
From Sappho to Suffrage was an exhibition put on by the Bodleian Library highlighting women from many different eras and areas of achievement. I experimented with making Wikidata-driven educational interactives about the women.

Overview (English Wikipedia articles, descriptions, birth years)

SELECT ?personLabel ?personDescription ?person ?enwp ?image (YEAR(?birthdate) AS ?birthyear) WHERE {
VALUES ?person {wd:Q234816 wd:Q62530 wd:Q234421 wd:Q231549 wd:Q246135 wd:Q101638 wd:Q15994440 wd:Q230120 wd:Q260378 wd:Q1377789 wd:Q5322139 wd:Q254858 wd:Q6766368 wd:Q7259 wd:Q4949015 wd:Q47152 wd:Q272077 wd:Q198984 wd:Q1284275 wd:Q651786 wd:Q460152 wd:Q230507 wd:Q3263690 wd:Q270855 wd:Q5362637 wd:Q23620545 wd:Q27728558 wd:Q17892 wd:Q36322 wd:Q57286 wd:Q18576000 wd:Q7207 wd:Q45410399
OPTIONAL{ ?enwp schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf <> }
OPTIONAL{ ?person wdt:P18 ?image }
OPTIONAL{ ?person wdt:P569 ?birthdate }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} ORDER BY ?birthyear
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Wikipedia articles in some other languages

SELECT ?personLabel ?frwp ?dewp ?eswp ?jawp WHERE {
VALUES ?person {wd:Q234816 wd:Q62530 wd:Q234421 wd:Q231549 wd:Q246135 wd:Q101638 wd:Q15994440 wd:Q230120 wd:Q260378 wd:Q1377789 wd:Q5322139 wd:Q254858 wd:Q6766368 wd:Q7259 wd:Q4949015 wd:Q47152 wd:Q272077 wd:Q198984 wd:Q1284275 wd:Q651786 wd:Q460152 wd:Q230507 wd:Q3263690 wd:Q270855 wd:Q5362637 wd:Q23620545 wd:Q27728558 wd:Q17892 wd:Q36322 wd:Q57286 wd:Q18576000 wd:Q7207 wd:Q45410399
OPTIONAL{ ?frwp schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf <> }
OPTIONAL{ ?dewp schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf <> }
OPTIONAL{ ?eswp schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf <> }
OPTIONAL{ ?jawp schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf <> }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} ORDER BY ?personLabel
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SELECT ?personLabel ?personDescription ?person ?image WHERE {
VALUES ?person {wd:Q234816 wd:Q62530 wd:Q234421 wd:Q231549 wd:Q246135 wd:Q101638 wd:Q15994440 wd:Q230120 wd:Q260378 wd:Q1377789 wd:Q5322139 wd:Q254858 wd:Q6766368 wd:Q7259 wd:Q4949015 wd:Q47152 wd:Q272077 wd:Q198984 wd:Q1284275 wd:Q651786 wd:Q460152 wd:Q230507 wd:Q3263690 wd:Q270855 wd:Q5362637 wd:Q23620545 wd:Q27728558 wd:Q17892 wd:Q36322 wd:Q57286 wd:Q18576000 wd:Q7207 wd:Q45410399
OPTIONAL{ ?person wdt:P18 ?image }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!
SELECT ?personLabel ?personDescription ?person ?image WHERE {
VALUES ?person {wd:Q234816 wd:Q62530 wd:Q234421 wd:Q231549 wd:Q246135 wd:Q101638 wd:Q15994440 wd:Q230120 wd:Q260378 wd:Q1377789 wd:Q5322139 wd:Q254858 wd:Q6766368 wd:Q7259 wd:Q4949015 wd:Q47152 wd:Q272077 wd:Q198984 wd:Q1284275 wd:Q651786 wd:Q460152 wd:Q230507 wd:Q3263690 wd:Q270855 wd:Q5362637 wd:Q23620545 wd:Q27728558 wd:Q17892 wd:Q36322 wd:Q57286 wd:Q18576000 wd:Q7207 wd:Q45410399
OPTIONAL{ ?person wdt:P18 ?image }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr,[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
Try it!

