
Cities Executive bodies edit

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?item wdt:P17 wd:Q96. {?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q35798} UNION {?item wdt:P279* wd:Q35798 } ?item wdt:P1001 ?juris . ?juris wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q1952852 . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
Executive branch of Government label/en label/es Has part Part of
Cabinet of Ecatepec de Morelos Cabinet of Ecatepec de Morelos Gabinete de Ecatepec de Morelos Municipal President of Ecatepec de Morelos
Cabinet of Guadalajara Cabinet of Guadalajara Gabinete de Guadalajara Municipal President of Guadalajara
Cabinet of Juarez Cabinet of Juarez Gabinete de la Heroica Ciudad Juárez Municipal president of Juárez
Cabinet of Leon de los Aldama Cabinet of Leon de los Aldama Gabinete de León de los Aldama Municipal President of León de los Aldama
Cabinet of Monterrey Cabinet of Monterrey Gabinete de Monterrey Municipal president of Monterrey
Cabinet of Nezahualcóyotl Cabinet of Nezahualcóyotl Gabinete de Nezahualcóyotl Municipal President of Nezahualcóyotl
Cabinet of Tijuana Cabinet of Tijuana Gabinete de Tijuana Municipal President of Tijuana
Cabinet of Zapopan Cabinet of Zapopan Gabinete de Zapopan Municipal President of Zapopan
Cabinet of the Heroic Puebla de Zaragoza Cabinet of the Heroic Puebla de Zaragoza Gabinete de la Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza Municipal president of Puebla
End of automatically generated list.