User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/5132

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

French Academy of Sciences member edit

identifier for a member of the French Academy of Sciences on its website (current members, see also catalog 220)

Unknown external ID edit

External ID Item
E/manfred-eigen Manfred Eigen (Q76600)
C/alain-colmerauer Alain Colmerauer (Q93072)
M/luc-montagnier Luc Montagnier (Q103598)
Z/ahmed-zewail Ahmed Zewail (Q106624)
A/duilio-arigoni Duilio Arigoni (Q121042)
D/freeman-dyson Freeman Dyson (Q153717)
B/nicolaas-bloembergen Nicolaas Bloembergen (Q189987)
K/aaron-klug Aaron Klug (Q190626)
A/michael-f-atiyah Michael Atiyah (Q208356)
B/sydney-brenner Sydney Brenner (Q234463)
B/jean-bourgain Jean Bourgain (Q260802)
P/jean-claude-pecker Jean-Claude Pecker (Q263659)
C/luigi-luca-cavalli-sforza Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza (Q315454)
C/roger-cayrel Roger Cayrel (Q324613)
K/axel-kahn Axel Kahn (Q325495)
W/lodewijk-woltjer Lodewijk Woltjer (Q329211)
T/john-tate John Tate (Q351822)
Y/jean-christophe-yoccoz Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (Q369600)
F/jean-marc-fontaine Jean-Marc Fontaine (Q370496)
K/rudolf-kalman Rudolf E. Kálmán (Q384687)
T/jacques-tits Jacques Tits (Q451331)
M/edmond-malinvaud Edmond Malinvaud (Q473926)
H/erwin-hahn Erwin Hahn (Q476205)
T/andrzej-tarkowski Andrzej Tarkowski (Q515695)
C/andre-capron André Capron (Q517594)
K/jean-louis-koszul Jean-Louis Koszul (Q526290)
F/gerard-ferey Gérard Férey (Q531151)
K/fotis-kafatos Fotis Kafatos (Q541682)
K/jean-pierre-kahane Jean-Pierre Kahane (Q550171)
B/marcel-berger Marcel Berger (Q553949)
G/roland-glowinski Roland Glowinski (Q555764)
N/louis-nirenberg Louis Nirenberg (Q596590)
P/frank-press Frank Press (Q638644)
S/gilbert-stork Gilbert Stork (Q901783)
F/ludwig-faddeev Ludvig Faddeev (Q1030228)
B/claude-bouchiat Claude Bouchiat (Q1096528)
D/jean-pierre-demailly Jean-Pierre Demailly (Q1336954)
O/ernst-otten Ernst-Wilhelm Otten (Q1357238)
M/philippe-meyer Philippe Meyer (Q1536807)
R/michel-raynaud Michel Raynaud (Q1544886)
J/michel-jouvet Michel Jouvet (Q1657681)
I/masao-ito Masao Itō (Q1660659)
M/maryam-mirzakhani Maryam Mirzakhani (Q1771279)
R/rex-richards Rex Richards (Q2147079)
K/jean-kovalevsky Jean Kovalevsky (Q2413261)
C/william-chaloner William Gilbert Chaloner (Q2546295)
G/andre-goffeau André Goffeau (Q2847859)
J/andre-jaumotte André Jaumotte (Q2847991)
C/claude-combes Claude Combes (Q2977204)
G/francois-gros François Gros (Q3084776)
B/jacques-blamont Jacques Blamont (Q3158294)
G/jacques-glowinski Jacques Glowinski (Q3159001)
S/jean-michel-saveant Jean-Michel Savéant (Q3168146)
D/jean-dercourt Jean Dercourt (Q3171680)
L/marcel-lesieur Marcel Lesieur (Q3289145)
N/maurice-nivat Maurice Nivat (Q3301202)
C/michel-caboche Michel Caboche (Q3309159)
C/michel-combarnous Michel Combarnous (Q3309311)
O/paul-ozenda Paul Ozenda (Q3371945)
B/giovanni-bignami Giovanni Bignami (Q3766836)
G/bernard-guinot Bernard René Guinot (Q4138656)
H/paul-hagenmuller Paul Hagenmuller (Q5782319)
B/klaus-bechgaard Klaus Bechgaard (Q6419842)
M/teruaki-mukaiyama Teruaki Mukaiyama (Q11415932)
A/jean-aubouin Jean Aubouin (Q15979722)
G/madeleine-gans Madeleine Gans (Q16661927)
C/georges-courtes Georges Courtès (Q18399918)
C/yves-couder Yves Couder (Q19339978)
S/dominique-stehelin Dominique Stéhelin (Q27921906)
D/roland-douce Roland Douce (Q33262067)
C/riccardo-cortese Riccardo Cortese (Q110635874)
C/paul-caro Paul Caro (Q111494832)