
Date: 2015-01-20
1,904,365 Items with taxon name (P225) processed

Properties edit

Items 1,904,365

property # of claims # of statements # of qualifiers # of references (P248)
taxon name (P225) 1,904,365 1,906,032 41,820 338,618
taxon rank (P105) 1,904,357 1,904,451 330,957
instance of (P31) 1,904,332 1,904,732 1,100
parent taxon (P171) 1,822,498 1,825,736 921 297,735
ITIS TSN (P815) 334,012 334,019 1 331,365
Plant List ID (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) (P1070) 273,615 273,624 273,237
NCBI taxonomy ID (P685) 251,471 251,472 242,244
WoRMS-ID for taxa (P850) 211,766 211,767 211,607
Tropicos ID (P960) 192,441 192,452 192,147
IPNI plant ID (P961) 188,591 188,599 185,396
Freebase ID (P646) 112,951 112,955 112,922
Encyclopedia of Life ID (P830) 105,845 105,845 103,902
image (P18) 105,327 106,191 11 1
Commons category (P373) 74,707 74,746 1
IUCN conservation status (P141) 73,362 73,362 72,196
topic's main category (P910) 9,283 9,291 1
Fossilworks taxon ID (P842) 8,238 8,238 8,083
taxon range map image (P181) 5,376 5,399
MSW ID (P959) 5,254 5,254 5,230
Commons gallery (P935) 3,924 3,924
Index Fungorum ID (P1391) 3,499 3,499
GBIF taxon ID (P846) 2,218 2,223 2
basionym (P566) 1,789 1,789 1
NDL Authority ID (P349) 832 832
code of nomenclature (P944) 809 809 1
year of publication of scientific name for taxon (P574) 727 728 46
BNCF Thesaurus ID (P508) 554 554 1
endemic to (P183) 548 579 9
taxonomic type (P427) 386 386
ICTV virus ID (P1076) 347 347
GND ID (P227) 325 325 1 1
taxon author (P405) 315 329 69
named after (P138) 238 241 1
original combination (P1403) 224 224
BioLib taxon ID (P838) 138 138
taxon synonym (P1420) 132 165 43
coordinate location (P625) 127 127
said to be the same as (P460) 119 120 3
Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID (former scheme) (P1296) 103 103
FishBase species ID (P938) 100 100
country (P17) 76 77
BHL page ID (P687) 75 84
Unicode character (P487) 54 61
MycoBank taxon name ID (P962) 51 51
ICD-9 ID (P493) 41 42 11
this taxon is source of (P1672) 39 49
ICD-10 (P494) 37 37 8
AlgaeBase URL (P1348) 29 29 29
replaced synonym (for nom. nov.) (P694) 28 28 1
DiseasesDB (P557) 24 24
part of (P361) 23 24
reference URL (P854) 22 23
Patientplus ID (P1461) 21 21
subclass of (P279) 20 27
temporal range end (P524) 18 18
GeoNames ID (P1566) 18 18
temporal range start (P523) 17 17 2
topic's main template (P1424) 17 17
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) 16 16
MeSH descriptor ID (P486) 12 12 1
video (P10) 12 12
eMedicine ID (P673) 12 12
has part(s) (P527) 11 26
has effect (P1542) 10 11
MedlinePlus ID (P604) 10 10
Library of Congress authority ID (P244) 8 8
GRIN URL (P1421) 8 8
UNII (P652) 8 8
Dewey Decimal Classification (P1036) 7 11
OmegaWiki Defined Meaning (P1245) 7 8
color (P462) 6 8
NL CR AUT ID (P691) 6 6
location of discovery (P189) 6 6
inception (P571) 5 5
discoverer or inventor (P61) 5 6
found in taxon (P703) 4 4
described by source (P1343) 4 4 4
has use (P366) 3 6
topic's main Wikimedia portal (P1151) 3 3
E number (P628) 3 3
main food source (P1034) 3 3
MusicBrainz artist ID (P434) 3 3
genre (P136) 3 3
audio (P51) 3 4
Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID (P1014) 2 2
hybrid of (P1531) 2 4
publication date (P577) 2 2
Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID (P1417) 2 2 1
spore print color (P787) 2 2
mushroom ecological type (P788) 2 3
mushroom cap shape (P784) 2 2
afflicts (P689) 2 9
point in time (P585) 2 2
IPA transcription (P898) 1 1 1
natural reservoir of (P1606) 1 1
Curlie ID (P998) 1 1
crystal habit (P565) 1 1
ecoregion (WWF) (P1425) 1 1
is pollinator of (P1704) 1 1
end time (P582) 1 1
Open Plaques subject ID (P1430) 1 1
fossil found in this unit (P1137) 1 1
has natural reservoir (P1605) 1 1
source of energy (P618) 1 1
time of discovery or invention (P575) 1 1
has characteristic (P1552) 1 7
page banner (P948) 1 1 person ID (P1422) 1 1
edibility (P789) 1 1
hymenium attachment (P785) 1 1
stipe character (P786) 1 1
contains the administrative territorial entity (P150) 1 3
locator map image (P242) 1 1
collection (P195) 1 2
natural product of taxon (P1582) 1 1
Terminologia Anatomica 98 ID (P1323) 1 1
Foundational Model of Anatomy ID (P1402) 1 1
P1698 (P1698) 1 1
Disease Ontology ID (P699) 1 1 1
member of (P463) 1 1
P1134 (P1134) 1 1
Jewish Encyclopedia ID (Russian) (P1438) 1 1
followed by (P156) 1 1
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID (P268) 1 1
HDS ID (P902) 1 1
official language (P37) 1 1
sex or gender (P21) 1 1
date of birth (P569) 1 1
date of death (P570) 1 1
location (P276) 1 1
nomenclatural status (P1135) 1 1
is pollinated by (P1703) 1 1
overlies (P568) 1 1
Total 9,506,092 9,512,639 42,763 2,706,976
Per Item 4.992 4.995 0.022 1.421
DataType #
wikibase-item 62
string 53
time 8
commonsMedia 6
url 3
globe-coordinate 1
quantity 0
monolingualtext 0
Total 133

