User:Marianika/Historical Bibliographic Data

This page documents a community of practice for people in the Wiki communities and/or in academia and/or in the GLAM sector who model historical bibliographic data (pre-ISBN/ISSN/ISMN).



The community of practice communicates via a Google Group, which functions both as a listserv (if you like emails) or a forum (if you hate emails).

Once your request to join is approved, you can see other members email addresses, should you want to contact them individually. Some members have also included contact information in the directory below.



The community of practice grew out of the following two events held in the fall of 2021. It will meet again in free virtual conferences.

Linked Pasts VII


Two activities were held at Linked Pasts VII on Monday 13 and Wednesday 15 December 2021. Links to the slides are provided below.

The promise of Linked Open Data can only be fulfilled with persistent identifiers, but libraries only put them out for editions, not works. Wikidata is a space where persistent identifiers can be created for works to enable us to share our data across databases. However, various data models are currently in use for bibliographic data in Wikidata. Is this a problem?

In the first session (demonstration), Simon Cobb presented bibliographic data in Wikidata from two different projects, the first in the simplified work/edition model used in Wikidata, the second using FRBR. Marie Léger-St-Jean explained choices regarding the data model of her database Price One Penny used in the second project.

In the second session (conversation), participants were invited to bring along a visualization of their data model so we could share our different bibliographic data models and discuss whether it would cause problems to have different data models when sharing our data amongst ourselves and on Wikidata.

  • Demonstration: Monday 13 December 2021. 17:00-18:00 GMT/18:00-19:00 CET (slides)
  • Conversation: Wednesday 15 December 2021. 19:00-21:00 GMT/20:00-22:00 CET (slides)

WikidataCon 2021


A first event was held during WikidataCon 2021 as the Pre-ISBN/ISSN bibliographic data workshop under the Wikicite track on 31 October 2021. The Etherpad on which the notes were taken is still available.

In this workshop, we will discuss edge cases in historical bibliographic data and document ways of making them fit the Wikidata data models for books and periodicals. We're bringing together people from a variety of backgrounds, some that will be more familiar with the data we're talking about, some that will be more familiar with the technical side, some who might just be observing. We're hoping to spark a conversation that will keep going.

This workshop, led by three digital humanist bibliographers (Simon Cobb, Demian Katz, and Marie Léger-St-Jean), will strengthen bridges between the Wikidata community and bibliographic scholarship and stewardship. Working in three groups, participants will familiarize themselves with the WikiProject Books and WikiProject Periodicals data models, discuss edge cases that can come from their own data, document these use cases for the data models, and post documentation.

The three groups will be talking about translations, series of works, and works serialized in installments. We will then come back all together to explain the various Wikidata communication channels, discuss how we want to keep the conversation going, and announce relevant upcoming events related to our personal projects.





If you are interested in historical bibliographic data, please edit this page to add yourself and list whatever information you are comfortable sharing. If you have or are part of a project, please add it to the next table.

People interested in historical bibliographic data
Username First name Last name Email Project(s) and/or interests
Marianika Marie Léger-St-Jean _AT_ Price One Penny
VIGNERON - - Special:EmailUser/VIGNERON A bit of everything but in particular manuscripts
Eroux108 - - roux.elie _AT_ Buddhist Digital Resource Center
demiankatz Demian Katz demian.katz _AT_ Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography
Archilecteur Julien Vallières julien.vallieres-gingras _AT_ Retrospective indexation, redocumentarisation, periodical, canadian literature
EvinaS Evina Steinová evincek _AT_ Innovating Knowledge
Brimwats bri watson bmwatson1989 _AT_
Carlobia Carlo Bianchini carlo.bianchini _AT_ Italian LIS journals Retrospective (and current) indexing of Italian academic literature on Library and Information science
Reema - - reema.sukhija _AT_ Buddhist Digital Resource Center
Rosiestep Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight _AT_ Women Writers in Review/Women Writers in Review
Pimfa Alice Faria alicesantiagofaria _AT_ A bit of everything, linking Historical Bibliographic Data with other data
- Alex Wingate alewinga _AT_ Navarre Book Project
Homo peruvianus Luis Sáenz luissaenzs _AT_ Electronic Babylonian Literature Cuneiform, Akkadian, Sumerian
Zidmgmt Zoe Dobbs zoe.dobbs _AT_ all types of bibliographic data, Yale's PCC Wikidata Pilot Project (now concluded)
DL2204 David Lindemann david.lindemann _AT_ LexBib Bibliography of Lexicography and Dictionary Research (started 2021), Inguma Wikibase (LOD version of Inguma Scholarly Communication in Basque, starting 2022)


Projects handling historical bibliographic data
Project name Timespan Geographic area Description of the data modelled
Edward T. LeBlanc Memorial Dime Novel Bibliography 1860-1915 (mostly) Global (mostly United States) Dime novels, story papers, reprint libraries and related popular literature
Price One Penny 1837-1860 London (UK/US/France with the sources) Penny bloods, i.e. novels sold in penny weekly numbers in either number books (stand-alone editions) or periodicals

Half were reprints, translations or adaptations of other cultural products (books, plays, songs)

Wikidata:WikiProject Books n/a n/a Books
Buddhist Digital Resource Center -100 - today Asia (Inner, South, Southeast, East) Manuscripts, xylographs, modern facsimile, digital editions
Wikidata:WikiProject Periodicals n/a n/a Periodicals
Innovating Knowledge 636-1015 Latin West (mostly western Europe) medieval Latin Western manuscripts containing the Etymologies of Isidore of Seville (the most important Western encyclopaedia up until the 13th c.) All, but largely 1950+ Global (Western overrepresented) History of sexuality Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Special Collections (GLAMS)
Women Writers in Review 1525-1850 trans-Atlantic "Cultures of Reception" of the works by pre-Victorian trans-Atlantic English language women writers



Conceptual models


Data models


National libraries




Use cases


Relevant Wikidata identifiers


Below is an attempt to classify Wikidata subclass entities according to the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (Q16388) conceptual model.

Subclass entities

Basic Group 1 entities and relations of the FRBR model (RDF version)

Problematic entities


The following seems to conflate publication expression (F24) (Q61130262) and manifestation product type (F3) (Q60644797):

Entities left to classify


