User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/942

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

Featured Snap packages edit

Features Snap packages

Unknown external ID edit

External ID Item
josm JOSM (Q12877)
icq-im ICQ (Q58166)
remmina Remmina (Q82148)
eclipse Eclipse (Q82268)
weka Weka (Q115494)
picard MusicBrainz Picard (Q117725)
blender Blender (Q173136)
pokerth PokerTH (Q182261)
audacity Audacity (Q191782)
postgresql PostgreSQL (Q192490)
ktouch KTouch (Q195758)
octave GNU Octave (Q223679)
musescore MuseScore Studio (Q240192)
freecad FreeCAD (Q251322)
kate Kate (Q261933)
sublime-text Sublime Text (Q267193)
kstars KStars (Q280386)
midori Midori (Q285512)
konversation Konversation (Q379066)
labplot LabPlot (Q379908)
mosaic Mosaic (Q381047)
warzone2100 Warzone 2100 (Q386632)
falkon Falkon (Q404293)
freeciv-gtk Freeciv (Q424271)
thunderbird Mozilla Thunderbird (Q483604)
gnuchess GNU Chess (Q494713)
freeorion FreeOrion (Q527009)
kdenlive Kdenlive (Q572226)
kig Kig (Q584284)
xonotic Xonotic (Q596536)
kturtle KTurtle (Q600450)
krita Krita (Q604945)
openbabel OpenBabel (Q612752)
ark Ark (Q671759)
epsxe ePSXe (Q709272)
evince Evince (Q737139)
irssi Irssi (Q746544)
network-manager NetworkManager (Q751346)
kmines KMines (Q764331)
bzflag BZFlag (Q797243)
ffmpeg FFmpeg (Q847465)
nethack NetHack (Q856904)
supertux SuperTux (Q911827)
tesseract Tesseract (Q945242)
kanagram Kanagram (Q953018)
liferea Liferea (Q953757)
pingus-game Pingus (Q966721)
ktorrent KTorrent (Q968287)
exelearning eXeLearning (Q974944)
digikam digiKam (Q1050872)
gnome-calculator GNOME Calculator (Q1050905)
claws-mail-moon127 Claws Mail (Q1099163)
clementine Clementine (Q1100372)
kcalc KCalc (Q1103021)
gcompris GCompris (Q1147042)
flightgear FlightGear (Q1163986)
okular Okular (Q1165933)
freemind FreeMind (Q1331559)
hedgewars Hedgewars (Q1353509)
parley Parley (Q1406855)
kompare Kompare (Q1418847)
poedit Poedit (Q1422754)
yacas Yacas (Q1454960)
kalzium Kalzium (Q1511822)
kmplot KmPlot (Q1581097)
kgeography KGeography (Q1610741)
kolourpaint KolourPaint (Q1639988)
jabref JabRef (Q1676802)
sweethome3d-homedesign Sweet Home 3D (Q1685508)
ktimer KTimer (Q1719092)
xmind XMind (Q1780782)
htop htop (Q1940220)
openchrom OpenChrom (Q2025399)
1password 1Password (Q2150861)
kwordquiz KWordQuiz (Q2394491)
ufw Uncomplicated Firewall (Q2577905)
spelunky Spelunky (Q2700296)
kiten Kiten (Q2706102)
micropolis Micropolis (Q2719130)
quadrapassel Quadrapassel (Q3109492)
meshlab MeshLab (Q3306840)
openscad OpenSCAD (Q3353120)
jami Jami (Q3459508)
skrooge Skrooge (Q3486385)
talesofmajeyal Tales of Maj'Eyal (Q3530074)
photoscape PhotoScape (Q3775026)
leocad LeoCAD (Q3830239)
easymp3gain EasyMP3Gain (Q4037883)
kbruch KBruch (Q4041971)
klettres KLettres (Q4041992)
kdf KDiskFree (Q4042119)
cantor Cantor (Q5034025)
cervisia Cervisia (Q5065378)
bibletime BibleTime (Q5727687)
qalculate Qalculate! (Q6027344)
kbounce KBounce (Q6305648)
katomic KAtomic (Q6325571)
molden Molden (Q6895772)
moneydance Moneydance (Q6899316)
musixmatch Musixmatch (Q6942717)
nftables-pk nftables (Q7021717)
skanlite Skanlite (Q7533940)
solvespace SolveSpace (Q7559005)
tapaal TAPAAL Model Checker (Q7669325)
kruler KRuler (Q11228188)
kteatime KTeaTime (Q11228248)
makemkv MakeMKV (Q11232702)
mikutter mikutter (Q11233288)
ktuberling KTuberling (Q11929540)
konquest Konquest (Q11929908)
filebot FileBot (Q11968825)
knetwalk KNetWalk (Q13111516)
kalgebra KAlgebra (Q16255490)
wickrme Wickr Me (Q16334358)
godot Godot (Q16972633)
syncthing Syncthing (Q17089344)
cataclysm Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (Q17515002)
lazpaint LazPaint (Q18345558)
signal-desktop Signal (Q19718090)
code Visual Studio Code (Q19841877)
natron Natron (Q20707858)
mpv mpv (Q20760334)
zeronet ZeroNet (Q21041450)