Qualifiers edit

Statements with qualifiers: 8

statement qualifier #
taxon name (P225) taxon author (P405) 26,086
year of publication of scientific name for taxon (P574) 14,690
ex taxon author (P697) 835
original spelling (P1353) 68
nomenclatural status (P1135) 46
instance of (P31) 31
stated in (P248) 31
publication date (P577) 11
author (P50) 4
named after (P138) 4
FishBase species ID (P938) 3
ITIS TSN (P815) 3
basionym (P566) 2
taxon rank (P105) 2
taxonomic type (P427) 1
discoverer or inventor (P61) 1
author citation (zoology) (P835) 1
point in time (P585) 1
parent taxon (P171) incertae sedis (P678) 881
stated in (P248) 29
taxon rank (P105) 5
taxon author (P405) 3
year of publication of scientific name for taxon (P574) 3
IPA transcription (P898) language of work or name (P407) 1
image (P18) depicts (P180) 9
sex or gender (P21) 2
described by source (P1343) reference URL (P854) 2
section, verse, paragraph, or clause (P958) 2
ITIS TSN (P815) taxon name (P225) 1
GND ID (P227) instance of (P31) 1
Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID (P1417) P357 (P357) 1
DataType #
wikibase-item 19
string 7
time 4
url 1
commonsMedia 0
globe-coordinate 0
quantity 0
monolingualtext 0
Total 31

Ranks edit

rank #
preferred 694
normal 9,511,901
deprecated 42

Sitelinks edit

Sitelinks per project
Project # of sitelinks
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Projects # of sitelinks
wiki 6,792,805
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Total 6,831,157

