User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/735

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

GNU projects documented by FSF

Unknown external ID

  • 401 external IDs in Wikidata but not in Mix'n'Match. Too many to show individually.

Different items for the same external ID

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
Archimedes Archimedes GNU Archimedes (Q3093274) Archimedes (Q1102380) 27731715
Aroundme Aroundme AROUNDMe (Q113377528) AroundMe (Q4795608) 27731717
Cpio Cpio GNU cpio (Q21162921) cpio (Q285296) 27731758
Ghostscript Ghostscript Ghostscript (Q1135839) GNU Ghostscript (Q3093287) 27731851
Mailman Mailman Mailman (Q105648454) GNU Mailman project (Q937466) 27731985
R R R (Q113585511) R (Q206904) 27732054
Speex Speex Speex (Q930667) .spx (Q29024883) 27732087

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
GIMP (Q8038) 27731806 GIMP GIMP
50841299 Gimp Gimp
GNAT (Q180760) 27731809 GNAT GNAT
50841304 Gnat Gnat
GNUstep (Q181222) 27731830 GNUstep GNUstep
50841310 Gnustep Gnustep
ERC (Q599894) 27731781 ERC ERC
50841295 Erc Erc
Window Maker (Q1046732) 27732123 Window_Maker Window Maker
50841354 Windowmaker Windowmaker
Gnash (Q1142317) 27731813 GNU_Gnash GNU Gnash
50841303 Gnash Gnash
GNU Pascal (Q1196623) 27731816 GNU_Pascal GNU Pascal
50841333 Pascal Pascal
GNU Core Utilities (Q1348204) 27731757 Coreutils Coreutils
27732074 Shellutils Shellutils
27732100 Textutils Textutils
GNU WebSocket4J (Q2372153) 27732120 WebSocket4J WebSocket4J
50841352 Websocket4j Websocket4j
GNU Dr. Geo (Q3038439) 27731778 Dr._geo Dr. geo
50841292 Dr-geo Dr-geo
50841306 Gnowsys Gnowsys
GNU Zile (Q3093309) 27731821 GNU_Zile GNU Zile
50841356 Zile Zile
Jami (Q3459508) 27732061 Ring Ring
68924861 Jami Jami
EPrints (Q5323977) 27731780 EPrints EPrints
50841294 Eprints Eprints
phpGrabComics (Q7187969) 27732038 Phpgrabcomics Phpgrabcomics
50841313 Grabcomics Grabcomics
RefTeX (Q7307078) 27732059 RefTeX RefTeX
50841339 Reftex Reftex
LibreJS (Q17940363) 27731950 IceCat/GNU_LibreJS IceCat/GNU LibreJS
39513668 LibreJS LibreJS
65787404 Librejs Librejs
GNU Shepherd (Q21194368) 27731774 Dmd Dmd
50841341 Shepherd Shepherd
GNU BPEL2oWFN (Q24090696) 27731726 BPEL2oWFN BPEL2oWFN
50841285 Bpel2owfn Bpel2owfn
GNU Guile-SDL (Q47343355) 27731928 Guile-SDL Guile-SDL
50841316 Guile-sdl Guile-sdl
GIFT (Q50378421) 27731805 GIFT GIFT
50841298 Gift Gift
GMediaServer (Q62850753) 27731808 GMediaServer GMediaServer
50841302 Gmediaserver Gmediaserver
C-Graph (Q72271431) 27731736 C-Graph C-Graph
50841286 C-graph C-graph
GNU FM (Q72271641) 27731812 GNU_FM GNU FM
50841307 Gnufm Gnufm
GNU Messenger (Q72271647) 27731814 GNU_Messenger GNU Messenger
50841301 Gm Gm
GNU Source-highlight (Q72271648) 27731819 GNU_Source-highlight GNU Source-highlight
27732090 Src-highlite Src-highlite
GNU sauce (Q72271649) 27731823 GNU_sauce GNU sauce
50841340 Sauce Sauce
GNU libmatheval (Q72271656) 27731822 GNU_libmatheval GNU libmatheval
50841322 Libmatheval Libmatheval
Gneural Network (Q72272169) 27731860 Gneural_Network Gneural Network
50841305 Gneuralnetwork Gneuralnetwork
GOOPS (Q94300617) 27731831 GOOPS GOOPS
50841312 Goops Goops
Guile-Debbugs (Q110874924) 36280973 Guile-Debbugs Guile-Debbugs
50841315 Guile-debbugs Guile-debbugs
GLUE (Q113457966) 27731807 GLUE GLUE
27731856 Glue Glue
GNU Cppi (Q114457318) 27731737 CPPI CPPI
50841289 Cppi Cppi

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
Archimedes Archimedes (Q1102380)
GNU Archimedes (Q3093274)
Ghostscript Ghostscript (Q1135839)
GNU Ghostscript (Q3093287)
R R (Q206904)
R (Q113585511)