8366) 107891121 aglorithm aglorithm
107891123 algarhythm algarhythm
107891124 algarithm algarithm
107891125 algolrythm algolrythm
107891126 algorhythm algorhythm
107891127 algoritham algoritham
107891128 algorithim algorithim
107891129 algorithm algorithm
107891133 algorithms algorithms
107891135 algorithum algorithum
107891136 algorithym algorithym
107891137 algorythm algorythm
hash tree (Q14746) 107891671 hashTree hash tree
107891902 MerkleTree Merkle tree
Seven Bridges of Königsberg (Q33100) 107891787 KoumlnigsbergBridgesProblem Königsberg bridges problem
107891788 KoenigsbergBridgesProblem Koenigsberg bridges problem
Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm (Q45285) 107891781 kmp KMP
107891785 knuthMorrisPratt Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
107891786 KnuthPrattMorrisAlgorithm Knuth-Pratt-Morris algorithm
107891790 kpm KPM
associative array (Q80585) 107891172 assocarray associative array
107891173 assocList assoc list
107892156 propertyList property list
least common multiple (Q102761) 107891814 lcm LCM
107891819 leastCommonMultiple least common multiple
greatest common divisor (Q131752) 107891639 gcd GCD
107891651 greatestCommonDenominator greatest common denominator
107891652 greatestCommonDivisor greatest common divisor
107891674 hcf HCF
longest common subsequence problem (Q141001) 107891816 LCS LCS
107891858 longestCommonSubsequence longest common subsequence
finite-state machine (Q176452) 107891597 finiteStateAutomaton finite state automaton
107891598 finiteStateMachine finite state machine
hidden Markov model (Q176769) 107891688 hiddenMarkovModel hidden Markov model
107891691 hmm HMM
sorting algorithm (Q181593) 107892361 sort sort
107892364 sortingAlgorithm sorting algorithm
hash function (Q183427) 107891665 hashI hash
107891667 hash hash function
merge sort (Q189057) 107891900 mergesortI mergesort
107891901 mergesort merge sort
formal language (Q192161) 107891616 formalLanguage formal language
107891804 language language
Euclidean algorithm (Q230848) 107891534 EuclideanAlgorithm Euclidean algorithm
107891538 euclidalgo Euclid's algorithm
minimum spanning tree (Q240464) 107891916 minimumSpanningTree minimum spanning tree
107892385 sst SST
cyclic redundancy check (Q245471) 107891398 crc CRC
107891415 cyclicRedundancyCheck cyclic redundancy check
cycle (Q245595) 107891344 closedPath closed path
107891414 cycle cycle
adjacency list (Q264398) 107891112 adjacencyList adjacency list
107891113 adjacencyListRep adjacency-list representation
big O notation (Q269878) 107891217 bigOnotation big-O notation
107892001 OhNotation Oh notation
107892009 ONotation O notation
107892010 oNotation o notation
Hungarian algorithm (Q281922) 107891703 HungarianAlgorithm Hungarian algorithm
107891951 munkresAssignment Munkres' assignment algorithm
travelling salesperson problem (Q322212) 107892499 travellingSalesmanProblem travelling salesman problem
107892514 tsp TSP
breadth-first search (Q325904) 107891213 bfs BFS
107891277 breadthfirst breadth-first search
Gray code (Q332772) 107891650 graycode Gray code
107891655 greyCode grey code
Ackermann function (Q341835) 107891099 ackermann Ackermann's function
107891100 AckermansFunction Ackerman's function
worst-case execution time (Q362858) 107892581 wcet WCET
107892596 worstCaseExecutionTime worst-case execution time
Prim's algorithm (Q470813) 107892138 PrimJarniacutek Prim-Jarník
107892139 primJarnik Prim-Jarnik algorithm
107892140 PrimsAlgorithm Prim's algorithm
heapsort (Q474095) 107891681 heapSortI heap sort
107891682 heapSort heapsort
Levenshtein distance (Q496939) 107891829 Levenshtein Levenshtein distance
107891830 LevenshteinStringDistance Levenshtein string distance
exclusive or (Q498186) 107891547 exclusiveOr exclusive or
107892598 xor xor
Tree rotation (Q541347) 107892253 rightrotatn right rotation
107892266 rotation rotation
taxicab geometry (Q573509) 107891871 manhattanDistance Manhattan distance
