User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/5016

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note: If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.

identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia

Mismatch between Wikidata and Mix'n'match

  1. Wikidata says the external ID Ruzante belongs to Angelo Beolco (Q1055609), but mix'n'match says Angelo Beolco (Q108763505)
  2. Wikidata says the external ID BlÃ¥tÃ¥rn belongs to Q106577514, but mix'n'match says Blåtårn (Q882740)
  3. Wikidata says the external ID Suomen_Kansallisteatteri belongs to Finnish National Theatre (Q108560166), but mix'n'match says Finnish National Theatre (Q1200969)
  4. Wikidata says the external ID Thalia_Theater belongs to Thalia Theater (Q113044298), but mix'n'match says Thalia Theater (Q456499)
  5. Wikidata says the external ID Volkstheater_Wien belongs to Volkstheater (Q113044679), but mix'n'match says Volkstheater (Q688555)
  6. Wikidata says the external ID Bayreuth_Festspielhaus belongs to Bayreuth Festival Theatre (Q113045037), but mix'n'match says Bayreuth Festival Theatre (Q329133)
  7. Wikidata says the external ID Théâtre_de_l'Oeuvre belongs to Théâtre de l'Œuvre (Q113045149), but mix'n'match says Théâtre de l'Œuvre (Q2292251)
  8. Wikidata says the external ID Taganka_Teatret belongs to Taganka Theatre (Q113072351), but mix'n'match says Taganka Theatre (Q2064699)
  9. Wikidata says the external ID Trøndelag_Teater belongs to Trøndelag Teater (Q113292095), but mix'n'match says Trøndelag Teater (Q565377)
  10. Wikidata says the external ID Þjóðleikhúsid belongs to National Theatre of Iceland (Q113470451), but mix'n'match says National Theatre of Iceland (Q565455)
  11. Wikidata says the external ID Schiller_Theater belongs to Schiller Theater (Q113470455), but mix'n'match says Schiller Theater (Q32487)
  12. Wikidata says the external ID Theater_in_der_Josefstadt belongs to Theater in der Josefstadt (Q113470585), but mix'n'match says Theater in der Josefstadt (Q167619)
  13. Wikidata says the external ID Maxim_Gorki_Theater belongs to Maxim Gorki Theatre (Q113486042), but mix'n'match says Maxim Gorki Theatre (Q460259)
  14. Wikidata says the external ID mime belongs to miming (Q11882872), but mix'n'match says mime (Q39818)
  15. Wikidata says the external ID F.C._Wedel_Jarlsberg belongs to Fritz Wedel Jarlsberg (Q12312581), but mix'n'match says canton of Désirade (Q1231258)
  16. Wikidata says the external ID Posthus_Teatret belongs to Posthus Teatret (Q33400154), but mix'n'match says Posthus Teatret (Q61060359)
  17. Wikidata says the external ID Camp_X belongs to Camp X Copenhagen (Q54912520), but mix'n'match says Aveny-T (Q11963048)
  18. Wikidata says the external ID handskedukke belongs to Glove puppetry (Q717122), but mix'n'match says hand puppet (Q14875)

Unknown external ID

  1. External ID Stefania_Gu?mundsdóttir is not in Mix'n'match
  2. External ID Juliusz_S?owacki is not in Mix'n'match
  3. External ID Zygmunt_Krasi?ski is not in Mix'n'match
  4. External ID Wojciech_Bogus?awski is not in Mix'n'match
  5. External ID Stanis?aw_Wyspia?ski is not in Mix'n'match
  6. External ID Tadeusz_Ró?ewicz is not in Mix'n'match

Multiple items with same external ID

  1. Multiple Wikidata items with external ID Bayreuth_Festspielhaus : Bayreuth Festival Theatre (Q113045037), Bayreuth Festival Theatre (Q329133)
  2. Multiple Wikidata items with external ID handskedukke : Glove puppetry (Q717122), hand puppet (Q14875)