
Feel free to make changes!

Obsolete queries are struck-through.

TODO edit

For number tracking use now: ({{subst:CURRENTTIMESTAMP}})

BStGS database issues edit

As of July 2019 a lot of dupe entries. This is an older duplicate which became a triple now: Portrait of a young Man (Q29901223): bei den Einträgen und scheint es sich um dasselbe Gemälde zu handeln. Ich freute mich, wenn Sie mir mitteilen könnten, ob Ihnen dieser Hinweis hilft.

All works and location control edit

  • items with collection BStGS or a part of BStGS:
    # List of works in the collection of the Bavarian State Painting Collections or a part thereof
    SELECT ?item ?itemLabel (COUNT(DISTINCT ?sitelink) AS ?sitelinkno) ?invno # ?itemDescription # <- does not work, if activated and grouped by reduces the number of results
      { ?item wdt:P195 wd:Q812285. }
      { ?item wdt:P195 [ wdt:P361 wd:Q812285 ]. }
      OPTIONAL { ?sitelink schema:about ?item. }
    #  OPTIONAL { ?item schema:description ?itemDescription. }
      OPTIONAL {
        ?item p:P217 ?invnostatement.
        ?invnostatement ps:P217 ?invno.
        ?invnostatement pq:P195 wd:Q812285.
      } # BStGS invnos
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,de,fr,it,es,pt,ca,la" . }
    GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?invno
    ORDER BY DESC(?sitelinkno)
    Try it!
-> 30000 (17947 (20190705224407), 589 (20170510084554), 244 (19:56, 26 April 2016 (UTC)), 149 (17:26, 15 April 2015 (UTC)))
  • items with location BStGS or collection part of BStGS:
    # items with location BStGS or collection part of BStGS
      ?item ?itemLabel
      (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?invno ; SEPARATOR=", ") AS ?invnos)
      ?collectionLabel ?locationLabel WHERE {
        ?item wdt:P195 ?sub0 .
        ?sub0 wdt:P361 wd:Q812285 .
    } UNION {
        ?item wdt:P276 wd:Q812285 .
      OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P217 ?invno . }
      OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P195 ?collection . }
      OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P276 ?location . }
      FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P195 wd:Q812285 . }
      MINUS { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q15206795 } # no exhibition rooms
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,de,fr,it,es,pt,ca,la" . }
    GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?invnos ?collectionLabel ?locationLabel
    Try it!
-> 0 (8 (20170713051303), 132 (20150415172600))
  • items in a location but not in the collection of the BStGS: TODO: yet to be implemented

List locations edit

  • Some BStGS locations:
    # Some BStGS locations
    SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?instanceOfLabel ?partLabel ?locationLabel WHERE {
      ?item wdt:P361 wd:Q812285 . # parts of BStGS
    } UNION {
      ?item wdt:P361 ?sub1 . # parts of
      ?sub1 wdt:P361 wd:Q812285 . # parts of BStGS
    #  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P31 ?instanceOf . } # TODO: produces double entries
      # Those of the second group are all exhibition (wd:Q15206795) rooms anyway as of 2017-05-11
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,de,fr,it,es,pt,ca,la" . }
    #  ORDER BY xsd:integer(?item) ?itemLabel ?instanceOfLabel ?partLabel ?locationLabel
    Try it!

Ontology edit

Cf. Room 701 (Q15298167), Hall 707 (Q18572487). Recommendations from Wikidata:WikiProject Museums would be useful, perhaps new section there with the properties: instance of (P31), P (P), P (P), P (P), P (P), … museum storage (Q18123400): e.g. locations of the Bavarian State Painting Collections with works not on display (Q29343881). Cf. also Wikidata:WikiProject Visual arts/Item structure#Object history or provenance

Specific maintenance (should be generalized) edit

Those should probably be empty (or empty of BStGS objects):

-> 0(?) (2 (11:32, 17 April 2015 (UTC)))

Provenance edit

More items for the collections and/or locations of the contributing galleries are needed. "Information about the provenance of paintings from the galleries of the old Bavarian Electoral Palatinate and the palaces in Schleissheim, Munich, Dachau, Neuburg, Zweibrücken (Schloss Karlsberg), Mannheim, Düsseldorf etc., may not include dates."[1]:

Images edit

->0 (180 (20190705224407), 88 (20170824171118))
->0 (26 (20170824171118))

-> 0 (0 (20170824171118), 2 (20170725202813), 8 (20170713174725), 187 (20170510084500))
-> 0 (6 (20170824171118), 203 (20170727142124))

  • items with collection or location BStGS or a part of BStGS without image:

(CLAIM[195:812285] OR CLAIM[195:(CLAIM[361:812285])] OR CLAIM[276:812285] OR CLAIM[276:(CLAIM[361:812285])]) AND NOCLAIM[18]

-> 0 (depending on copyright status) (15 (17:24, 8 June 2015 (UTC)))
  • number of items with collection BStGS with and without image and ratio: TODO: yet to be implemented