Used taxon ranks edit

rank # Autolist 2
species (Q7432) 1,719,557 link
genus (Q34740) 157,744 link
family (Q35409) 10,348 link
subspecies (Q68947) 4,857 link
subfamily (Q2455704) 2,273 link
order (Q36602) 1,800 link
variety (Q767728) 1,743 link
tribe (Q227936) 1,556 link
superfamily (Q2136103) 862 link
suborder (Q5867959) 466 link
subgenus (Q3238261) 423 link
class (Q37517) 385 link
section (Q3181348) 372 link
subtribe (Q3965313) 349 link
subclass (Q5867051) 218 link
superorder (Q5868144) 165 link
cultivar (Q4886) 155 link
form (Q279749) 121 link
infraorder (Q2889003) 116 link
phylum (Q38348) 110 link
subsection (Q5998839) 61 link
division (Q334460) 45 link
subphylum (Q1153785) 43 link
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infraclass (Q2007442) 19 link
series (Q3025161) 18 link
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superclass (Q3504061) 15 link
superphylum (Q3978005) 15 link
parvorder (Q6311258) 15 link
cohort (Q2981883) 14 link
subdivision (Q3491997) 12 link
kingdom (Q36732) 11 link
subcohort (Q7509617) 9 link
serotype (Q848328) 8 link
section (Q10861426) 8 link
subvariety (Q630771) 8 link
Group (Q4150646) 6 link
domain (Q146481) 4 link
supertribe (Q14817220) 4 link
subseries (Q13198444) 4 link
infraphylum (Q2361851) 3 link
supercohort (Q6054425) 3 link
infrakingdom (Q3150876) 3 link
subsection (Q10861375) 3 link
magnorder (Q6054237) 3 link
mirorder (Q7506274) 3 link
species group (Q7574964) 2 link
infracohort (Q4226087) 2 link
superspecies (Q1783100) 2 link
subdomain (Q3491996) 2 link
strain (Q855769) 2 link
branch (Q3418438) 1 link
nothospecies (Q1306176) 1 link
epifamily (Q10296147) 1 link
grandorder (Q6462265) 1 link
infralegion (Q6054535) 1 link
superlegion (Q6054795) 1 link
sublegion (Q6054637) 1 link
legion (Q7504331) 1 link

Used items as reference edit

230 items used for 2.706.972 references with stated in (P248)

