Wikidata Bot This user account is a bot with a bot flag. The bot is operated by Mr. Ibrahem.

jobs edit

  • Seems to automatically add an Arabic translation of the description of a WIkidata item [1]

descriptions edit

target languages
taxon (Q16521) ar
short story (Q49084), narrative (Q1318295), book (Q571), novel (Q8261) ar,en,de,nl
human (Q5) ar,bn,ca,en,es,fr,gl,he
family name (Q101352), given name (Q202444) +70
year (Q577) +
Wikimedia category (Q4167836)
scholarly article (Q13442814) da,pt,sv,nan,zh,zh-mo,et,fi,sk,es,th,sr,tl,ar,tg-cyrl,yue,eo,pl,uk,ro,bn,zh-hans,de,sr-ec,zh-hk,en-ca,bg,nn,gl,sr-el,zh-cn,oc,ja,zh-sg,ko,it,ru,tr,cs,hu,en-gb,nb,ast,id,en,pt-br,ca,wuu,zh-tw,vi,el,zh-hant,he,fr,sq,ka,zh-my,nl
chemical compound (Q11173)
Wikinews article (Q17633526)

labels edit

claims edit

target properties
Wikimedia category (Q4167836) category combines topics (P971)

new items edit

  1. "Xceedance (Q122664565): Difference between revisions - Wikidata". Retrieved 2023-09-18.