107892215 rectilinearDistance rectilinear distance
nondeterministic finite automaton (Q617295) 107891963 nfa NFA
107891970 nondetermAlgo nondeterministic algorithm
107891971 nondeterministicFiniteAutomaton nondeterministic finite automaton
107891972 nondetermFiniteStateMach nondeterministic finite state machine
assignment problem (Q620614) 107891169 assignment assignment problem
107891876 marriageProblem marriage problem
Eight queens puzzle (Q623317) 107891525 eightQueens eight queens
107891526 eightqueens 8 queens
Fast Fourier transform (Q623950) 107891575 fastFourierTransform fast fourier transform
107891582 fft FFT
B-tree (Q677051) 107891195 balancedMultiwayTree balanced multiway tree
107891290 btree B-tree
adjacency matrix (Q727035) 107891114 adjacencyMatrix adjacency matrix
107891115 adjacencyMatrixRep adjacency-matrix representation
bogosort (Q762850) 107891253 bogosortI bogo-sort
107891254 bogosort bogosort
107892428 stupidSort stupid sort
Bellman–Ford algorithm (Q816022) 107891208 bellmanford Bellman-Ford algorithm
107891612 FordBellman Ford-Bellman
depth-first search (Q816319) 107891435 depthfirst depth-first search
107891452 dfs DFS
abstract data type (Q827335) 107891095 abstractDataType abstract data type
107891119 adt ADT
107891120 adversary adversary
deterministic finite automata (Q837528) 107891442 deterministicFiniteAutomaton deterministic finite automaton
107891451 dfa DFA
polynomial-time approximation scheme (Q843550) 107892114 polynomialtimeApproximationScheme polynomial-time approximation scheme
107892161 ptas PTAS
cocktail shaker sort (Q847294) 107891216 bidirectionalBubbleSort bidirectional bubble sort
107891350 cocktailShakerSort cocktail shaker sort
binomial heap (Q864032) 107891231 binomialheap binomial heap
107891232 binomialQueue binomial queue
binary decision diagram (Q864155) 107891206 bdd BDD
107891218 binaryDecisionDiagram binary decision diagram
route inspection problem (Q901096) 107891329 chinesePostman Chinese postman problem
107891397 cpp CPP
vehicle routing problem (Q944041) 107892564 vehicleRouting vehicle routing problem
107892579 vrp VRP
Doomsday rule (Q963762) 107891486 doomsdayAlgorithm doomsday algorithm
107891487 doomsday Doomsday rule
Miller–Rabin primality test (Q980224) 107891906 millerRabin Miller-Rabin
107891907 MillerRabinProbabilisticPrimalityTest Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test
shortest path problem (Q1058754) 107892324 shortestpath shortest path
107892343 singlepairShortestpathProblem single-pair shortest-path problem
communicating sequential processes (Q1120460) 107891362 communseqpro Communicating Sequential Processes
107891403 csp CSP
directed graph (Q1137726) 107891463 digraph digraph
107891470 directedGraph directed graph
octree (Q1143237) 107891996 octree octree
107891997 octtree octtree
directed acyclic graph (Q1195339) 107891102 acyclicDigraph acyclic digraph
107891103 acyclicDirectedGraph acyclic directed graph
107891417 dag DAG
107891468 directAcycGraph directed acyclic graph
Byzantine fault (Q1353446) 107891304 ByzantineAgreementProblem Byzantine Agreement Problem
107891305 byzantine Byzantine generals
107891306 ByzantineGeneralsProblem Byzantine generals problem
memoization (Q1376168) 107891896 memoize memoization
107891897 memoizeI memoize
Rabin–Karp algorithm (Q1384131) 107891767 karpRabin Karp-Rabin
107892187 RabinKarp Rabin-Karp
introsort (Q1395653) 107891739 introsort introsort
107891740 introSort intro sort
107891741 introspectionSort introspection sort
107891742 introspectiveSort introspective sort
path (Q1415372) 107892066 path path
107892336 simplepath simple path
Locality-sensitive hashing (Q1625299) 107891854 localitySensitiveHashing locality-sensitive hashing
107891865 lsh LSH
treap (Q1757700) 107892209 rbst RBST
107892500 treap treap
approximate string-matching algorithm (Q1798621) 107891157 approximateStringMatching approximate string matching
