
Liste des personnes nées dans le Vaucluse edit

La requête suivante retourne des résultats situés hors du département, notamment les personnes nées à Aix en Provence.

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)     , place of birth (P19)     , date of birth (P569)     , INSEE department code (P2586)     
    SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?sitelink ?birthplace ?birthplaceLabel ?year WHERE {
      ?departement ((^wdt:P131*)/^wdt:P19) ?item.
      ?item wdt:P19 ?birthplace;
        wdt:P569 ?birthdate;
        rdfs:label ?itemLabel.
      FILTER((LANG(?itemLabel)) = "fr")
      BIND(YEAR(?birthdate) AS ?year)
      FILTER(?year >= 1975 )
      ?departement wdt:P2586 "84";
        rdfs:label ?departementLabel.
      FILTER((LANG(?departementLabel)) = "fr")
      ?birthplace rdfs:label ?birthplaceLabel.
      FILTER((LANG(?birthplaceLabel)) = "fr")
      ?sitelink schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>.
    ORDER BY (?year)

Même problème ici :

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)     , place of birth (P19)     , date of birth (P569)     , INSEE department code (P2586)     
    SELECT ?birthplace ?birthplaceLabel ?departement ?departementLabel (COUNT(*) as ?count) WHERE {
      ?departement ((^wdt:P131*)/^wdt:P19) ?item.
      ?item wdt:P19 ?birthplace;
        wdt:P569 ?birthdate;
        rdfs:label ?itemLabel.
      FILTER((LANG(?itemLabel)) = "fr")
      ?departement wdt:P2586 "84";
        rdfs:label ?departementLabel.
      FILTER((LANG(?departementLabel)) = "fr")
      ?birthplace rdfs:label ?birthplaceLabel.
      FILTER((LANG(?birthplaceLabel)) = "fr")
      ?sitelink schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>.
    GROUP BY ?birthplace ?birthplaceLabel ?departement ?departementLabel
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Requête en utilisant P150 edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: INSEE department code (P2586)     , place of birth (P19)     , date of birth (P569)     , contains the administrative territorial entity (P150)     
    SELECT ?birthplace ?birthplaceLabel ?departement ?departementLabel (COUNT(*) as ?count) WHERE {
      ?departement wdt:P2586 "84";
        rdfs:label ?departementLabel.
      FILTER((LANG(?departementLabel)) = "fr")
      ?item wdt:P19 ?birthplace;
        wdt:P569 ?birthdate;
        rdfs:label ?itemLabel.
      FILTER((LANG(?itemLabel)) = "fr")
      ?departement wdt:P150* ?birthplace.
      ?birthplace rdfs:label ?birthplaceLabel.
      FILTER((LANG(?birthplaceLabel)) = "fr")
      ?sitelink schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>.
    GROUP BY ?birthplace ?birthplaceLabel ?departement ?departementLabel
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Liste des personnes nées dans le Vaucluse depuis 1975

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: INSEE department code (P2586)     , place of birth (P19)     , date of birth (P569)     , contains the administrative territorial entity (P150)     
    SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?sitelink ?birthplace ?birthplaceLabel ?departement ?departementLabel ?year WHERE {
      ?departement wdt:P2586 "84";
        rdfs:label ?departementLabel.
      FILTER((LANG(?departementLabel)) = "fr")
      ?item wdt:P19 ?birthplace;
        wdt:P569 ?birthdate;
        rdfs:label ?itemLabel.
      FILTER((LANG(?itemLabel)) = "fr")
      BIND(YEAR(?birthdate) AS ?year)
      FILTER(?year >= 1975 )
      ?departement wdt:P150* ?birthplace.
      ?birthplace rdfs:label ?birthplaceLabel.
      FILTER((LANG(?birthplaceLabel)) = "fr")
      ?sitelink schema:about ?item;
        schema:isPartOf <>.
    ORDER BY ?year