Things named after them

SELECT ?thing ?thingLabel ?thingDescription ?personLabel ?image WHERE {
VALUES ?person {wd:Q234816 wd:Q62530 wd:Q234421 wd:Q231549 wd:Q246135 wd:Q101638 wd:Q15994440 wd:Q230120 wd:Q260378 wd:Q1377789 wd:Q5322139 wd:Q254858 wd:Q6766368 wd:Q7259 wd:Q4949015 wd:Q47152 wd:Q272077 wd:Q198984 wd:Q1284275 wd:Q651786 wd:Q460152 wd:Q230507 wd:Q3263690 wd:Q270855 wd:Q5362637 wd:Q23620545 wd:Q27728558 wd:Q17892 wd:Q36322 wd:Q57286 wd:Q18576000 wd:Q7207 wd:Q45410399
?thing wdt:P138 ?person.
OPTIONAL {?thing wdt:P18 ?image}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} ORDER BY ?personLabel
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Map of birthplaces

#defaultView:Map{"hide": "?loc"}
SELECT ?enwp ?image (CONCAT("Born ",STR(YEAR(?birthdate)),", ",?birthplaceLabel) AS ?born) ?loc ?personLabel WHERE {
VALUES ?person {wd:Q234816 wd:Q62530 wd:Q234421 wd:Q231549 wd:Q246135 wd:Q101638 wd:Q15994440 wd:Q230120 wd:Q260378 wd:Q1377789 wd:Q5322139 wd:Q254858 wd:Q6766368 wd:Q7259 wd:Q4949015 wd:Q47152 wd:Q272077 wd:Q198984 wd:Q1284275 wd:Q651786 wd:Q460152 wd:Q230507 wd:Q3263690 wd:Q270855 wd:Q5362637 wd:Q23620545 wd:Q27728558 wd:Q17892 wd:Q36322 wd:Q57286 wd:Q18576000 wd:Q7207 wd:Q45410399
OPTIONAL{ ?enwp schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf <> }
OPTIONAL{ ?person wdt:P18 ?image }
OPTIONAL{ ?person wdt:P569 ?birthdate }
OPTIONAL{ ?person wdt:P19 ?birthplace. ?birthplace wdt:P625 ?loc. }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
                        ?birthplace rdfs:label ?birthplaceLabel.
                        ?person rdfs:label ?personLabel.
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Interactive timeline via HistropediaJS

Use the mouse wheel to zoom in. Links go to English Wikipedia.

Query code:

SELECT ?personLabel ?person ?enwp (SAMPLE(?image) AS ?img) ?birthdate ?birthdatePrecision ?deaddate ?deaddatePrecision WHERE {
VALUES ?person {wd:Q234816 wd:Q62530 wd:Q234421 wd:Q231549 wd:Q246135 wd:Q101638 wd:Q15994440 wd:Q230120 wd:Q260378 wd:Q1377789 wd:Q5322139 wd:Q254858 wd:Q6766368 wd:Q7259 wd:Q4949015 wd:Q47152 wd:Q272077 wd:Q198984 wd:Q1284275 wd:Q651786 wd:Q460152 wd:Q230507 wd:Q3263690 wd:Q270855 wd:Q5362637 wd:Q23620545 wd:Q27728558 wd:Q17892 wd:Q36322 wd:Q57286 wd:Q18576000 wd:Q45410399 wd:Q7207} .
?enwp schema:about ?person ; schema:isPartOf <>
OPTIONAL{ ?person wdt:P18 ?image }
OPTIONAL{ ?person p:P569/psv:P569 ?birthdateStatementNode .
?birthdateStatementNode wikibase:timeValue ?birthdate .
?birthdateStatementNode wikibase:timePrecision ?birthdatePrecision .}
OPTIONAL{ ?person p:P570/psv:P570 ?deaddateStatementNode .
?deaddateStatementNode wikibase:timeValue ?deaddate .
?deaddateStatementNode wikibase:timePrecision ?deaddatePrecision .}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
} GROUP BY ?personLabel ?person ?enwp ?birthdate ?birthdatePrecision ?deaddate ?deaddatePrecision
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