User:Robin van der Vliet/Esperanto/Prezidantoj de TEJO
This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!
WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query:SELECT ?item ?from ?start ?end WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5. ?item p:P106 ?occupation. ?occupation ps:P106 wd:Q860918. OPTIONAL { ?occupation pqv:P580 [ wikibase:timePrecision ?from_precision; wikibase:timeValue ?from_time; ]; } ?item p:P39 ?president. ?president ps:P39 wd:Q15726407. OPTIONAL { ?president pqv:P580 [ wikibase:timePrecision ?start_precision; wikibase:timeValue ?start_time; ]; } OPTIONAL { ?president pqv:P582 [ wikibase:timePrecision ?end_precision; wikibase:timeValue ?end_time; ]; } BIND(YEAR(?from_time) AS ?from) BIND(IF(?start_precision = 9, YEAR(?start_time), ?start_time) AS ?start) BIND(IF(?end_precision = 9, YEAR(?end_time), ?end_time) AS ?end) }
End of automatically generated list.