shotcut Shotcut (Q21977736)
kubectl Kubernetes (Q22661306)
gnome-terminator GNOME Terminator (Q23072542)
zulip Zulip (Q23680052)
hugo Hugo (Q24415127)
tvheadend TVHeadend (Q25021701)
lincity-ng LinCity-NG (Q26272002)
influxdb InfluxDB (Q28127110)
youtube-dl youtube-dl (Q28401317)
gitea Gitea (Q28714270)
artikulate Artikulate (Q28864033)
minuet Minuet (Q28877153)
kwave KWave (Q28877442)
keurocalc KEuroCalc (Q28877449)
okteta Okteta (Q28883879)
sweeper Sweeper (Q28884173)
bovo Bovo (Q28884577)
granatier Granatier (Q28892479)
kapman Kapman (Q28892764)
kblackbox KBlackbox (Q28892872)
kbreakout KBreakout (Q28893157)
kdiamond KDiamond (Q28893278)
kfourinline KFourInLine (Q28893396)
kgoldrunner KGoldrunner (Q28893503)
kigo Kigo (Q28893619)
kiriki Kiriki (Q28893791)
kjumpingcube KJumpingCube (Q28893935)
klines KLines (Q28894066)
kmahjongg KMahjongg (Q28894152)
knights KNights (Q28894500)
kollision Kollision (Q28894700)
kpat KPatience (Q28894909)
kreversi KReversi (Q28895022)
kshisen KShisen (Q28895281)
ksnakeduel KSnakeDuel (Q28895486)
kspaceduel KSpaceDuel (Q28895569)
ksudoku KSudoku (Q28895790)
kubrick Kubrick (Q28896546)
palapeli Palapeli (Q28896752)
go go (Q28974885)
julia Julia (Q28974961)
wireguard-ammp WireGuard (Q28975568)
electrum Electrum Wallet (Q37307759)
symboleditor SymbolEditor (Q38607920)
retroarch RetroArch (Q39052330)
knavalbattle Naval Battle (Q39150612)
killbots KillBots (Q39151077)
klickety KSame (Q44325170)
ghex-udt Ghex (Q47426602)
bomber Bomber (Q48154761)
prometheus Prometheus (Q52534999)
brakeman Brakeman (Q54886541)
arduino Arduino IDE (Q55080330)
mattermost-desktop Mattermost (Q55478510)
ivpn IVPN (Q55614199)
exercism Exercism (Q56277639)
rclone Rclone (Q56795481)
mindustry Mindustry (Q57206016)
fractal Fractal (Q59209813)
google-cloud-sdk Google Cloud SDK (Q60023631)
lnav lnav (Q62852144)
qjoypad-ahimta QJoyPad (Q62861021)
rst2pdf rst2pdf (Q62861405)
maildir-utils mu (Q63064965)
gzdoom GZDoom (Q64223614)
dav1d dav1d (Q64224413)
ubports-installer UBports Installer (Q64362001)
opendronemap OpenDroneMap (Q65077013)
mtproxy MTProxy (Q65164132)
gallery-dl gallery-dl (Q65950548)
flameshot flameshot (Q66978303)
chocolate-doom-jdstrand Chocolate Doom (Q67181580)
newsboat Newsboat (Q70014271)
podman podman (Q70876440)
kubectl kubectl (Q84081166)
kirigami-gallery Kirigami Gallery (Q91252467)
massif-visualizer Massif-Visualizer (Q91252471)
sameboy SameBoy (Q91287574)
dosbox-staging DOSBox Staging (Q93823185)
alacritty Alacritty (Q94997987)
foliate Foliate (Q95434626)
bookworm Bookworm (Q95586278)
etcd etcd (Q96324273)
helm Helm (Q96869835)
waybackpy waybackpy (Q100153452)
mdbook mdBook (Q102425639)
onionshare OnionShare (Q104414397)
neochat NeoChat (Q104586287)
strawberry Strawberry (Q104600447)
zig Zig (Q104604630)
ebook2cw ebook2cw (Q104978459)
lbry LBRY (Q105104818)
keeperrl KeeperRL (Q106306399)
newsflash NewsFlash (Q106827293)
ffsend ffsend (Q107061993)
glaxnimate Glaxnimate (Q108353872)
yt-dlp yt-dlp (Q108454371)
gtkhash GtkHash (Q110474709)
restic restic (Q113170086)
opensurge Surge the Rabbit (Q115165620)
wike Wike (Q115802888)
opendungeons OpenDungeons (Q116684417)
upscayl Upscayl (Q116875280)
cheat cheat (Q117427798)
sar2 Search and Rescue II (Q120449889)
pinball Emilia Pinball (Q122900006)
sar2 Search and Rescue 2 (Q123118836)
c-evo C-evo: New Horizons (Q123272472)

Different items for the same external ID edit

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
minetest minetest Minetest (Q89114416) Minetest (Q722334) 38554822

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata edit

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
kubectl Kubernetes (Q22661306)
kubectl (Q84081166)
minetest Minetest (Q722334)
Minetest (Q89114416)
sar2 Search and Rescue II (Q120449889)
Search and Rescue 2 (Q123118836)