Object parts edit

-> 0 (16 (23:46, 9 February 2016 (UTC)))
  • SPARQL query that intelligently fetches the non-literally-BStGS works with BStGS parts: TODO: yet to be implemented

Inventory numbers edit

  • items with collection or location BStGS or a part of BStGS without BStGS inventory number (query below):
-> 0 (18 (20170711150214); 13 (18:29, 5 January 2016 (UTC)); 16 (17:24, 8 June 2015 (UTC)); 56 (17:26, 15 April 2015 (UTC)))

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: # items with collection or location BStGS or a part of BStGS without BStGS inventory number SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?item (p:P195|p:P276)/wdt:P361* ?institutionSt. ?institutionSt (ps:P195|ps:P276)/wdt:P361* wd:Q812285 . # TODO: make "?"? OPTIONAL { ?institutionSt pq:P582 ?endTime. } FILTER(!BOUND(?endTime)) # remove those not in the institution any more # The current inventory numbers are assigned since 1856 (cf. # However I currently have no source for inventory numbers of artworks that aren't currently in the collection. # So these get filtered … (example: OPTIONAL { ?item p:P217 ?invnostatement . ?invnostatement ps:P217 ?invno . ?invnostatement pq:P195 wd:Q812285 . } FILTER(!BOUND(?invnostatement)) # only those without invno statement with collection BStGS qualifier MINUS { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q15206795 } # no exhibition rooms MINUS { ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q464980 } # no exhibitions MINUS { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q26945165 } # no architectural museums MINUS { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q7328910 } # no art collections # no works with parts with BStGS inv nos MINUS { ?item wdt:P527 ?part. ?part p:P217 ?partinvnostatement. ?partinvnostatement pq:P195 wd:Q812285. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,de,fr,it,es,pt,ca,la". } } ORDER BY ?item
number Article description creator inventory number collection location instance of has part image
1 The New Collection Design Museum Pinakothek der Moderne
design museum
Bibliothek der "Die Neue Sammlung"
2 Hanni Esche painting by Edvard Munch (1905 - 1) Edvard Munch Bavarian State Painting Collections Neue Pinakothek painting
3 Kaisheim Altarpiece altarpiece by Hans Holbein the Elder Hans Holbein the Elder Bavarian State Painting Collections altarpiece
4 Moor huts in the Dachau moss painting by Franz Marc Franz Marc Bavarian State Painting Collections Franz Marc Museum painting
5 Ludwig II of Bavaria with coronation mantle painting by Ferdinand von Piloty Ferdinand von Piloty Bavarian State Painting Collections Bavarian State Painting Collections painting
6 Flora sculpture by Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse Neue Pinakothek sculpture
7 Die vier Tageszeiten Moritz von Schwind Bavarian State Painting Collections cycle of paintings
8 Die Mole von Portici painting by Josef Rebell Josef Rebell Neue Pinakothek painting
9 Madonna and Child painting by a follower of Lorenzo di Credi, Alte Pinakothek Lorenzo di Credi 1353 Alte Pinakothek Alte Pinakothek painting
10 Kreuzaltar Meister der Pollinger Tafeln 1368, 1369 Bavarian State Painting Collections altarpiece
11 Stilleben mit Katze painting by Georg Schrimpf Georg Schrimpf 14099 Neue Pinakothek Neue Pinakothek painting
12 Früchtestück painting by Joris van Son Joris van Son 1931 Alte Pinakothek Alte Pinakothek painting
13 Portrait of the Painter Andries van Eertvelt painting by Anthony van Dyck (Augsburg) Anthony van Dyck 2471 Augsburg Municipal Art Collection Schleißheim State Gallery painting
14 Maria mit Kind, den hll. Hieronymus, Sebastian und einem Stifter painting by Marco Basaiti Marco Basaiti 31 Bavarian State Painting Collections Alte Pinakothek painting
15 Last Supper copy of a painting by Pieter Coecke van Aelst Pieter Coecke van Aelst 4456 Alte Pinakothek Alte Pinakothek painting
16 Young Woman with a Candle painting by Gerard Dou Gerrit Dou 587 Alte Pinakothek Alte Pinakothek painting
17 Früchtestück (Kopie nach) copy of a painting by Joris van Son Joris van Son 6429 Staatsgalerie Aschaffenburg Staatsgalerie Aschaffenburg painting
18 Saint Nicholas and the storm painting by Agnolo Gaddi Agnolo Gaddi 7818 B Alte Pinakothek Alte Pinakothek painting
19 Crouching Woman sculpture by Auguste Rodin in the Neue Pinakothek Auguste Rodin B 58 Neue Pinakothek Neue Pinakothek sculpture
20 Rinaldo under Armida’s Spell painting by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Giovanni Battista Tiepolo ResMü.G0840 Bavarian Administration of State-Owned Palaces, Gardens and Lakes Staatsgalerie Würzburg painting

∑ 20 items.

End of automatically generated list.