User:Poornima7/Outreachy 2

Outreachy Task II edit

getting familiar with pywikibot

Below is the Python3 code for retrieving all the data from Wikidata Sandbox, printing it in the terminal, and then as a part of analysing the data, I've used the items() function for dictionary to find the count of each word present in the document.


   import pywikibot
   from pywikibot import pagegenerators
   from import api
   import requests
   site = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia')
   repo = site.data_repository()
   page = pywikibot.Page(repo, "Q4115189")
   text = page.text
   # list of the given words
   words = text.split()
   # creating a dictionary for counting the number of each word
   d = dict()
   for word in words :
       d[word] = d.get(word, 0) + 1
   print("Count of each word is : \n")
   # looping through the key-value pairs of the dictionary 'd'
   for k, v in d.items() :
       print(k, v)

  • To insert data at the end of the page, after the above code follow-up with this piece of code--
   item = page.get()
   item = item + "\n SOME NEW TEXT!"
   page.text = item
   try :"WORKING!")
   except :
       print("THAT DID NOT WORK!")
   print(item)    # prints the entire dictionary item with the additional text.