User:Mcarondiotte/Works published in social psychology

Articles published in scientific journals that have "social psychology" as a main subject:

SELECT DISTINCT ?article ?articleLabel ?year ?journal ?journalLabel ?workcited ?workcitedLabel WHERE {
       ?article wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814 .
       ?article wdt:P1433 ?journal .
       ?article wdt:P577 ?year .
       ?article wdt:P1433/wdt:P921 wd:Q161272 .
       OPTIONAL { ?article wdt:P2860 ?workcited }
       SERVICE wikibase:label {
           bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr,en" .
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All scientific works (scholarly articles, academic chapters, and books) that are published in social psychology (not working!):

SELECT DISTINCT ?worktype ?worktypeLabel ?work ?workLabel ?year ?journal ?journalLabel ?workcited ?workcitedLabel WHERE {
       #VALUES ?worktype { wd:Q13442814 wd:Q21481766 wd:Q571 }
       VALUES ?worktype { wd:Q13442814 wd:Q21481766 }
       #?work wdt:P31/wd:Q11826511* ?worktype.
       ?work wdt:P31 ?worktype .
       ?work wdt:P577 ?year .
       OPTIONAL { ?work wdt:P921 wd:Q161272 }
       OPTIONAL { ?work wdt:P1433/wdt:P921 wd:Q161272 }
       OPTIONAL { ?work wdt:P1433 ?journal }
       OPTIONAL { ?work wdt:P2860 ?workcited }
       SERVICE wikibase:label {
           bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr,en" .
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