item #
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (Q82575) 1,255,873
The Plant List 1.1 (Q15628808) 273,239
National Center for Biotechnology Information (Q82494) 242,242
World Register of Marine Species (Q604063) 211,619
Tropicos (Q2578548) 192,202
International Plant Names Index (Q922063) 185,402
Freebase Data Dumps (Q15241312) 112,921
Encyclopedia of Life (Q82486) 103,902
IUCN Red List 2014.3 (Q18667843) 72,139
World Odonata List (Q13561342) 20,660
Fossilworks (Q796451) 8,084
Mammal Species of the World (Third edition) (Q1538807) 5,245
A phylogeny and revised classification of Squamata, including 4161 species of lizards and snakes (Q13416674) 3,725
Species Plantarum (Q849308) 3,252
The Argasidae, Ixodidae and Nuttalliellidae (Acari: Ixodida) of the world: a list of valid species names (Q15072746) 2,236
Das große Kakteen-Lexikon (Q13520496) 2,187
Checklist of Chelonians of the World (Q14565809) 1,578
The New Cactus Lexicon (Q10695694) 1,482
An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III (Q13683362) 1,449
ICTV Master Species List 2013 v2 (Q18810383) 1,365
Reveal System of Classification (Q14916673) 833
Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 13. Band: Gymnospermae (Q14946978) 662
Aloes. The definitive guide (Q15056640) 519
An ordinal classification for the families of flowering plants (Q14396088) 518
An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG II (Q14565069) 485
An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants (Q14244038) 476
Handbuch der Systematischen Botanik (Q14823899) 378
Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien (ed. 9) (Q14866876) 367
A subfamilial classification for the expanded asparagalean families Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae and Xanthorrhoeaceae (Q14394804) 321
A phylogenetic classification of the land plants to accompany APG III (Q13626292) 246
Genera plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis kewensibus servata definita (Q5876832) 245
Annotated checklist of the recent and extinct pythons (Serpentes, Pythonidae), with notes on nomenclature, taxonomy, and distribution (Q14405740) 183
AlgaeBase (Q2835653) 151
ZipcodeZoo (Q15078690) 98
Phylum Brachiopoda (Q18674784) 60
IUCN Red List (Q32059) 44
Phylum Rotifera Cuvier, 1817 (Q18644400) 40
Phylum Acanthocephala Kohlreuther, 1771 (Q18644461) 24
FishBase (Q837101) 23
Phylum Gastrotricha (Q18642824) 22
The Cactaceae. Volume 3 (Q14592532) 20
English Wikipedia (Q328) 20
Gesamtbeschreibung der Kakteen (Monographia Cactacearum) (Q1516091) 19
IUCN Red List 2013.1 (Q15043677) 19
Flora Boreali-Americana (Q7486274) 16
The Cactaceae. Volume 2 (Q14592529) 14
The Genus Cereus and its Allies in North America (Q14624477) 12
Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 2nd edition (Q5805827) 11
Blätter für Kakteenforschung (Q5730741) 10
A Systematic Revision of the Genus Cereus (Q14928204) 10
A natural arrangement of British plants (Q4033161) 8
Arbustrum Americanum (Q5702533) 8
Why are the Klamath Mountains and adjacent north coast floristically diverse? (Q18758725) 7
A new molecular phylogeny offers hope for a stable family level classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) (Q18415618) 6
Studii sulle Cattee del R. Orto Botanico di Palermo (Q14804320) 5
The Cactaceae. Volume 4 (Q14592543) 5
Two new genera of Cactaceae (Q14624209) 5
Florae Lusitanicae et Brasiliensis Specimen (Q13554291) 5
Agave in the West Indies (Q13426011) 5
Sukkulenten-Lexikon. Einkeimblättrige Pflanzen (Monocotyledonen) (Q13426046) 5
Swedish Wikipedia (Q169514) 5
Dutch Wikipedia (Q10000) 5
Taxonomy database of the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information (Q13711410) 4
Global Butterfly Information System (Q16334561) 4
The Gardeners Dictionary. (8th edition) (Q14640734) 4
Synopsis plantarum succulentarum (Q9080961) 4
Kaktus-ABC (Q5957685) 3
A farewell to dated ideas and concepts: molecular phylogenetics and a revised suprageneric classification of the family Cactaceae (Q13521346) 3
Nuevos taxa de cactaceas de Nuevo Leon, Mexico (Q14755870) 3
The Cactaceae. Volume 1 (Q14592522) 3
Handbook of the Birds of the World (Q1809095) 3
The Abridgement of The Gardeners Dictionary. 4th edition (Q14739029) 3
Dictionnaire d'Horticulture (Q5805674) 3
Les Cactées (Q5973686) 3
Q14621736 3
Descriptio diagnostica nonnullarum Cactearum quae a domino Galeotti in provinciis Potosi et Guanaxato regni Mexicani inveniuntur (Q14768927) 3
Revue Horticole (Q6107276) 3
Die Entwicklungslinien der Kakteen (Q14646246) 3
Darwin's legacy to rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae): A new genus and a new species, including materials collected on the Beagle's voyage (Q15727632) 3
