Ingesting Art in the Urban Space Data from the Open Data Zürich edit

2-Weekly Log edit

16.9.16 Vacation till 14.9.16

Setting up the CASE Bericht document

Read up on how to use Wikidata

30.9.16 Started mapping of the data fields

Started introduction in the CASE Bericht

14.10.16 Tried to create a property. Realized you first need a object that will require the new property

Started search for reference literature for the CASE Bericht

28.10.16 Found existing objects created by User:Letzi'. For example Ignaz-Heim-Denkmal Q27229667

Number from data set created as catalog code kir2853. Not a property.

16.11.16 Cleaned up the location data (from 47,.38514326 to N 47° 23' 6.5157216"), the titles and the materials in the data set.

Matched the materials with the Q numbers from Wikidata. Tried to liste all elements in the collection Kunst im Stadtraum (Q27132245) with Listeria but got no usable result yet.

21.11.16 Finished cleanup of the data set.

Got first Query to work on to compare cleaned up data with data present in Wikidata.

19.12.16 Finished comparing all the data to the existing data in Wikidata

Started work on Showcase. Displaying the the data in openstreetmap

Get acquainted with the data structure in the source file and in the target environment (Wikidata) edit

Source file: Open Data Zürich

Do a first mapping of data fields / propose new properties where needed edit

Name in Dataset Property Wikidata Item Wikidata
ID1 Catalog Code (P528) Kunst im Stadtraum (Q27132245)
KUENSTLER_ creator (P170)
TITEL ?item ?itemLabel


coordinate location (P625)
Ort Ort (P276)
STANDORT Wegbeschreibung (P2795)
MATERIAL material used (P186)
staat (P17) Schweiz (Q39)
genre (P136) public art (Q557141)
Located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Zürich (Q72)
GATTUNG ist ein (P31) fountain (Q483453) Brunnen
architectural sculpture (Q3476515)

sculpture (Q860861)

plastic arts (Q1078913) Freiplastik (Plastik)
design (Q1519454) Gestaltung
installation (Q20437094) Installation
Datierung Chronological dating (Q26266571) nummer
inception (P571) nummer
Structure relocation (Q826949) nummer
Ehrengrabmal gewidmet (P547) person
Bild Bild (P18)

Attribute in the Dataset edit

ID1 (technisch: ID1) Eindeutiger Identifikator, nicht konstant über die Zeit. DOUBLE.
Titel (technisch: TITEL) Titel oder Bezeichnung des Kunstwerks. Sofern der offizielle Titel des Werks nicht bekannt ist, wird eine Umschreibung in eckigen Klammern formuliert. STRING.
Künstler_IN (technisch: KUENSTLER_) Auflistung der Künstlerinnen und Künstler und deren Lebensdaten. STRING.
Datierung (technisch: DATIERUNG) Datierung des Kunstwerks. STRING.
Gattung (technisch: GATTUNG) Gattung des Kunstwerks, sofern kategorisiert (Brunnen, Bauplastik, Freiplastik, Gestaltung, Installaion). STRING.
Material_Technik (technisch: MATERIAL_T) Material bzw. Technik des Kunstwerks. STRING.
Standort (technisch: STANDORT) Angaben über den Standort des Kunstwerks. STRING.

Photos to each exist in Züriplan

Find out what data is already present on Wikidata edit

Use the Listeria Tool to visualize existing data from Wikidata in a table on the Wiki edit

  • List of Swiss Heritage Institutions Note: so far, I haven't found a good way to disentangle municipalities and cantons in the Listeria tool as they both relate to the same property.

Write SPARQL Queries to extract existing data from Wikidata edit

ID and Title edit

Location edit

Artist edit

Monitor the creation of new Wikipedia articles resulting in Wikidata items edit

When editors create new Wikipedia articles on heritage institutions they will not show up in our SPARQL queries unless someone actually defines an "instance of" property in Wikidata, which is often not the case. Instead, Wikipedians will often just add Wikipedia categories. In order to track such newly created articles, a bot can be configured to list them on a special page on Wikipedia.

Introduce a unique identifier in both datasets in order to map existing data on Wikidata to the source file edit

  • Blog Post about how to merge two datasets in OpenRefine
  • Reconcile CSV Tool Note: The Reconcile tool omits "doublettes" in the data which result from generating datasets from SPARQL queries whenever a field has more than one value (e.g. instance of "building" and instance of "museum" or institutions situated in several municipalities/cantons). It may therefore be worthwhile removing such double entries before running the Reconcile tool.

Analyse special cases and identify data modeling issues edit

(this is just a beginning, nothing systematic...)

Get / improve thesauri for the values to be entered on Wikidata edit

Inspect the thesauri that already exist on Wikidata (municipalities, cantons, types of heritage institutions) edit

Upon first inspection it appears that there is quite good coverage of Swiss municipalities and Swiss cantons (with unique identifiers): See Wikidata SPARQL queries above. If labels are to be used in tables, the labels of the cantons should be harmonized in some of the languages.

Regarding the typology of heritage institutions, it seems that there is a lot of clean-up work to be done as there is quite some incoherence in the existing data (see Wikidata SPARQL query above). At the same time, there are already many existing items to build a thesaurus on.

Inspect thesauri that exist outside of Wikidata (types of heritage institutions) edit

To be expanded.

Analyse the present usage of the thesauri in the context of Swiss heritage institutions edit

To be done.

Model the data source(s) on Wikidata edit

Not done yet.

Clean up existing data on Wikidata edit

Not done yet.

Add new statements to Wikidata edit

Add statements to Wikidata using the Quick Statements Tool.

(Not quite there yet...)

Visualize the data using SPARQL queries in order to inspect the data (quality check) edit

Not done yet.