107892418 stringMatchwError string matching with errors
skip list (Q2005893) 107891764 jumpList jump list
107892353 skiplistI skiplist
107892354 skiplist skip list
Zeller's congruence (Q2140717) 107892600 ZellersAlgorithm Zeller's algorithm
107892601 zellersCongruence Zeller's congruence
SPMD (Q2289219) 107892344 singleprogrm single program multiple data
107892382 spmd SPMD
Calculus of communicating systems (Q2563079) 107891308 calcucommsys Calculus of Communicating Systems
107891320 ccs CCS
ternary search tree (Q2859802) 107892463 ternarySearchTree ternary search tree
107892515 tst TST
k-ary tree (Q3608019) 107891772 karyTree k-ary tree
107891801 kwayTree k-way tree
Boyer–Moore–Horspool algorithm (Q4060665) 107891269 boyerMooreHorspool Boyer-Moore-Horspool
107891695 Horspool Horspool
2-choice hashing (Q4596934) 107891093 ABKUHashing ABKU hashing
107892523 twoChoiceHashing 2-choice hashing
107892532 2wayChaining 2-way chaining
jump search (Q4922513) 107891249 blockSearch block search
107891765 jumpsearch jump search
Fibonacci search technique (Q4925741) 107891583 fibonaccianSearch Fibonaccian search
107891586 FibonacciSearch Fibonacci search
coalesced hashing (Q5137864) 107891347 coalescedChaining coalesced chaining
107891348 coalescedHashing coalesced hashing
bucket sort (Q6787153) 107891235 binSort bin sort
107891295 bucketsort bucket sort
minimum bounding box (Q6865426) 107891891 mbb MBB
107891912 minimumBoundingBox minimum bounding box
open addressing (Q7096315) 107891343 closedHashing closed hashing
107892011 openAddressing open addressing
prune and search (Q7253034) 107891427 decimation decimation
107892158 pruneNsearch prune and search
weight-balanced tree (Q7979855) 107891204 bbalphatree BB(α) tree
107892584 weightbalancedTree weight-balanced tree
Hamiltonian cycle (Q9197353) 107891660 HamiltonianCircuit Hamiltonian circuit
107891661 hamiltonianCycle Hamiltonian cycle
107892486 tour tour
Eulerian cycle (Q11691793) 107891539 eulercycle Euler cycle
107891543 EulerTour Euler tour
qsort (Q15995414) 107892172 qsortI qsort
107892173 qsort q sort
codeword (Q105130724) 107891351 codeWord code word
107891352 codeword codeword
Bond Sequential Search (Q105199283) 107891256 BondSeqSearch Bond Sequential Search
107891288 bss BSS
unbounded knapsack problem (Q105200440) 107892536 ub UB
107892538 ukp UKP
107892540 unboundedKnapsack unbounded knapsack problem
separate chaining (Q105204884) 107891560 externalChaining external chaining
107892298 separateChaining separate chaining
Robin Hood hashing (Q105205433) 107892258 RobinhoodHashing Robin-hood hashing
107892259 robinhoodHashing robinhood hashing
107892260 robinHoodHashing Robin Hood hashing
LCFS hashing (Q105205542) 107891806 LastComeFirstServedHashing Last-Come First-Served Hashing
107891813 lcfsHashing LCFS hashing
in-order traversal (Q105243136) 107891719 infixTraversal infix traversal
107891721 inorderTraversalI inorder traversal
107891722 inorderTraversal in-order traversal
107892448 symmetricalTraversal symmetrical traversal
107892451 symmetricTraversal symmetric traversal
post-order traversal (Q105243150) 107892120 postfixTraversal postfix traversal
107892124 postorderTraversal postorder traversal
pre-order traversal (Q105243151) 107892133 prefixTraversal prefix traversal
107892134 preorderTraversal preorder traversal
0-1 knapsack problem (Q105415774) 107891223 binaryKnapsackProblem binary knapsack problem
107892606 01KnapsackProblem 0-1 knapsack problem

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata edit

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
LCS longest common subsequence problem (Q141001)
longest common substring problem (Q1936797)
acyclicgraph acyclic graph (Q3115453)
Acyclic graph (Q4677984)
bdtree BD-tree (Q29793551)
BD-tree (Q105129738)
source source vertex (Q93723782)
tail (Q105225381)
stupidSort bogosort (Q762850)
gnome sort (Q936797)
tail tail (Q105176266)
tail (Q105176274)