Enumeratio Diagnostica Cactearum (Q5412780) 3
Syllabus (Q3506884) 2
Ueber Lemaire’s Beschreibung einiger neuen Cacteen (Q14647652) 2
Eine neue Cacteen-Gattung (Q14821359) 2
Q14621752 2
Pierrebraunia Esteves, a new genus of Cactaceae from Brazil (Q14823186) 2
Q14621746 2
Über die Gattungen Melocactus und Echinocactus (Q14755022) 2
Breves notas cactológicas (Q14807290) 2
Reconfirming the hybrid origin and generic status of the Iberian cyprinid complex Squalius alburnoides (Q16042075) 2
Pereskiopsis, a new genus of Cactaceae (Q14822724) 2
Studies of Mexican and Central American Plants – No. 5 (Q14755225) 2
Yavia cryptocarpa R. Kiesling & Piltz, gen. & spec. nov. (Q14620815) 2
Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico: connected with Col. Doniphan's Expedition (Q10893476) 2
AntWeb (Q2507304) 2
10th edition of Systema Naturae (Q4547210) 2
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (Q1531570) 2
Preliminary revision of the North American species of Cactus, Anhalonium and Lophophora (Q14762230) 2
Myrtillocactus, nuovo genere di Cactaceae (Q14776689) 2
Vorschlag zu einer neuen natürlichen Anordnung der Cacteen (Q14761510) 2
Kaktusář; odborný měsičnik (Q13548572) 2
An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions. 2nd edition (Q14820651) 2
Pilosocereus Byl. & Rowl. nom. gen. nov. (Cactaceae) (Q14827585) 2
Rebutia minuscula K. Sch. Eine neue Gattung der Kakteen (Q14914984) 2
The Revised Classification of Eukaryotes (Q17792525) 2
Taxonomy of the Gastropoda (Q1355751) 2
A new genus of Cactaceae (Q14646882) 2
Kaktusová příloha časopisu Život v přírodě (Q14803844) 2
Descriptiones Cactacearum Novarum (Q5803939) 2
Synopsis of the Cactaceae of the Territory of the United States and Adjacent Regions (Q14915035) 2
Sukkulenten-Lexikon. Zweikeimblättrige Pflanzen (Dicotyledonen) (Q13427059) 2
De Fructibus et Seminibus Plantarum (Q2569521) 2
Aus den Sammelergebnissen der Reisen von H. Blossfeld und O. Marsoner durch Südamerika III (Q14645585) 2
Die Kakteen (Q5805800) 2
Cintia Knize et Riha: novy kaktus stredni Bolivie (Q14740312) 2
Ein merkwürdig blühender mexikanischer Cereus (Q14827785) 2
Ortegocactus a unique genus (Q14806641) 2
Q14621758 2
Cactaceae Lindley (Q14757722) 2
Disease Ontology release 2014-11-14 (Q18553024) 2
A Review of the Ophidioid Fish Genus Oligopus with the Description of a New Series from West Africa (Q18515931) 2
The Gardeners Dictionary (Q7735861) 2
Phylogenetic evaluation of systematics and biogeography of the leech family Glossiphoniidae (Q15298106) 2
Die Phylogenie der nordamerikanischen Echinocacteen.Trib. Euechinocactineae F. Buxb. (Q14768691) 2
Notes on the Cereus giganteus of South Eastern California and some other Californian Cactaceae (Q14643975) 2
Zootaxa (Q220370) 2
Les Cactées des Îles Galapagos (Q14760326) 2
Petenaeaceae, a new angiosperm family in Huerteales with a distant relationship to Gerrardina (Gerrardinaceae) (Q15989664) 2
Phylogenetic Analysis Of Some Basal Early Cambrian Trilobites, The Biogeographic Origins Of The Eutrilobita, And The Timing Of The Cambrian Radiation (Q13847780) 1
Taschenbuch für Cactusliebhaber (Q13554417) 1
Discocactus insignis (Q14745202) 1
L'illustration horticole (Q5961244) 1
Sukkulenten-Lexikon. Asclepiadaceae (Seidenpflanzengewächse) (Q13427111) 1
Seed-morphology as an aid to classifying the genus Echinopsis Zucc. (Q14624812) 1
Una nueva especie de Selenicereus del suroeste de Mexico (Q14624159) 1
Bulletin de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou (Q2928061) 1
Reptile Database (Q1644501) 1
Catalog of Fishes (Q9185167) 1
AOU Checklist of North American Birds (Q4653166) 1
Sulcorebutia cantargalloensis (Cactaceae) – eine weitere neue Art aus der Cordillera Mandinga, Bolivien (Q14624838) 1
Sulcorebutia novum genus Backbg. (Q14915055) 1
Systema Mycologicum (Q1943729) 1
Additions to the Cactus-Flora of the Territory of the United States (Q14821098) 1
Uma nova especie de Cactacea da Bahia, Brasil: Floribunda bahiensis Braun et Esteves (Q14823601) 1
Observaciones botánicas, y descripción de algunas plantas nuevas (Q14931015) 1
Epiphyllum Russellianum Hook. var. Gärtneri (Q14516331) 1
Cactaceae (Q14931240) 1
Cactearum aliquot novarum (Q14931487) 1
Human Evolution (Q15864332) 1
Genera Plantarum (Jussieu) (Q5876825) 1
Integrated Authority File (Q36578) 1
National Central Library of Florence (Q460907) 1
Disocactus biformis. Two-shaped torch-thistle (Q14745673) 1
Plantarum novarum vel minus cognitarum, quae in horto botanico herbarioque regio Monacensi servantur. Fasciculus Tertius. Cacteae (Q14755046) 1
The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture (Q13554422) 1
