
Merge candidates in jawiki and srwiki based on same sitelink name.

Found 22 merge candiates, excluding 16 candidates from the list of knowlingly non-duplicates leads to 6 remaining candidates.

Update: 2024-09-13 00:10 (UTC)

Merge candidates

  1. Q345372 (ja:AdBlue) and Q55127963 (sr:AdBlue)
  2. Q16820462 (ja:Borderlands) and Q893423 (sr:Borderlands)
  3. Q18713583 (ja:Delete) and Q97311964 (sr:Delete)
  4. Q16081963 (ja:HUGO) and Q106477802 (sr:HUGO)
  5. Q110050171 (ja:Orange Pi) and Q22770856 (sr:Orange Pi)
  6. Q2725030 (ja:Who's Your Daddy?) and Q7997094 (sr:Who's Your Daddy?)