User:Marianika/Linked Pasts VII

"The annual Linked Pasts conference [...] brings together scholars, heritage professionals and other practitioners with an interest in Linked Open Data as applied to the study of the ancient and historical worlds. Panels and working groups at Linked Pasts are more goal-oriented than a conventional academic conference, and activities and agendas are often proposed, developed and revised by all participants at the event itself." —Conference website, 2021

The virtual conference was held 13-21 December 2021. Participation was free, but advance registration was required.

The sessions in this conference were part of the Historical Bibliographic Data initiative to get the conversation going between people in the Wiki communities and/or in academia and/or in the GLAM sector about how to model them.

Historical Bibliographic Data in Wikidata


The promise of Linked Open Data can only be fulfilled with persistent identifiers, but libraries only put them out for editions, not works. Wikidata is a space where persistent identifiers can be created for works to enable us to share our data across databases. However, various data models are currently in use for bibliographic data in Wikidata. Is this a problem?

In the first session (demonstration), Simon Cobb presented bibliographic data in Wikidata from two different projects, the first in the simplified work/edition model used in Wikidata, the second using FRBR. Marie Léger-St-Jean explained choices regarding the data model of her database Price One Penny used in the second project.

In the second session (conversation), participants were invited to bring along a visualization of their data model so we could share our different bibliographic data models and discuss whether it would cause problems to have different data models when sharing our data amongst ourselves and on Wikidata.

Asynchronously throughout Linked Pasts VII and beyond, everyone handling historical bibliographic data (pre-ISBN/ISSN) was invited to edit the Historical Bibliographic Data Wikidata page to add their (user)names and/or projects.


  • Demonstration: Monday 13 December 2021. 17:00-18:00 GMT/18:00-19:00 CET (slides)
  • Conversation: Wednesday 15 December 2021. 19:00-21:00 GMT/20:00-22:00 CET (slides)

Previous session at WikidataCon 2021 (31 October)


Wikidata data models


Comparison between the WikiProject Books, FRBR, BIBFRAME 2.1 data models:

Examples of documentation for specific use cases