New names in Rhipsalidinae (Cactaceae) (Q14516216) 1
Die Entwicklungslinien der Tribus Cereeae Britt. et Rose emend. F. Buxbaum (Cactaceae-Cactoideae) I. Die „brasilianischen Pilocereen“ (Q14914940) 1
Entrez (Q1345229) 1
Annotated checklist of the rotifers (Phylum Rotifera), with notes on nomenclature, taxonomy and distribution (Q18639278) 1
Oldest Known Pantherine Skull and Evolution of the Tiger (Q17139403) 1
Q14760598 1
Saurischia (Q17861820) 1
Nomenclatorial transfers (Q14405376) 1
Englera (Q13548547) 1
Parodia pilayaensis (Cactaceae) – eine neue Art aus Bolivien (Q14624793) 1
Pilosocereus hermii (Cactaceae) – eine neue Kakteenart aus dem nordwestlichen Minas Gerais, Brasilien (Q14624733) 1
Neue Sukkulenten aus dem Botanischen Garten Berlin-Dahlem. II (Q14624772) 1
Sulcorebutia azurduyensis (Cactaceae) – eine neue Art aus der Umgebung von Azurduy, Bolivien (Q14624837) 1
Eine neue Art aus Bolivien – Sulcorebutia heliosoides (Cactaceae) (Q14624840) 1
Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Paris (Q6035790) 1
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Q13011) 1
The genus Epiphyllum and its allies (Q14503029) 1
fish (Q152) 1
Cactaceae novae (Q14755420) 1
Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Cereus du Mexique (Q14757728) 1
Two new species of Cumacea (Malacostraca, Peracarida) from Peter The Great Bay (Sea of Japan) (Q17504663) 1
Erythea (Q5837291) 1
Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey (Q15981946) 1
Hortus Kewensis (Q9004838) 1
Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies (Q15753050) 1
Worms (Q3852) 1
Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomy of birds (Q839752) 1
Systema Naturae (Q29270) 1
Een nieuw geslacht der Cactaceae uit Minas Gerais – Uebelmannia Buining gen. nov. (Q14915090) 1
The worldwide holoparasitic Apodanthaceae confidently placed in the Cucurbitales by nuclear and mitochondrial gene trees (Q15989678) 1
Descripcion de las plantas nuevas incorporadas últimamente en el herbario chileno (Q14755069) 1
Kakteen (Q1721893) 1
Neue Kakteen aus dem Andengebiet (Q14914961) 1
Sukkulenten-Lexikon. Crassulaceae (Dickblattgewächse) (Q13427103) 1
The New Cities (Q1628974) 1
Eurotatoria (Q275594) 1
Some new chinese plants (Q14634328) 1
The Cactus Family (Q10695442) 1
A New Species of Rhipsalis (Cactaceae) from Brazil (Q14624611) 1
Pilosocereus pseudosuperfloccosus – eine neue Kakteensippe aus West-Bahia, Brasilien (Q14624746) 1
North American Flora (Q6045137) 1
Freebase (Q1453477) 1
Mémoires de la Société nationale des sciences naturelles de Cherbourg (Q15136482) 1
Fauna Europaea (Q2745977) 1
Hamburger Garten- Blumenzeitung (Q5891604) 1
Flora of the Galapagos Islands (Q14646048) 1
Descriptions of some new Cacti and Mammillariae, recently brought from Mexico by Mr. Bullock of the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly; and now preserved, with many other very rare Plants in the Nursery of Mr. Tate, in Sloanestreet (Q14647870) 1
Beschreibung einiger neuen Cacteen welche im Fürstlich Salm-Dyck'schen Garten cultivirt werden (Q14762421) 1
Beitrag zur Kakteenkunde (Q14827678) 1
Armeriae et Statices generum species nonnullas novas proponit (Q14405388) 1
Cereus Queretaroensis, Web. (Q14944082) 1
Supplementum Plantarum (Q3504851) 1
Phylogeny of the “Forgotten” Cellular Slime Mold, Fonticula alba, Reveals a Key Evolutionary Branch within Opisthokonta (Q18776012) 1
International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Q693148) 1
Harrisia, A new Genus of Cactaceae (Q14757705) 1
Florula Atacamensis seu Enumeriatio (Q5863252) 1
Den nye Kaktusbog (Q13554224) 1
Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis (Q2712448) 1
Sulcorebutia viridis (Cactaceae) – eine neue Art aus Bolivien (Q14624878) 1
Sulcorebutia juckeri (Cactaceae) – eine neue Art aus der Cordillera Mandinga, Bolivien (Q14624847) 1
A new combination in Peniocereus (Cactaceae) (Q14624660) 1
A description of the plant Butea (Q14645510) 1
Sulcorebutia vargasii (Cactaceae) – eine neue Art aus Ostbolivien (Q14624865) 1
Reveal system (Q614170) 1
Sulcorebutia roberto-vasquezii (Cactaceae) – eine neue Art aus Bolivien (Q14624854) 1
Thelocactus lausseri Riha et Busek. Eine neue Art aus dem Norden Mexikos (Q14624399) 1
Amphibian Species of the World (Q2844175) 1
Status of Rare and Endemic Plants (Q18761791) 1
Leuchtenbergia principis. Noble Leuchtenbergia (Q14554954) 1
Cacteae in Horto Dyckensi Cultae (ed. 1849) (Q5738798) 1
Quatre Cactées nouvelles du Mexique (Q14830504) 1
Notes on Cacteae I (Q14931508) 1
Flora Germanica Excursoria (Q5862764) 1
World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (Q8035497) 1
Philippine Journal of Science (Q6074313) 1
The Plant List (Q625817) 1